
Well Known Member
I thought I'd share some pretty pictures of my panel progress:



Apologies for the poor quality - it's hard to photograph LCD screens, especially when covered with protective film.

Very impressive. Is there an internal AHRS and air data computer to the G3X or does it use something similar to the GDC74A and GRS77? It looks like a three screen G900X on a diet. I can see a definate place in the market for it.
You've been a BAD boy Matt....you should know the rules by now! When you post something like that, you first have to hand out drool rags and little blue pills for those of us who can't measure up! :)

I especially like the round beverage dispensers to the left of the EFIS screens, but do you need THREE of them?!?!

NICE Job man!!!!!


PS Should be some interesting stuff to see at OSH this year!
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- Three words Matt

Going First Class ...I've heard it only costs a little more than coach. Probably not true in this case.

Without question, one of the most impressive panels I've seen. Great job!
Now that we're increasing word count... four words Matt...

Long live employee discount :)

Great looking panel..

PS.. Does it have engine monitoring capabilities? I assume it does..
I especially like the round beverage dispensers to the left of the EFIS screens, but do you need THREE of them?!?!

Sure... Classic, Diet, and Cherry!

Actually those will be filled by an airspeed indicator I bought from you, a TruTrak ADI, and an altimeter that I have yet to purchase since I'm waiting for somebody to come out with one that's cheaper than the Winter. Hey, I have to cut corners somewhere! :)


Don't know what you're talking about, nice and quiet up front!


How quickly you forget, you -76 snob.


Wow, F16 guys are jealous

Pretty soon you all are going to start putting in HUD's becuase there is too much information on your screens!

I would love to know the Garmin Employee discount....

Don't know what you're talking about, nice and quiet up front!


How quickly you forget, you -76 snob.



"we could be doing 340 if it wasn't for that airway FOD":D:D:p


I hate to break it to you. . . the MD80 IS an antique. . .
I better be nice. . . I am only one Master Shuffle. . . nevermind. . .


But seriously, I do have a question about this box. While I am a LONG way away, Is Garmin working on using this display as an a la carte control head for the GPS/COMM/NAV/TXP/I-com/XM?

Like, say I want 1-GPSw, 1-VOR/LOC, 2-comms, 1-TXP. I would think that would simplify the heck out of installation and do away with the need for the -430's. . . Or if you want the capability of dual 430's, or any combination that the builder wants? (VFR only, 696, 1 comm, 1-txp, etc. . .). . .

My guess is yes. . . shhhhhh. . . soon?:confused:
WOW...Is that one of those low budget panels?

covet covet...I must be one of boys with toys. (ok soon to be ...still building now..)

very nice

LOL! This is funny, because I have a separate thread open on what backup altimeter to use.

Here your panel is loaded with high end, quality Garmin components and you are still doing backups! You're a paranoid man, and I love it!

Lovely panel Matt. Wish I had your employee discount!

Sure... Classic, Diet, and Cherry!

Actually those will be filled by an airspeed indicator I bought from you, a TruTrak ADI, and an altimeter that I have yet to purchase since I'm waiting for somebody to come out with one that's cheaper than the Winter. Hey, I have to cut corners somewhere! :)

Like, say I want 1-GPSw, 1-VOR/LOC, 2-comms, 1-TXP. I would think that would simplify the heck out of installation and do away with the need for the -430's. . . Or if you want the capability of dual 430's, or any combination that the builder wants? (VFR only, 696, 1 comm, 1-txp, etc. . .). . .

Well, a point of clarification: Those displays are not 696s, they are GDUs... the 696's panel-mounted big brother. As for questions about modularity, the short answer is - yes it's all designed to be highly modular. The longer answer is here.

How about a haiku for Matt?

Incredible sight!

Buttons, glass panels galore

His thin wallet cries.
Does a GDU 370 or 375 + an SL-30 = a GNS430W? I see you have 430s, but is that because you already had them or you wanted quintuple GPS redundancy?
G900X Competition?

That's an incredible set up there. I would be interested in how it compares to the G900X. It looks like you will be able to build a G3X system considerably cheaper than a G900X, but I would like to know what you would end up giving up. If they are virtually the same, does that mean that Garmin will be reducing the price on the G900X?
Does a GDU 370 or 375 + an SL-30 = a GNS430W? I see you have 430s, but is that because you already had them or you wanted quintuple GPS redundancy?

I would think NO. While the GDU 3X includes a 12 channel WAAS GPS engine, it is not, and probably will never be certified TSO 129 or 146 required for IFR.
From my standpoint the G900X is still a different animal and they'll be apples/oranges. First, it's certified (the 900X) and the G3X is not. The G900X is totally integrated and the 3X is not. So on and so forth....anyway, there are lots of differences.

They are kinda sorta aimed at a little different market. I could be wrong (I often am), but my guess is that the price of the 900X's would not change significantly with the introduction of the G3X. I can see the G3X as ending up competing more in range with a well done AFS/GRT type panel than the high end 900X panels. I guess we'll all have to wait and see what the final pricing looks like on a G3X package.

My 2 cents as usual.

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Very Nice...any first flight target??

Hello Matt,

Very impressive panel...obviously the best equipped RV in the Kansas City area. The RV numbers are growing like crazy in the KC area...can't wait for you to join the group fly-outs. With that fantastic panel, you can take lead and provide guidance and weather updates...congratulations.

