.......... Currently when you download the engine data onto Savvy Analysis the only two data points that not included are the Hobbs and Tach time. ..............

If you open the .csv file in excel, the header includes Tach and Hobbs time. But you'd like those added to the rest of the columns I suppose.

So, a workaround could be to open the file in a spreadsheet, get the tach/hobbs time and then close and rename the file with those numbers included in the filename.

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Echo chamber?

Any ideas for improving the G3X wishlist?

I tend to thing this seven year long thread is rather unwieldy. I’m not sure how much Garmin even monitors it.

At one time someone was consolidating the wishlist periodically. I’m wondering if we can start doing that again, perhaps monthly or quarterly. Perhaps start a new thread every time it’s been consolidated.

If there would be some way for users to vote on their most wanted feature from the wishlist, that might be a way to raise the visibility to Garmin. Could this be done with email forwarding and then processing the emails?

Perhaps a rule to have only one idea per reply with the title having a description of the feature and the text details and justification. This would make it a lot easier on the consolidator.

Thoughts? Other ideas?
System Info, FADEC errors shown outside config mode

Sounds like a good idea to me.

EDIT: Also, if it hasn't been submitted before - Ability to get into System Info, to see FADEC error msgs, without needing to boot into config mode.
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Ability to get into System Info, to see FADEC error msgs, without needing to boot into config mode.

FADEC information has been available in normal mode in the GDU 4xx since version 8.81, and a System Diagnostics page has been available in the main menu since version 9.10.
I’d still love the ability to mark which fuel tank is draining based on an input from a switch. If pin (pulled) high, then fuel flow is from the left tank, if pin low, from the right. I’d totally glue a magnet to the bottom of my andair selector knob and put a reed switch or hall effect sensor behind it, but for someone hat didn’t want to bother, just wire a switch you flip at the same time.
FADEC information has been available in normal mode in the GDU 4xx since version 8.81, and a System Diagnostics page has been available in the main menu since version 9.10.

Finally found it. I was given old information by Van's support I guess - I'll let the person know where to find it. Thanks.
I’d still love the ability to mark which fuel tank is draining based on an input from a switch. If pin (pulled) high, then fuel flow is from the left tank, if pin low, from the right. I’d totally glue a magnet to the bottom of my andair selector knob and put a reed switch or hall effect sensor behind it, but for someone hat didn’t want to bother, just wire a switch you flip at the same time.

I’ve asked for this several times.
Here are a few things I’d like to see after using my 10” G3X touch for the 19 months:

- Currently when you download the engine data onto Savvy Analysis the only two data points that not included are the Hobbs and Tach time. I’ve mentioned this to Garmin several times over the last year with no response. It seems to me a very simple modification to the data logging. Although this is not a big deal why not include these two parameters. If I want to look at engine data 6 or 9 months ago on Savvy Analysis why should I have to search my logbook to estimate what my engine time was.

I'll second this, and would also like to point out that even the flygarmin logbook and data analysis tool does not display hobbs or tach time.

Also the logbook has fields for an "out"and "in" times but these also stay blank. Could this not be logged based on the same parameter that starts and stops hobbs?

No change here. You likely have VNAV enabled on your GTN 650 Xi, and did not on the GTN 650. It has always worked like this. If VNAV is enabled on the external navigator, that is where you will program a VNAV descent. If VNAV is not enabled on the external navigator, you will program the VNAV descent in the G3X Touch.


I have tried this again and again and made sure VNAV function was disabled on the 650xi and the result was the same
The VNAV function of the G3X works only if the flight plan is set to internal. With my old 650, it worked whether it was set to internal or external.

Am I missing anything here?
Fuel Mismatch Message

Fuel Mismatch Message when the Fuel Qty read from the fuel level sensors significantly differs from the calculated REM fuel (remaining fuel) on board.
If you open the .csv file in excel, the header includes Tach and Hobbs time. But you'd like those added to the rest of the columns I suppose.

So, a workaround could be to open the file in a spreadsheet, get the tach/hobbs time and then close and rename the file with those numbers included in the filename.

View attachment 35405

And why should we the users have to do that when it’s so so easy for Garmin to include those data points like every other parameter? Every other manufacture Dynon, AFS, GRT, etc includes all the parameters, so why can’t Garmin? I’ve asked Garmin on multiple occasions, but they make it seem like it’s a monumental task that will take months when in actuality the time it takes me to write this they could’ve already had it done.
A "Switch Tank" type pop up warning for OAT when it is approaching freezing temp for the pitot heat.
I wish I could have a single GDU with and ADAHRS and select to be either MFD or PFD. Currently it will default to PFD when an ADAHRS is present and will not select to MFD with that setup. I’d love to have a G5 as PFD and GDU as MFD but have the option for selecting PFD if I want.
Thanks Matt, but I have just the plain and standard pitot heat. Hopefully they can add the CAS message for that as well.

