I talk to Russian via PM several months ago about Bear clock in his silver Tupole(R)V-9. This story finally inspire me to get Bear clock. I order off capitalist/imperialist auction site. Where I can find contrarotating propeller for RV-7?


If you have sand on those wheel pants . . .

we want pictures :eek:. . . just don't incriminate yourself, we wouldn't want you sent away:D
I'll let sleeping Bears lie . . .

but who wants to wager a bet that Vlad can't keep himself away from OSH later this month . . . plane painted or not. It would drive him nuts to miss all of the RV action;) I'm sure he'll want to fly the new factory de14mo as well. :D:D
Great adventure

Thoroughly enjoyed your pics and narrative. What was your average fuel burn per hour on what engine do you have and what was the average fuel price per gallon along your route??

Keep up the travels!
I talk to Russian via PM several months ago about Bear clock in his silver Tupole(R)V-9. This story finally inspire me to get Bear clock. I order off capitalist/imperialist auction site. Where I can find contrarotating propeller for RV-7?

That made me laugh.
Thoroughly enjoyed your pics and narrative. What was your average fuel burn per hour on what engine do you have and what was the average fuel price per gallon along your route??

Keep up the travels!

Doug thanks. Average fuel burn was calculated at 6.2 gph on carbed O-320 FP prop by simple method of adding all fuel receipts and dividing the amount by Hobbs hours. I don't have flow computer. Average fuel cost was around 5 $ per gallon. Minimum was under $4 (home :)) maximum $5.15 per gallon (Montana)