
Legacy Member
The Hooker Harness group buy worked so well I thought I would try it with the Garmin 396/496 hand held GPS.

With the holidays coming up I will take no action on this until after the first of the year.

If you are SERIOUSLY considering buying either a 396 or 496 and can do so early next year, please let me know. My hope is that the price comes down after the Christmas rush.

Once I get some kind of count, I will start contacting the various vendors and see if we can't get lucky.

is there any reason why one of the garmins with xm wx would not simply swap between the plane and the boat?
grover said:
is there any reason why one of the garmins with xm wx would not simply swap between the plane and the boat?

The 396 let's you choose Aviation, Road, or Marine major function at any time....so I guess the answer is "nope"! :D

I have a Garmin 196 and use it in my boat. I inserted the chart memory chip for very detailed sea data. Works great to go back to that good fishing hole. The 396 and 496 have the same capability.
Need more info

I would rather the 496 but if the discount is not so great , price is a
issue for me.. I am finnishing up my pannel wiring and labeling the wires
still need spark plugs and a longer oil stick (bought the tube already)
battery, been saving up for the d-180 dynon for about three months,
very little work left on the cowling and I will be ready for final inspection..
so the only thing holding me up is funds.. I will get a pretty good bonus
mid January so I am very close.. already prewired for the 396/496 with
the gizmo mount installed in the top of the radio stack.. also I have one
hole left on the pannel for a rate of climb , I have a calibrated airspeed
, altimeter, manual rpm gauge,to back up the dynon, navaid autopilot (will upgrade the head when I can afford the trio) so those are just backup's to the d-180 the 396 will do about the same for me , but I would rather have the latest when you post the prices or get the info ..

I'm Interested...

I'm interested in either model depending on the price break...

I'd be interested in the 496 depending on price. I'd be upgrading from a 296. I want the taxi stuff, etc. Thanks.
grover said:
is there any reason why one of the garmins with xm wx would not simply swap between the plane and the boat?
FYI: I got a 496 and love it and the only thing that BUM's me is that I have hard wired the antenna's (one for the 496 and one for the XM) and the XM antenna has the receiver IN the antenna. I'd have to buy another subscription and antenna $$$ to make the XM protable in my case, so at it stands I can use the GPS in my RV/car/boat but the XM only in the RV.
This may work out...

As of Sunday afternoon (12/10/06) we have nine people who have said they are interested in a January Garmin purchase.

We may have something here.

Remember, I will not start price shopping until after the first of the year and I'm planning on having it all arranged by January 15th.

Feel free to pass this along, the more people we can get in on the buy, the better it is for everyone.

Thanks for all the replies.
I'm seriously interested in the 496. I would consider the 396 if it was a FANTASTIC price, but count me in for the 496.
Good deal now on the 496

I just bought a 496 from Commmander Instruments and Avionics. They sell the 496 for $2,795, just like everyone else. However, they do honor the AOPA 5% rebate. Bank of America is ending the AOPA rebate progem on December 31. So if you want to save $140 on a 496, act now.
N941WR said:
Great, which one would you like?
A) 396
B) 496
C) Either, depending on price.

C) Either, depending on price.

I'm not stuck on either ... price is the biggest factor.

ps: N941WR - you should add a poll with 296 / 396 / 496 or any as the options.
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I have a 396 that's brand new, but I'm leaning toward replacing it with a 496 ... and I haven't even fired up the 396 yet!

I haven't found the 396 available anywhere for less than $2195, so I'd be wary of someplace selling them for $1500. Heck, I'd let mine go for $2K to save somebody a couple hundred bucks.

So, if you can get a group discount that amounts to anything significant, I may just keep the 396 for the back seat and get a 496 for me!
Depends on--

Price and timing are the driving factors, if both favorable, I would be interested in the 496.

Thanks for spearheading this for all of us out in cyberland.

396 or 496

Either one depending on price.
Russel Koch
Emp nearly finished QB wings and fusalage in hanger

I'm ready for a 496 for sure. That's great if you can save me some money. I'll need something for the back seat as well just not sure yet, possibly 396 but may be overkill. Definetly a 496. Just don't tell the wife. I did get her a back seat ride on a 3-ship RV-8 ride last weekend and I didn't get in trouble for spending too much time in the garage this week.
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