Backup for EFIS.

I am searching for "backup" solutions for my new G3X. What I suspect as a typical failure is some alternator problem and a dead battery. Second might be some issue with the primary display and or ADAHRS and other systems connected to the EFIS. I do plan to fly IFR. For the near future I will have a single display and likely add a second screen next spring.

My initial search and thoughts are something like the GRT mini WITH the internal battery might provide a good solution. I might also consider a secondary backup battery.

I don't want to put a vac pump back into the picture.

What are some of the popular solutions?

I chose a GRT Mini-X with HSI, magnetometer and internal battery as a backup. I also have an SD-8, secondary alternator mounted to the vacuum pad.

Keep in mind that if your G3X display becomes inoperable the Mini will work fine for attitude and direction in the soup, but vertical guidance during an approach requires changing the screen. So during an approach you can either have attitude and directional guidance, or directional and vertical guidance but no attitude (not a good choice IMHO).
G3X GPS20A-GA-35 Ant

I,m getting ready to install the GPS-20A box and was thinking of installing it to the back of the rear baggage bulkhead and installing the GA-35 ant. on the top tail area. Q: Can bus use for the GPS-20a to the ads-b in inst. pnl?
Latest Panel Work

I flew up to Airlake and picked up a GDU 460 and luckily it fit nearly perfectly into my panel where I had the 450. In some of my pictures above you can see the patch panel that came out to fit the larger screen.

GDU 450 small display with patch to allow large display.


My advice to anyone trying to decide between the small or large displays is get the big one! There are too many things that the small screen just does differently that the large screen does better.

One easy example, when you touch the autopilot control it pops up the full AP screen. On the small display, it covers up the PFD, on the large display, it splits the display and you still have a completely usable PFD with AP controls next to that.

My plan now is to move the rest of my engine probes over to the G3X EIS and then mount the smaller display where my current round gauges are.

I also got to see the MINI X while at SteinAir, it looked nice so I will be saving for that as my backup.

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Panel Layout?

Here is a preliminary layout for my upgrade.
Any changes or suggestions are welcome.
If you have a similar equipment layout I would love to see it.

Here is the panel now with the single large g3x.


And the first preliminary layout.


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I am searching for "backup" solutions for my new G3X. What I suspect as a typical failure is some alternator problem and a dead battery. Second might be some issue with the primary display and or ADAHRS and other systems connected to the EFIS. I do plan to fly IFR. For the near future I will have a single display and likely add a second screen next spring.

My initial search and thoughts are something like the GRT mini WITH the internal battery might provide a good solution. I might also consider a secondary backup battery.

I don't want to put a vac pump back into the picture.

What are some of the popular solutions?


I'm just finishing putting a G3X panel into Bobby Lucroy's RV8A. The panel was beautify built by Steinair and includes a GNC 625, dual COMS, TXP 23, A/P, audio panel and ADSB.

Our design solves the backup issue with a TCW 3AH lithium backup battery for the EFIS and associated modules and for COM1 (if desired by the pilot). Additionally a Dynon D2 is mounted to cover EFIS failures. This system should operate for 30-45 minutes after a battery, alternator or master contactor failure and also cover all electrical and panel single point failures...
Fuel Level Calibration?

We are supposed to have a few nice days this week so I plan to migrate the rest of my engine sensors to the g3x. Does anyone have thoughts on the fuel level calibration process?

When I did this step for the vans analog gauges I think I used two 6 gal jugs that I have marked at 2 gal increments to check the indications. The gauges have worked fine and indicate properly, once you drop below the level where the float moves.

I am wondering if someone with a 6 (taildragger preferred, but tri gear might also provide useful info) has the "numbers" for the GEA 24 fuel level?

Otherwise, is there any new ideas for this step? I would love to have a new tank in the back of my pickup with a digital meter and electric pump, but I can see spending money on that for a one time deal.

More info. The senders are resistive and I don't recall recording any resistance values the first time around.

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I did mine 1 gallon at a time. Was a bit time consuming but gives the most accurate result.

The G3X has two sets of parameters, one with the tail down and one for level flight, so each tank was done twice.

Mine's not a -6 so the numbers wouldn't help you.
We are supposed to have a few nice days this week so I plan to migrate the rest of my engine sensors to the g3x. Does anyone have thoughts on the fuel level calibration process?

When I did this step for the vans analog gauges I think I used two 6 gal jugs that I have marked at 2 gal increments to check the indications. The gauges have worked fine and indicate properly, once you drop below the level where the float moves.

