Checklist Files

I installed 9.12 upgrade on my g3x touch and then later to 9.13. But I noticed the checklist in the menu is missing after 9.12 and the same experience after 9.13. Anyone experience missing checklist in the menu after the upgrade? I used a different SD card for the upgrade and later the the old 8GB one back where I have the checklist stored in the Garmin folder.

I had the exact same experience with my checklist. Not sure if the weight and balance is on mine now either?

Not sure of the best way to restore those item(s)?

Drop your checklist file in the root directory of the SD card and it should resolve this problem. If it is within any other folder the system will not recognize the file any more.


Autopilot kicking out during preflight test

Anyone else seeing the autopilot kick out early during the suggested preflight with 9.12 or 9.13 (see below)? How about when engaging level mode and then doing the preflight? Please respond if it working for you as well, I’m trying to figure out if I’m the odd man out.

If it’s intentional, it’s not a bad feature to kick the autopilot out if you’re deliberately trying to overpower it, I’m just worried that it’s not a feature.

To ensure the Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) is operating properly prior to flight, perform the following Garmin recommended preflight checks.
Before takeoff checklist - Garmin GFC 500:
Autopilot - ENGAGE (using AP/CWS button, or AP button on mode controller)
Flight controls - CHECK (verify autopilot can be overpowered in both pitch and roll)
AP DISC button - PRESS (verify autopilot disengages and audio alert is heard)
AP Disconnect During Ground Testing

Anyone else seeing the autopilot kick out early during the suggested preflight with 9.12 or 9.13 (see below)? How about when engaging level mode and then doing the preflight? Please respond if it working for you as well, I’m trying to figure out if I’m the odd man out.

If it’s intentional, it’s not a bad feature to kick the autopilot out if you’re deliberately trying to overpower it, I’m just worried that it’s not a feature.

To ensure the Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) is operating properly prior to flight, perform the following Garmin recommended preflight checks.
Before takeoff checklist - Garmin GFC 500:
Autopilot - ENGAGE (using AP/CWS button, or AP button on mode controller)
Flight controls - CHECK (verify autopilot can be overpowered in both pitch and roll)
AP DISC button - PRESS (verify autopilot disengages and audio alert is heard)

Hi Tom,

If you abruptly apply torque to overpower the controls on the ground this will occur to minimize wear and tear on the servo. We are modifying our guidance for this procedure in both Certified and Experimental installations. We have a new document coming soon that will reflect this change, I will respond here when the document is released to let you know it is available.


Loaded up 9.13 and have had zero issues. The preflight and inflight checks went as normal like before with 9.10. I have ESP turned off so it doesn't interfere with my style of aviating. Also have not seen the ammeter issue.
We've only done a few flights after the upgrade, but we were able to overpower the AP during the preflight check without it turning off.
Updated to 9.13 today and did a test flight. I did not have any issues. Was able to over power the autopilot and it did not disconnect. I have my max torque’s set to where it does not take a lot of force to overcome so that may be a difference. Did not test ESP yet but will do that in an upcoming flight. .
9.14 version released

9.14 version was posted on Garmin website. Where do you find the release notes or read me file?
I have my max torque’s set to where it does not take a lot of force to overcome so that may be a difference. .

Sorry for the drift here, but suggest you find a compromise in this force that requires more than just light force. You may find that in turbulence that your AP disconnects from excessive force or simply can't make the required adjustments to hold your altitude in turbulence. This can be a problem in IFR with strong up or down drafts as you must hold 100'. You want a balance here and it should take a decent amount of force for you to overcome the servo, otherwise it may not be able to do it's job in tough conditions.

Just one mans opinion, but I have been is some rough wx that requires pretty aggressive moves from the AP and you don't want it to disconnect at a time you could be distracted with something else.

Drop your checklist file in the root directory of the SD card and it should resolve this problem. If it is within any other folder the system will not recognize the file any more.




@g3xpert. I updated to 9.14 today. I did put the checklist separately on the SD card. It would not work. Called Garmin support and no solution was found. Please advise. Thanks.

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GNX updates

Out of curiosity, do these updates also include updates to the GNX375 (and other navigators) or is there a separate place to download those?
Out of curiosity, do these updates also include updates to the GNX375 (and other navigators) or is there a separate place to download those?

These are found very same download page with the experimental G3X software updates. The navigators require their own download to create the update SD card. Look in the list of offerings under the heading of "Additional Software". You will see two downloads for the 2" navigators 175/355/375. The first one is the service bulletin with instructions and the second is the actual software download.
I have had no luck with the VNAV and takeoff safe altitude alerts. In configuration mode, I play the sounds and they are audible in my headset. I set the altitude for the takeoff safe altitude alert at 500 AGL. But when I flew the plane, neither of these two alerts were played. (Autopilot disconnect tones were fine, so it’s not an audio connection or volume problem.) Has anyone else run into this? What are the conditions for these two alerts to actually trigger and play?

Edit to add: I have a GTN 650 Xi that is the source of the flight plan, including vertical navigation. I get a TOD on my G3X Touch map. But I do not get any audio alerts related to nearing or passing the TOD.
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