" And it will be ready when it's ready" , not the terminology used when they were promoting the RV-14 when it was unveiled a couple years ago.

"And it will be ready when it's really ready" is the full quote. I think they were just trying to reiterate that they aren't going to release a half assed kit.
I have kit #1400019 and when I ordered the wing kit I was told that I would not be able to complete the wings before the next kit would be available. More than just a little disappointing.
"And it will be ready when it's really ready" is the full quote. I think they were just trying to reiterate that they aren't going to release a half assed kit.

My mistake, I apologise,that sounds much better, I certainly missed the "really" and that changes the message to me at least.
Finish kit is available.

Ok, it's here. Finish kit can now be ordered for the sum of 12,650.00 plus crating. Have a nice weekend everyone.
I certainly understand the frustration for those on the cutting edge of RV-14 orders, but for someone who has been trolling these threads waiting to see if this is the kit for me, I couldn't be more excited!

I'm a low-time pilot, but at age 32, I want to be able to build something that can carry me around this great country of ours for a few decades (God-willing). A complete kit really appeals to me and takes much of the "can I really do this?" fear away.

Now the only fear is "can I really afford this?" but I'm sure many of us have answered that question with a "probably not" and do it anyway. Quick math reveals this is about $10K more airframe than the -9a (the other kit I'm considering) and I'm assuming at least that much more in engine as well.

Nevertheless, I commend Vans for this kit. It has really taken me off the fence of home building and ready to jump in with both feet as soon as possible. I can't wait to get started.

If anyone is working on a 14 in the DFW area, I'd love to check it out sometime.