You can still get the CAS message today if you have an unused discrete input. You don't even need to add any additional wiring. See "Pitot Temp" in section of the current installation manual (revision AS).
I wish I could have a single GDU with and ADAHRS and select to be either MFD or PFD. Currently it will default to PFD when an ADAHRS is present and will not select to MFD with that setup. I’d love to have a G5 as PFD and GDU as MFD but have the option for selecting PFD if I want.

The system doesn't allow you to remove required instruments, so if you have an ADAHRS you have to have a PFD page somewhere. But a system with a G5 and a GDU acting as a full-screen MFD (no ADAHRS) is supported if that's what you want.
No I actually want to be able to do it with the ADAHRS there. So that’s why it is a wish. I already know it doesn’t do what I want.

The reason I want this is to have a g5 as PFD. But if the g5 dies I’d like to have the ADAHRS support the GDU as a PFD. I’m only wanting one GDU.

So a discrete input that allowed Mfd/pfd selection in addition to the current reversion mode select would be my answer.
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No I actually want to be able to do it with the ADAHRS there. So that’s why it is a wish. I already know it doesn’t do what I want.

The reason I want this is to have a g5 as PFD. But if the g5 dies I’d like to have the ADAHRS support the GDU as a PFD. I’m only wanting one GDU.

So a discrete input that allowed MDF/pfd selection in addition to the current reversion mode select would be my answer.

I know you’re talking about being able to use a G5 as a PFD and how that’s not currently possible, but I’m wondering if a GI 275 could be used?
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You can still get the CAS message today if you have an unused discrete input. You don't even need to add any additional wiring. See "Pitot Temp" in section of the current installation manual (revision AS).
Hi Matt,
This is a great info and thank you for sharing.
Just to clarify, with those who don't have a controller, we can still use an unused discrete which will not require to use a physical wire to connect to any thing, it just uses the discrete logically based on the OAT temp.
No I actually want to be able to do it with the ADAHRS there. So that’s why it is a wish. I already know it doesn’t do what I want.

The reason I want this is to have a g5 as PFD. But if the g5 dies I’d like to have the ADAHRS support the GDU as a PFD. I’m only wanting one GDU.

So a discrete input that allowed Mfd/pfd selection in addition to the current reversion mode select would be my answer.

Instead of buying a GSU 25 to back up the G5 (and probably never use it), why not just install a second G5 and use it as an HSI when it is not being the backup for the primary G5?


Good idea. I remembered the other reason I want the ADAHRS is for the AOA display that I like so much. So I have to add to my wish putting the AOA on the G5 or MFD. not likely to happen I think.
Partial Flaps Max Airspeed

Support more Partial Flaps Max Airspeed limitations. Currently only one Partial Flaps Max Airspeed is supported.
My primary magnetometer is the standard GMU22, linked to my only GSU25/G3X via RS485. I added a GMU11 to the Can-Bus to work with the G5. The G3X system didn’t automatically recognise the GMU11 presence until I enabled ADAHRS #2 in the G3X LRU Config. There obviously isn’t a second GSU25, but this does then allow Magnetometer #2 to be enabled on the next line of the config page. The GMU11 is now clearly visible, with a green tick, in the Can-Bus diagnostics on the G5. And it works fine to drive my autopilot in HDG mode when I pull the GSU25 (+G3X) breaker.

However, I have now persistent yellow advisories on the GDU for ‘AHARS #2 fail’ and ‘ADC # 2 fail’: it isn’t there a second GSU25 after all!
Disabling ADAHRS #2 (G3X LRU Config) effectively removes the GMU11 and associated heading failover.

Seems I have stumbled across an undocumented ‘work in progress’ feature, maybe?
You shouldn't need a GMU 11 if you have a GMU 22 in the system. Your system is exactly like mine except I only have one GMU 22 and two GSU 25s. And a single G5.
However, I have now persistent yellow advisories on the GDU for ‘AHARS #2 fail’ and ‘ADC # 2 fail’: it isn’t there a second GSU25 after all!
Disabling ADAHRS #2 (G3X LRU Config) effectively removes the GMU11 and associated heading failover.

Seems I have stumbled across an undocumented ‘work in progress’ feature, maybe?

Since you copy/pasted your previous post from another thread, I will copy/paste my reply:

You answered your own question... it doesn't support having a greater number of magnetometers than ADAHRS units, so by telling it to expect two ADAHRS units you have caused it to show you an error message to tell you that one of them is missing.
You shouldn't need a GMU 11 if you have a GMU 22 in the system. Your system is exactly like mine except I only have one GMU 22 and two GSU 25s. And a single G5.

As I've already wrote, I have only one G3X and one GSU25, so we do not have the same system. 90% of IFR-rated SEP (eg SR22) have two magnetometers for a reason (and the 10% without redundancy, may have troubles in IMC: https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/16857). I'm looking for GA-standard IFR/IMC capability and redundancy for my plane.
You shouldn't need a GMU 11 if you have a GMU 22 in the system. Your system is exactly like mine except I only have one GMU 22 and two GSU 25s. And a single G5.

