Will be flying out to Flathead Lake in June to visit family there. Have enjoyed your pictures, looks like a little piece of heaven.
Looks like you'll have a beautiful place to relax and enjoy life.

Have you heard much about the B&B on the airport. My wife thought it would make a great place to spend 4 or 5 days. A little over 1200 miles from Michigan but certainly doable in a day with the 10.


The B&B is very nice. High end accommodations in a beautiful settings. The owners are good people. I think they have a courtesy car for guests who fly in. Glacier Park is only an hour drive away.
Their son was murdered in Singapore 2 years ago and have been busy dealing with that mess, so they have some new people running it right now. (his Mom wrote a book "Hard Drive"...google Shane Todd, Engineer)

Anyway come on out. June we will be busy working on the logs or installing a new door. Got the Sun N Fun discount without even going to the show, it's good to have neighbors going.

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Thanks for the intel on the B&B. I'll send you note when we make plans, would love to get a quick tour of your place.

Glacier Park is on the bucket list, it'd be nice to check that one off.

Spent a productive Mothers Day at Cabin Creek. Kris and I acid stained and applied J-35 sealer costing to the hangar floor. Whew, a little work but kind of cool looking.

Got a email from Higher Power Hydraulic Door...it is coming early. But log builder is backed up a week or so.

I would really like to understand the process and products used to stain your floor if you wouldn't mind sharing. My hangar floor ranges from 25 years old to less than 1 year old and I would like to make it all look uniform and nice.

We used Vivid Acid Stain.

Prep for new slabs isn't too bad....there had not been any vehicles on it. When the insulation guy was here spraying the walls, I made them use plastic to cover the whole floor. Next, I swept it off and then hosed it off real good. On Friday morning
1. I hosed it off again.
2. To apply the acid you use a plastic weed sprayer(no metals parts). Mist the floor to help disperse the stain. Put the acid down, being careful not too get it too thick. this took about 1.5hrs solo for the 2300ft2. Application called for 9.2 gallons, but I could see that the power troweled floor would not accept it that heavy and started pooling. I used 5 gallons.
3. It calls for 4hr set time, let it dry before neutralizing. At 3hrs I called a experienced friend and mentioned some dark black areas. He said hose it off now, it's pooling and will cook to much. 1st rinse...
4. I hosed it off again before night fall. rinse #2
5. Saturday morning I mopped the floor to remove the residue. #3 rinse Still looked chalky, so used a stiff broom on the wetted floor and hosed it off again(#4)....whew. Neighbor said here use my wimpy pressure washer, this really helped, followed by mopping again. rinse water is looking pretty clean.
6. Sunday morning floor looks pretty good....dull and a few chalky areas. More wiping down (on hands and knees) damp rag. Trying to keep the floor dry. used a vacuum and air blower to clear puddles and saw cuts.
Noon Sunday....whew...not sure if this is worth the effort, have we done enough cleaning. But floor is dry and 95% ready.
7. 2pm lets call it good enough and seal it! Used Dayton J-35 commercial clear seal coat. I used a 12" roller on a 5' extension, dipped into the 5 gal bucket to coat each 12'x12' square. I wasn't too concerned with perfect coverage. Kris had a 18" commercial roller with a 16' extension, she was able to back roll in a cross hatch pattern from the side of each block to smooth out any of my sloppiness. This worked like a champ for very good coverage. completed the 1st coat in 1.5hrs.
8. grab a break while this dried. 2 hrs it is good for light traffic. so by 5:30 we were applying coat #2. Went just as well and maybe a bit faster...hey we're Pros by now. :)

more later on pros & cons and lessons learned
Busy busy...It's spring run-off so lots of work at the paying gig, then I run up to Cabin Creek to work on the hangar and house. No flying lately to much material and tools hauling for a RV.

Apartment getting framed in the hangar

Door delivery Friday. Doesn't seem like $9000 gets you much metal these days.

To keep the RV aspect....here we are sheathing the roof and the runway is in the background.

you won't catch me on a roof very often...I've taken a bad fall from height before, but I help haul tools and materials. So I snapped this selfie for proof.

We started stacking logs on May 19th. Here are are May 29th. Logs up, roof dried in and I managed to keep up and get ceiling wiring in place. Porches on 2 of 3 sides. These guys are good!
Rear driveway view

From the runway view

interior view
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Brian, I saw the picture of the truck with all the iron on it and thought, that is quite a bit for $9k. Then I noticed the pile on the ground. You are right! Having a door that works well will make it wroth it.

Looking good dude.
GREAT update report, Brian! Your selfie up on the roof reminded me of putting a roof on my folks' beach house over at the coast, a number of years ago. By the way, Jamie LOVES that staircase! Beautiful home! :)
Aug update

Been a while since I posted any updates. Progress has slowed due to work(spring run-off, training a new guy), deferred FAA medical(no flying since 4/29) and reduced amount of time&money.

