Nice video. What happened to the Cessna next to runway on "next day" departure?

Yes, there was some excitement at Wautoma (before we arrived). A Cessna had a hard landing and broke a gear leg. It was off to the side when we arrived and also still there when we departed the next morning. An RV-12 also had a flat and they had to tow it into the FBO.
4. The notam would contain the above procedure with a caution to leave the hold and divert to any of several listed airports nearby that have fuel and parking in the event of low fuel or a sick passenger.

Oh yeah... like the lady in the Stinson declaring "fuel critical" when she was 15 miles from RIPON?? GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! The controller had no choice but to follow protocol. Then when she got 2 miles from RIPON he asked her "Mam, how much fuel do you have?".... "50 Minutes" she says.... I think I heard the collective groan of a hundred pilots who got forced out of the approach for this dip$%!! of a person.....
Oh yeah... like the lady in the Stinson declaring "fuel critical" when she was 15 miles from RIPON?? GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! The controller had no choice but to follow protocol. Then when she got 2 miles from RIPON he asked her "Mam, how much fuel do you have?".... "50 Minutes" she says.... I think I heard the collective groan of a hundred pilots who got forced out of the approach for this dip$%!! of a person.....

Not quite. Her first call was regarding a "blown tailwheel" which they had "just repaired" but "not sure if it's working." I actually went back and found it on LiveATC because after a few hours I began doubting what I remembered hearing on frequency.

That was about the only thing about the arrival that actively annoyed me. All the holding, cutting in line, failure to follow the tracks, etc...I rolled with it. But this lady claiming emergency on something like this chapped my hide something fierce.

How about if you think you might have a tailwheel problem, that you go test it out somewhere else? If you think you might be about to foul a runway, Oshkosh is the wrong friggin place to go.