
Well Known Member
Hi folks
I am using momentary switch to toggle between predefined flaps predefined points.
Only after I cross 10 deg, the toggling works. To reach 10 deg flaps,I need to constantly press the "down" button.
after reaching it, i can toggle down or up freely.

I would expect a single "down" to reach 10, another to 20 and another to 30

is this a known issue?
What is the - (minus) good for?
Can anyone share its calibration table?!

I assume that the flap moves in the correct direction in both up & down but does not work as expected before reaching 10 degrees, correct?

If that is the case, have you checked the voltage reading from your Position sensor to see if it changes prior to the 10 degrees? It sounds as if the voltage is not changing, either due to calibration error or the slack/free play in the connection from flap arm to the Position sensor.

If you go to your calibration page of the operate the flap, you should see the voltage reading on that page. If the voltage is not changing prior to the 10 degrees, then you will need to fix that by mechanically moving the position sensor so as soon as the flap moves, the arms of the position sensor also moves.
A picture of your calibration could help very much to get a better response here.
Thanks Mehrdad!
the sensor is working correctly. the triangle moves, when the motor moves!
the problem is that i can't make the motor work, unless u I press a very long press, and after it moves, only is the flaps passes 10 deg (first notch) they will swing from one calibrated point to the other.
Thanks Mehrdad!
the sensor is working correctly. the triangle moves, when the motor moves!

Is this the triangle on your G3X screen for flap? If so, lets look and verify the voltage reading on your calibration page when you are in the config mode and get the voltage readings.

I am not sure what you mean by swinging from calibration point to another but here are a few things to test and report back.

Does the flap work OK without the calibration points ( deleting all the calibration points or if G3X is turned off)? If so, swap the UP/Down wires both at the Flap motor AND GAD 27 (lug 7&8). If swapping the wire at the motor is hard, you can can do it at the momentary switch but it needs to be done both places.

Lets us know if that fixes the issue.
In the configuration menu. all works perfectly. the points can be configured , and motor moves, and voltage changes linearly with it. its not the sensor! it works flawlessly

The only problem i have is that it refuses to move with my momentarily presses. only a long press moves it.
after it reaches 10deg. all work like a charm.
I can see why you think that below 10 deg the sensor is not working well, but it does. in fact i tried to create different positions at different locations. for example to define '0' when its at '10 deg' just to check if the boundaries are faulty
How have you designated the fully retracted position in G3X? I seem to recall an issue that if the flap position is set for a negative value, it won't work correctly.

Call the fully retracted position 0 degrees and then go from there.
How have you designated the fully retracted position in G3X? I seem to recall an issue that if the flap position is set for a negative value, it won't work correctly.

Call the fully retracted position 0 degrees and then go from there.

I have never had any issue with the negative settings. I do have a -3 for the reflex position.

I had troubles with my flap (G3X and GAD 27) that was puzzling and did not make any sense. We all thought the GAD was faulty but in the calibration page all worked fine or if G3X was turned off (no calibration)
I swapped the wire lead both at the GAD and flap motor and started working as designed and has never failed. The behavior on mine was somewhat different than yours but I think it would be worth a try by removing the calibration point or turning off the G3X and see if it works without the long hold on the switch.
Flap Configuration

In the configuration menu. all works perfectly. the points can be configured , and motor moves, and voltage changes linearly with it. its not the sensor! it works flawlessly

The only problem i have is that it refuses to move with my momentarily presses. only a long press moves it.
after it reaches 10deg. all work like a charm.
I can see why you think that below 10 deg the sensor is not working well, but it does. in fact i tried to create different positions at different locations. for example to define '0' when its at '10 deg' just to check if the boundaries are faulty


Can you please provide us with a copy of your wiring diagram, from the switch to the GAD 27, and then on to the flap motor? A screenshot of the Flaps configuration page will be helpful as well.


i appreciate your help so much. amazed each time with the Van's community spirit !
Problem solved !
it was the air speed limitations !! :)
now, works like a charm!!

Thanks again!