Anyway, at least we have some RV action at Cabin Creek. Some were guests at the B&B, some attended our annual Fly-in breakfast. And one Subaru powered RV-7A is a current lot owner from the Mojave area. First plane tucked in the hangar was a friends Rans S-19 from Texas. The cubs looked right at home under the tower.

Gwen with Kris in front of Glen and Gwens S-19

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Our 15yr old grandson Austin spent last week helping me pull wire, insulate, hang some sheet rock installed a medicine cabinet and put up the big door....and eat!

we smoked a big pork butt while working.

...and it wasn't all work. We went to the lake

hung out with family enjoying the big porches
We also installed a big steel support pad I welded up for the fireplace. And took measurements for the chimney.

Warmstone guys spent 3 days installing our Tulikivi, A 4000# soapstone masonry heater. Turned out nice. It iss sitting in the archway to ensure radiant heat to the loft area. This is our sole source of heat for the loghome.

View of the home from across the runway. It's a lousy cell phone pic zoomed in

Glen and Gwen taking off for Johnson Creek, ID

Some day my medical paperwork will be fixed and I can bring Aurora up here. :(
Good example of 3rd class medical lunacy. You are so obviously unable to function ;)

No kidding...My BP was a touch high 150/100 and AME said lets fix this right now. The CACI rules allow him to issue based being well managed care and filling out a work sheet. He said drop 10# or more, lower sodium and stress. Take these approved mess and come back in a month. I did everything...doc said great job. When he tried to print out my medical, it had been flagged for review by FAA in OKC. When I called they said they want to now review it and are 4-6weeks delayed. It's been 8 weeks since they got all the paperwork requested. Plus the month I waited for the BP to stabilize at 118/74.

Aaaargh!!!!! My hangarmate called yesterday and asked if I flew. He noticed a oil drip under Aurora. She never drips....I think she's crying.

EDIT: I called FAA med last week with no luck and even AOPA doc said sit tight it'll be fine. Today I checked on FAA Airman certification...It shows my medical date as 6/2015 (before I think it showed 5/2013) So if this is the new issue date, I'm hoping I have a letter in the mail soon.
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Today I checked on FAA Airman certification...It shows my medical date as 6/2015 (before I think it showed 5/2013) So if this is the new issue date, I'm hoping I have a letter in the mail soon.

Call AOPA on Monday---------

Congrats on the progress you are making, despite your "obvious" disabled state of health:rolleyes:
Brian, I feel for you buddy, I know the hassle. Our AME here is Georgia stated that the Olka office is doing what ever they can to justify their existance. scrutinzing every medical turned in.

after we quoted what one of their doctors told us to complete and complied with we sent the information back in and finally had a medical in 2 weeks. May 7. so now we will play the games next April.

your place looks great. I believe your home is a Hearthstone Log home. is that correct? seen your interior shots posted online. by chance this is correct we too live in a hearthstone home built in 1984.

good luck you'll be flying soon!!!
Beautiful place and I've been enjoying your posts on the progress. Being a bird dog fan, is that a German Wire Hair I see lurking around?
That is our Labradoodle "Cleco". I don't bird hunt but he has a great nose and could be a fantastic hunter.

And yesterday I got notice that my medical is good to go....So I did. Felt like my first solo. Aurora even remembered how to land, so proud of us both.

It's GREAT to see you and Aurora back in the air, Brian! Love those pictures... wow. Your place is fabulous! :)
September update...still not much progress. I broke my hand working on the hangar. Finally started flying last week a little. Cast and all. But construction work is slow.

Finally got Aurora back to the new digs. Beauty fall day for flying

She fits nicely...even of the sheet metal isn't on yet and the place is full of construction ****

Got down to 28*F so we fired up the Tulikivi stove. Is was hot so baked some salmon and sweet potatoes.

Insulated the hangar apartment on Saturday. Today Kris and I hung 23 sheets of Sheetrock.

She had to work tomorrow, so drove 4.5 hrs home. I got stuck finishing the rock work. My bonus is 1 hr flight home

Life is good.

coming along nicely, Aurora looks right at home! just like RV construction, never pays to get in a hurry.
23 Sheets!

WOW that is 1200 screws/nails! Even if they are 8 footers, which is not likely.

You guys were really working hard - now the mudding! or skim coating or plaster, but that is another story.

I like the idea of a glass hangar door, at least that is what it looked like at first.
end of October update. No flying pics this time, too busy hauling supplies and tools.

oh how i love prepping drywall ceilings. didn't finish...

...We had to scramble to get the log package stained, sealed and chinked before the winter really got here. Had great young crew helping and we got it done in 1week finishing today.