I am wondering if someone with a 6 (taildragger preferred, but tri gear might also provide useful info) has the "numbers" for the GEA 24 fuel level?

Otherwise, is there any new ideas for this step? I would love to have a new tank in the back of my pickup with a digital meter and electric pump, but I can see spending money on that for a one time deal.

More info. The senders are resistive and I don't recall recording any resistance values the first time around.


Hi Jim,

If you have a self-serve fuel pump on your field, and a helper, it is pretty easy.

After installing a new G3X Touch system in our RV-7A last year, we calibrated the float (resistive) sensors every 2 gals. I sat in the plane and incremented each calibration point by 2 gals and captured the calibration value after the helper finished adding each 2 gal amount by watching the indication on the fuel pump.

Both of the floats topped out at about 16 gals (~21 gal tank), so be prepared to see the calibration curve go flat line on you there. You can stop calibrating when this happens.

Don't forget to save the calibration to the SD card for safe keeping after calibrating each tank. You can save both the in-air and on-ground calibrations for your -6 tail dragger. You can restore the calibration from the SD card any time you like.

One thing you might consider is to calibrate the in-air readings first, then the next time you burn off that fuel repeat the calibration at the pump to capture the on-ground readings (which are optional).

Let us know if you have questions, but the procedure is pretty straight forward.


Minor update.

A good friend suggested we use the vans gauges to find data points for the g3x EIS. We used a power supply set to 14.5 volts and a potentiometer with a range that paralleled the SW senders. We recorded the settings of the pot (it has a large knob with a pointer and scale from 0 - 10 graduated in tenth's).

We recorded the major points and he created a table with 1/2 gal increments and pointer settings. Then at the hanger I plugged the potentiometer into the left tank pin 6 and ran the calibrate procedure for that tank. Then the right tank.

After all that I plugged the actual sender wires into the pins 6 and 9.

Haven't flown it yet, but I think it will be more than adequate and I plan to verify the quantities as I use fuel and top the tanks.


I will post another update as I verify the levels. What I really like about this method is that I didn't have to drain fuel or otherwise manage fuel in the hanger. If I had been doing this with a new airplane and empty tanks I would probably had the fbo bring the truck to the hanger and do the calibration 2 gal at a time. I also had the benefit of knowing how my original gauges worked, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to use them to gather the data points for this method.

g3X and elevator trim?

Anybody have their ray Allen elevator trim using the g3x for the indicator? It looks like I can use the gp1 pins on the GEA 24 EIS. My trim is the older style with analog indicator and my plan is to remove the indicator in favor of the g3x display. Anyone have a picture of what and where and how this shows up on the screen?


Here is a picture. This shows the flaps indicator on the left (flaps up) and pitch trim indicator on the right (trim slightly below center) - I don't have a roll trim.



Thanks for the picture, that looks good. I will probably try that tomorrow.

Does anyone have experience using the typical vans senders with the GEA 24?

I moved everything over to the ge 24, but not sure I have it all configured correctly, or maybe the GEA 24 won't work with some of my senders.

Stuff that works: oil temp, fuel senders, amps but it is inverted reading positive when it should have been negative, rpm.

Stuff that doesn't: manifold pressure showed 16" and should have been about 29". Fuel pressure should have registered when I turned on the boost pump, not sure about oil pressure since I haven't tried starting yet.

I have the little black box mp transducer, I think it is made by ISS.

Just about time to cut a new panel!

I finally got BOTH GDU displays and the GRT mini X in the panel. I am trying to decide exactly where to locate everything. I like the mini where it is but on the right of the 460 would be okay also. The 450 needs to be next to the 460 or at least closer to the center. I can tell it is too far to the right to be easily viewed. Everything else can go someplace after the primary stuff finds a home.


Split Screen Approach Plates?

I have a few hours experience with my new dual screen G3X and the more I use it and learn it, the more I like it. There are still a few things I haven't figured out and the one I want to learn next is how to quickly and easily display an approach plate.

if I have the destination airport set as the next waypoint, I go to the WPT page and then swipe to the TERPS tab. Then I have to pick the plate from the list. Then zoom in. Does anyone have an easier more direct method? And, if the approach is already active from the GNS 430 which sends the route to the g3x it seems a bit harder to pull up a plate since the destination airport is no longer the next WPT.

Once the plate is displayed in the split screen, things are good, BUT, after a minute or so the split reverts back to the previous page and the plate is gone from view. Can this be controlled/managed?