See also https://vansairforce.net/community/showthread.php?t=139717

"Well equipped Lancair IV turboprop N86NW with 3000 hr IFR rated pilot.
Takeoff with 1000 ft ceiling, cleared to 12K, almost immediately after TO controller noticed aircraft off course, controller calls and pilot acknowledges and turns back on course. About 1.5 min later aircraft is off course again and this time when controller calls he gets no response. Aircraft climbs to 6K feet in a right turn then enters a diving right turn and crashes. Entire flight is 5 minutes.
Investigation revealed that the magnetometer failed"
As I've already wrote, I have only one G3X and one GSU25, so we do not have the same system. 90% of IFR-rated SEP (eg SR22) have two magnetometers for a reason (and the 10% without redundancy, may have troubles in IMC: https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/16857). I'm looking for GA-standard IFR/IMC capability and redundancy for my plane.

Wow, how in the world does LOC from a failed vacuum system/attitude gyro (what else is new) as referenced in the above link, even remotely have anything to do with loss of heading information from a failed magnetometer? So, now you have track instead of HDG, big deal.
Want a totally independent AI with magnetometer, suggest you install a GI275.
For me dual GSU25's and the GI275 (without a mag) is more than adequate for IFR redundancy.

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LRU controlling external circuits

Request for an LRU interfaced with the G3X system that could control multiple external low power circuits (LEDs or relays) based on user programmed logic signals in the G3X Touch.

EDIT: Kind of an enhanced GAD27 unit ;)
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Request for an LRU interfaced with the G3X system that could control multiple external low power circuits (LEDs or relays) based on user programmed logic signals in the G3X Touch.

Garmin already provides an easy-to-decode RS-232 format intended for applications like this, which would be trivial to support with something like an Ardunio. Either find a high school kid to program it for you, or spend a few weekends looking at tutorials.
Garmin already provides an easy-to-decode RS-232 format intended for applications like this, which would be trivial to support with something like an Ardunio. Either find a high school kid to program it for you, or spend a few weekends looking at tutorials.
Being one that has built many projects like this, it is not not fun to do but it is also very powerful.

There is also an “airplane” quality hardened Arduino based controller design/board available by one of our VAF friends.

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Thank you Matt and Brian,

good idea!

Garmin already provides an easy-to-decode RS-232 format intended for applications like this, which would be trivial to support with something like an Ardunio. Either find a high school kid to program it for you, or spend a few weekends looking at tutorials.

Being one that has built many projects like this, it is not not fun to do but it is also very powerful.

There is also an “airplane” quality hardened Arduino based controller design/board available by one of our VAF friends.

Garmin already provides an easy-to-decode RS-232 format intended for applications like this, which would be trivial to support with something like an Ardunio. Either find a high school kid to program it for you, or spend a few weekends looking at tutorials.

Which LRU has the serial interface? Link to documentation?
A TPMS tire pressure monitoring system is on my wishlist for the G3X.

Garmin already manufactures valve stem sensors here that talk to their zumo motorcycle products. Shouldn't be very difficult to create a canbus-connected wireless receiver to talk to them and present the data to the G3X.

I'd think every Vans with wheel fairings would want it.
I agree. A G3X-connectable [edit: bluetooth!] tire pressure monitor system would be great! I’d order that today.
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Will the tire pressure caps work with bluetooth? That would be a great feature! :cool:
Roll trim indication

Those of us without electric trim get a message to trim up or down when auto pilot is engaged. What about a roll trim message?
Logical AND operation with Advanced Gauge Config

Request for: Logical AND operation option with Advanced Gauge Configuration if multiple markings are configured to set the same logic signal.

Currently a logical OR operation is supported only. v.9.31
Additional MAIN PAGE with Scratchpad

Additional MAIN PAGE with a Scratchpad (for basic notes)

No idea if the G3X Touch screen would support writing simple notes by hand (optionally with keyboard)
A feature that would be very nice to have is to ability to set 'Missed Approach' Altitude that when we push the GoTo it will use that as the selected altitude instead of what is in the altitude bug.
A feature that would be very nice to have is to ability to set 'Missed Approach' Altitude that when we push the GoTo it will use that as the selected altitude instead of what is in the altitude bug.

You should set the MA altitude after you've captured the GP, then when you TOGA out, it will go to that altitude and fly the MA.
You should set the MA altitude after you've captured the GP, then when you TOGA out, it will go to that altitude and fly the MA.

This is what I am doing currently, but it would be nice to separate the MA altitude from the altitude bug. At the minimum it reduces one task during the critical portion of the flight.
Not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but the new Garmin radios reminded me:
It would be great to have a favorites option/list in the pop up radio tuner page on the GDU.
Would only need to have 5-10 at the most.