Bill Gill
Lee's Summit, MO
RV-7 N151WP
Did you guys hear that??? That was the sound of me hitting the floor!!! I wonder if Santa ever stops by Garmin??? That is the most amazing panel that I have ever seen in a RV. Well done sir!!!
Very impressive panel...obviously the best equipped RV in the Kansas City area. The RV numbers are growing like crazy in the KC area...can't wait for you to join the group fly-outs. With that fantastic panel, you can take lead and provide guidance and weather updates...congratulations

Thanks Bill - looking forward to it. It will certainly be a change from my last RV! (needle, ball, and airspeed... and some of the time a working engine)

leatherneck pilot Matt B....

Matt, you are such a leatherneck. How about FSS forecast wx, an outdated sectional, E6B calculated wind correction angles, wrist watch timing the section lines for airspeed. What about reading the water towers for position reports? Oh yea, now the all say RFD#, so O.K., I guess you did the right thing...
Does a GDU 370 or 375 + an SL-30 = a GNS430W?

Not quite - I have both a GDU 375 MFD and a pair of 430Ws in my airplane because they each do different things. The 430s are TSO'd IFR boxes that will let me do IFR stuff (oversimplification, but bear with me) as well as giving me a pair of comm radios. The MFD is for situational awareness, charts, engine data, and so forth. Each has things that it does well.

Of course, if you don't care about IFR, you don't need the fancy radio stack or any other GPS. You might be interested to go look at the panel of a certain brand-new airplane from a well-known manufacturer located in the midwest, and compare it to what you see here... :)

Let me quess - Skycatcher

I liked the looks of that panel when I saw the plane up close at OSH 07. Didn't think I could afford the boxes back then and still can't. I'll have to go GRT or AFS route.
Don't assume automatically that you can't afford it. The fact is that Garmin is listening, watching, seeing these discussions - studying the marketplace and overall paying close attention. I'm not saying it'll be the lowest price thing out there, but given the fact that final pricing hasn't yet been determined, I'd be inclined to think that a finished panel with the G3X stuff in it appropriately equipped will be fairly competitive with AFS and GRT. Maye not necessarily cheaper but probably not a huge distance off when the entire thing is considered.

The reality is that we don't know what the final pricing is going to be exactly so I could again be wrong....but all I'm saying is that I wouldn't make any assumptions at this point.

Matt or Stein -

I'm interested to know how the G3X panel would differ from the one I just finished designing in terms of functionality and cost. This is a dual AHRS AFS set up for dual P-Mags.


A penny for your thoughts on this one. Should I look at the G3X or would dual Garmin AHRS units push the cost in to outer space for us IFR flyers? Is Garmin thinking about dual AHRS at a reasonable price for the G3X like AFS did for the 4500's?

- Peter
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Matt or Stein -

I'm interested to know how the G3X panel would differ from the one I just finished designing in terms of functionality and cost. This is a dual AHRS AFS set up for dual P-Mags.

All other items remaining the same, an equivalent Garmin GDU-3X will be twice ($26K vs $13K) as much as you AFS configuration. But then you can deduct the cost of the 696 making it more like $23K--a $10K difference.
All other items remaining the same, an equivalent Garmin GDU-3X will be twice ($26K vs $13K) as much as you AFS configuration. But then you can deduct the cost of the 696 making it more like $23K--a $10K difference.

Have you heard $26K with Dual ARHS? (still WAY over AFS) ...and for it to be apples to apples I would still keep the GDU375 in the middle of my AFS panel.

- Peter
All other items remaining the same, an equivalent Garmin GDU-3X will be twice ($26K vs $13K) as much as you AFS configuration. But then you can deduct the cost of the 696 making it more like $23K--a $10K difference.

Unless you know something I don't (which is entirely possible), it's hard to put concrete numbers like that down when Garmin hasn't released final pricing on this system yet. I haven't heard what a dual AHRS system pricing is....The fact is I'm betting none of us knows for sure (I don't even know that Garmin yet knows for sure) what the exact final pricing is going to be. No doubt it'll likely be higher than a GRT or AFS, but I wouldn't stick my own neck out and put any firm prices for an entire package or panel down on paper just yet. All I know is what they've published so far, and that is "preliminary" numbers....as we all know the final numbers might be higher, but they also may be lower.

Beyond that I hate to speculate. I do know that Garmin is paying attention. I do know it's bound to be a heck of a nice product, and I do know they want to get into this market....so who knows what might happen in the end. I'm sure this product will not be for everyone, but I've yet to see any product that is everything to every builder. I suspect we'll all know a heck of a lot more in the coming months as airshow season nears!

A poet, too?

Randy Pflanzer wrote:

How about a haiku for Matt?

Incredible sight!

Buttons, glass panels galore

His thin wallet cries.

Randy, You have maybe the nicest wiring job I have ever seen and you write poetry, too? A true Renaissance man.
You won't need that high end AP with the AFS solution....

Matt or Stein -

I'm interested to know how the G3X panel would differ from the one I just finished designing in terms of functionality and cost. This is a dual AHRS AFS set up for dual P-Mags.


A penny for your thoughts on this one. Should I look at the G3X or would dual Garmin AHRS units push the cost in to outer space for us IFR flyers? Is Garmin thinking about dual AHRS at a reasonable price for the G3X like AFS did for the 4500's?

- Peter
Here your panel is loaded with high end, quality Garmin components and you are still doing backups! You're a paranoid man, and I love it!

Don't be so sure, the 430W is still the only piece of kit turned up DOA!


RV7A - FF Any day now.
You won't need that high end AP with the AFS solution....

I agree but the real truth is I don't "need" any of it. 90% of my flying will be pancakes on Saturday morning but hey...it will be fun to have Miss Garmin fly the back course down to minimums for me!

- Peter