Another G3X Question

Today while loading a data update I noticed the mfd went to revisionary mode and displayed the flight display. Normal, but it got me thinking...

Is it possible to display the PFD on the mfd while BOTH screens are working normally? I searched a bit but didn't find out if or how to do this.

It will be useful for me if I happen to find myself in the right seat.

Is it possible to display the PFD on the mfd while BOTH screens are working normally?

Hello Jim,

Yes, it is certainly possible to temporarily change your GDU 450 MFD to display flight instruments. All you need to do it go to the Display Setup page in the main menu of your GDU 450 MFD, and change the setting for "Full MFD/PFD Toggle" to "Enabled". This will give you a button at the top of the display that does what you want.

- Matt
IFR/VFR chart error?

I just updated chart data the other day and now I get an error message.

Something to the effect of "IFR/VFR chart corruption."

Anyone else do a data update for the March 3rd cycle on the g3x and get this message?

Drawing a new panel template

Here is a short bit of video using a plotter pen in the CNC router to draw a test of my initial panel plan. We will use this same CNC to cut the final panel once I decide exactly what I want.

Thanks Joe!

Hello Jim,

You are using a most unconventional method to call up the approach plate for your destination airport. The easiest way, as we explained in our email to you, is to use the WPT page. Regardless, we have already made some software changes to allow the airport review page to stay on the screen without timing out after a period of inactivity.

- Matt

Thanks for the reply. I think my problem is that when the approach is loaded from the 430, the WPT page on the g3x doesn't have the airport in the list like it would if you were still going direct to the airport? This doesn't mean I still don't understand. Thanks for your support, don't give up on me.

Hello Jim,

If you are using the MapMX RS-232 format to transmit flight plan information from your GNS 430W to your GDU, it will usually contain enough information for the WPT page to make the right selection as to which airport to display. But please note that you can always change the waypoint displayed on the WPT page simply by touching its name and entering a new identifier.

- Matt
Just a picture to help me justify my new hardware. Haven't seen the sun a whole lot around here in a few days, so this morning I did a couple approaches and there it was, blue sky! I think the sun was behind my left shoulder.


I need to do a new video of how to pull up approach plates along with an entire takeoff, CW steer for the climb, loading the approach, a bunch of AP twisting and the rest of it.

The final stage!

I finally got the GTX 35R transponder, so I have started my new overlay panel cut out.

This is the left half piece and has the holes for the g3x, air vent on the left, switches on the bottom and G5 on the top right. I have to put the autopilot below the G5 and a few other things, but I see light at the end of the new panel!

I cut the large hole for the g3x and the switches on my mill. The DRO was handy for the switch spacing at 1"


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Putting it back together...

Looks good to me so far, but still plenty of opportunities to drill a hole off center:p


Air vent will be on the left.

P.S. I just found some info in the announcement thread of the 35/45R that all of the configuration is performed thru the PFD. just wanted to include that here in my thread. No need for the funky little USB adapter. My first thought when I saw this was why wasn't the USB socket built into the chassis in the first place, but I like the PFD solution even better!

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Question about GTX 35R

I think I have the new transponder all hooked up, and have a question.

On the transponder control screen I see GND, ON, STBY as choices. When I power up it defaults to GND.

My question, is there NOT an ALT position? Is this due to mode S or ads-b or do I have a problem? I have NOT flown yet.

I think I have the new transponder all hooked up, and have a question.

On the transponder control screen I see GND, ON, STBY as choices. When I power up it defaults to GND.

My question, is there NOT an ALT position? Is this due to mode S or ads-b or do I have a problem? I have NOT flown yet.

Hello Jim,

Your transponder is operating correctly. It will automatically switch from GND mode to ALT mode when the aircraft is airborne, and back to GND mode after landing. When you are performing your 24-month transponder test, you can force the transponder to ALT mode using the test procedure described in section 34 of the G3X installation manual.

- Matt
Thanks to g3xpert

I flew my rule airspace this afternoon and passed!

Thanks to Matt and Jonathan at g3xpert for the quick replies on my install questions.

I'll get some pictures of the new panel Sunday. I am happy with the results and still have a few little things to tidy up, like a cover plate for the 35R and where and how to add some lighting. I have the LED brow strip lights and post lights and haven't decided what to do yet.

Just about finished...

Here is the new panel overlay. I'm planning to make two more patches, one to go around the radio stack and cover the new 35R and a second one to go around the small display and convert the small patch at the bottom of the GDU.