Rear entry view

other side in the setting sun

front cell pic in the bad light

Still have long way to go inside....but just like building a RV.
One rivet at a time. Life is good.

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We've been very busy trying to get the apartment in the hangar done and seal the interior of the loghome. Always seem to need the truck for hauling supplies and stuff, so my flying has been limited. <30hrs this year. :(
But by late spring we should be pretty much done with the home.
The landscaping and finishing the hangar will come later.

View of the house from out by the runway

Looking at the house from the hangar

Finally got the hangar door sheeted and working properly

Studio apt in the hangar. Kitchen is done since this picture was taken. Still need to decorate and hem some curtains....Ill let Kris do that so it gets done properly.

back in Townsend (8U8)...I did manage to squeeze in a Christmas Eve flight to knock off some rust.

Merry Christmas Everybody
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Everything looks great

You guys should be very proud, everything looks great. Looking forward to more winter pics.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Looks great Brian. I hope to make it it to Johnsons Creek this summer and would love to stop in as many places as possible. Maybe yours?
Once we get up the full time we hope to host a few fly-ins, BBQ's, friends, visitors, etc. But if people are in the area (97MT) they are welcome to drop in anytime, we may or may not be there. It is 3200' paved runway so not a tough strip, but many seem to want to carry extra speed and float to mid-field. RV's have no issues that I've seen. And remember to use your mountain flying skills. It can get bumpy and tricky winds on hot days. contact me if anyone needs more info. bkcarroll(at)mt.net

Right now the place is kind of a construction zone and tough to make room available.
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We've been very busy trying to get the apartment in the hangar done ........

Studio apt in the hangar. Kitchen is done since this picture was taken. Still need to decorate and hem some curtains....Ill let Kris do that so it gets done properly.

Looks like Vlad's room is coming along nicely :D:D

The house just looks AWESOME Brian. Want to come build mine? :)
Thanks for posting the update, Brian. Those snowy pictures are AWESOME! Looks like a calendar scene. We're SO happy for you guys. :)
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Aurora and Brian!

Send some snow our way. :D

I will be trekking the border in August westbound toward Alaska. Would love to stop by 97MT before intercepting Alcan.
Happy New Year Aurora and Brian!......
I will be trekking the border in August westbound toward Alaska. Would love to stop by 97MT before intercepting Alcan.

Let me know when. You're always welcome to visit. hopefully the place is done and we are there full time by then.

happy new year to you also.

Bruce, I hope to see that RV of yours flying in here next summer. or we can meet in between somewhere too.
The only flying Ive done for almost 2 years is to build this house. Plus I put over 25000 miles on my truck. Here's a progress report.

standing in the front room

kitchen view

standing in the rear entry. Alder doors go to: Bathroom on the left, office/guest room on the right.
Didn't realize I would have a Cleco to help with the building.

downstairs bath. 1927 clawfoot tub with original brass fixtures and the vanity I made out of 6' slab of ponderosa.

in the masterbdrm. Barndoor goes to the Mbath, leftside alder door is a cedar lined walk-in closet

I'm still working on the master shower and we haven't done any landscaping yet. Money got tight and ran out of vacation days so have limited days up there right now. To top it off, someone broke in the hangar and stole all my tools. (didn't ruin anything or even touch Aurora).
Ashley creek, 2 miles east of 97MT, was looking fine last Monday on my flight home

Foys lake has a cool blue hue. I may have spent a few to many evenings consuming beverages around this lake while in high school

Flathead River weaving towards the lake.

Enough sightseeing, time to climb for a tailwind. Flathead lake extra smooth this night.

Over the Seeley-Swan Valley looking east into the Bob Marshall Wilderness from 9500' getting a 10kt push

Sunsetting over Canyon Ferry Lake and Townsend. 1.2 easy hours vs 4.5hr painful drive....life is good.
I have built many houses and I must say those stairs are a work of art, extremely difficult. I like the curved staircase at the base. Congratulations on getting close to the finish line.

You need a few cameras around to catch the thieves, that really sucks on the tool loss.

And as a final comment/question, can I add your place to my bucket list of people I would like to meet and places I would like to see when my magic carpet is finally flying? I visited your area last year (Glacier NP) and that whole area is truly breath taking!

standing in the rear entry. Alder doors go to: Bathroom on the left, office/guest room on the right.
Didn't realize I would have a Cleco to help with the building.

downstairs bath. 1927 clawfoot tub with original brass fixtures and the vanity I made out of 6' slab of ponderosa.

To top it off, someone broke in the hangar and stole all my tools. (didn't ruin anything or even touch Aurora).
awesome scenery

beautiful country. haven't wanted to visit the Bob for several years, an elk hunt there is on the bucket list.