As far as tightening goes, there is also a SI on the order of how the bolts are torqued. I know how to read and operate a torque wrench and don't work in a repair station so your logic is flawed there also.

I am not a mechanic and have never even pulled a cylinder, so not in a position to argue much, but the logic is not mine, its Mike Busch's. Not God himself I guess, but someone who has gained wide respect. He may be returning for another lecture at my EAA chapter and I will take the opportunity to question him further on this.

best regards
I've heard Mike speak on this before. He has a great reputation and my impression is that he has a well reasoned approach to maintenance. I don't know that he hangs out here - so I'll pass along that he has said

- pulling a cylinder is "invasive" - he prefers to have an engine shop do this work
- he has said he wouldn't do his own cylinders (he's A&P / IA)

That's just one opinion, albeit conservative.

On the other hand, with the appropriate training, I think you can approach the task with some confidence (maybe a healthy degree of respect for the task too). So, on this point, while I respect his opinion, I wouldn't agree with Mike.

FWIW, to date all my jugs have done just fine.

Non-trivial documentation

These are simple engines but they run closer to their mechanical limits than most earth bound ones. The service manuals are also somewhat unique as new manuals can actually refer to earlier service bulletins! That is something I have only seen in aviation.
If you think the rebuild manual is all the information you need I doubt you will even have the cylinders torqued on correctly. It's not the ability to torque a bolt, its the ability to confidently dig through the documentation.