Just received this email on a local EAA circulation. Any interest call Dennis directly.

> "I have two Garmin 296's and one 396 that I would like to sell, 750 a piece
for the 296 and 1,500 for
the 396. I'll see you at the gathering in Wellington.
> Best Regards,
> Dennis Andersen
> President
> Florida Jet Sales, Inc.
> 1514 Perimeter Road, Suite 108
> Palm Beach International Airport
> West Palm Beach, FL 33406
> (561) 615-8231"
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mhflyit said:
I'll see you at the gathering in Wellington.
> Best Regards,
> Dennis Andersen
> President
> Florida Jet Sales, Inc.
> 1514 Perimeter Road, Suite 108
> Palm Beach International Airport
> West Palm Beach, FL 33406
> (561) 615-8231"

Gathering in Wellington? Who? When???
Maybe I wasn't paying attention!
I'd go for a 496 if the price was right. I've been holding off as long as I can, but the hole is cut so I'm committed!

I updated the picture recently to include a trial run with a friend's 396. I'm sure the panel will look much better with the 496! :D

Rod Woodard
rodney *at* woodardfamily *d0t*c0m*

BTW, it's a Midget Mustang panel. The RV-8 project is on hold until this thing flys again! :D

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I'm interested in a 296, either if that could be included in the buy OR if someone that picks up a 396 or 496 wants to sell theirs. I am looking for a GREAT deal though, sub $1000.

Count me in for the 496. I have a 195 now and in need of an upgrade.

In Iraq right now, but should be home later this month. Thanks Doug for VAF keeping me sane during this deployment.

John Balbierer
RV-6, N30JB
174th Fighter Wing-Syracuse
496/ 596

I would like one too. In fact it would help if we knew WHEN this would happen. Have not heard from original poster in awhile. Are we going ahead with this? Looks like the 596 will be here soon. :)
Please let us know what the time line would be. I could wait if it is worth it in terms of savings.
Please check your email

As stated in my intial post, this group buy would take place in January.

I have sent all those interested an email, if you haven't received the note it is because you are not on my list or I do not have your email address. If you still wish to participate, please email me.

Please remember the initial email I sent each of you.

Thanks & Happy New Year.
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I am in for a 496 depending on the price. I am still a ways out from needing it, but if the $$ is right, I don't want to lose out.

Is there any information on price? Price seems to be the deciding factor for most folks, so sharing that information would be appreciated.
Group buy on 396/496

What became of this effort, was a group purchase made or is one still contemplated that I'm able to participate in?
How did this group buy turn out? I see lots of interest but no details... Did it happen?

I've heard that Garmin will not allow dealers to sell below list price. How would we manage a discount?

Time for update

DavidBurton said:
How did this group buy turn out? I see lots of interest but no details... Did it happen?

I've heard that Garmin will not allow dealers to sell below list price. How would we manage a discount?


Bill Repucci has gone very quiet. What happened Bill. It's time for an update.
I'm guessing there's no avionics dealer out there willing to risk the wrath of Garmin or their fellow avionics dealers for undercutting the price. And since most of the guys like Stark and Stein who cater to the homebuilt market already sell with a pretty low margin, I doubt a group buy would be worth much to them. If you're in the market, why not just pick the dealer you'd like to form a relationship with and send the business their way. I bet they'll more than make up for it with good service.

RV-10 #40032
Here's the deal with some of these "avionics group buys". You get someone who shops around for a dealer that is willing to sell them at a discount....usually out of the country because most of the dealers in this country don't care too much for giving away what tiny bit of margin you do have. Most of the dealers that cater to the homebuilt market are small, highly specialized and offer a lot of other value besides just being the cheapest guy in the world.

Next, you send your money out of the country to a dealer who is willing to undercut the people in the states, and you get what is traditionally referred to in this country as "grey market products".

Couple of things people don't realize with these "deals". First, your warranty may not be valid (nobody bothers to tell you that people like Sony, Garmin, Panasonic, etc.. many times will not honor grey market warranties - and yes they do track serial numbers), 2nd - when you need support you now have to deal with someone out of the country, and 3rd you don't save that much money in the end anyway. If they were half price or something that would be different, but rarely they are.

Lastly I can say that people like Pacific Coast, Aircraft Spruce, Stark and myself are NOT getting rich. Supporting someone out of the country to save a few pennies doesn't help that cause out at all. It's even worse to get a call from one of you guys that participated in this "deal" asking for help, accessories, antennas, custom coax cables, etc...., frankly it's almost insulting.

I guess in the end most of the dealers in this business are not out to rape customers, nor are they getting rich. Some of us are even homebuilders as well, so believe me we know the value of a $$ when it comes to building these planes. I don't think anyone is against group deals per say, but deals like this one are just plane crazy. Some guy(s) gets to look like a hero for getting everyone a little discount, but along they way you manage to alienate a lot of possible friends in the business. I guess it's like I tell people who frequently ask me to keep slashing my prices. If the only sole criteria for purchasing a product in this business is whoever is the dirt cheapest, then I for sure am not the guy for you. I don't want peoples business if the only singular reason they purchased from me is because I was the cheapest. There are plenty of people out there who will be glad to do that.

But....always remember, "The bitterness of poor quality or service remains long after the sweetness of a cheap price". Just ask those people who purchased their Chelton systems from someone else because I (or Aerotonics or Avionics Sysetms or others) wouldn't discount them a few $$'s how they feel about their decision now!


P.S., sorry if this came across a bit harsh...it wasn't intended as such. Just trying to explain why you don't find huge discounts at some of the best known people in this business.

Oh...and one last thing to the organizers of these types of "Group Buys". If you think that keeping the details unpublished or "email me for details" is keeping Garmin or the rest of the dealers from knowing what is going on, it's an exercise in futility. Garmin (as well as almost everyone else) knows almost instantly what the details are as soon as they are in place. Not trying to be arrogant, fecicious, or sarcastic - just stating a fact.
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I know I've said it before. I'll say it again. Good product, good customer service, preferably an RVer. Three important qualities... at least to me.

That's why Avery gets my business. That's why Stein will get my business. That's -- probably -- why Advanced Flight Systems will get my business.

(Edit): The extra cost. I don't care. I make up for it by driving 55 all the time, turning out the lights, recycling, cut the cable TV, buying a cheap, no frills car etc. The next RV builder I meet who's a jerk will be the first one. Why wouldn't I want to give one my business?
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We are a group and that?s why we have great products, great services and great people who all fall under the umbrella of Experimental Aircraft. It?s because of this group that our available avionics (and other products) have progressed so rapidly at such affordable prices, developed largely by those who have the same passion about building and flying. To undercut this effective group with subgroups to save a penny is harmful.
That's right

Bob Collins said:
I know I've said it before. I'll say it again. Good product, good customer service, preferably an RVer. Three important qualities... at least to me.

That's why Avery gets my business. That's why Stein will get my business. That's -- probably -- why Advanced Flight Systems will get my business.
Bob is right - Stein, Avery, TruTrak, Trio, Cleaveland, Genuine Aircraft Hardware, the list goes on of RV people selling good products with good service. My order from Stein yesterday at lunch arrived this morning at my house - Awesome! I don't mind paying a bit more for that kind of service. I've had the same experience with all of the vendor's I've listed.
It happened, and the deal wasn't as great as it could've been but still significant. Everything happens off list though.