(KC-97G with an engine fire right after take off, already in a descent with good engines firewalled)

Hail Mary......
Not aviation...

...but one of my favorites.
"Talking about your problems is no good, 90% of your friends don't care, and the rest are glad." Tommy Lasorda.
"Building an airplane? Simple - same way you eat an elephant. One piece at a time."

My favorite:
I was born with nothing and I still have most of it left.

Don't take life too seriously - nobody gets out alive.
Childbirth is a terminal illness.
Winter is on the way...

...and the three most dangerous words on the ski slope are - "follow me dad"
My Dad put this on a big sheet when I went off to college. I have kept it at the many desks I have passed through since.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin.

Another good one:

"Anything worth doing is worth doing well." - Unknown
It is what it is!

My second most favorite is was obtained while looking at a freighter DC-8 that was a real hanger queen with a new paint job as viewed by a fellow mechanic. "You can paint a turd but you can't take the smell out"
A friend who just completed the 40 hours on his Skybolt said to me: I love this airplane but I know that If Im not careful, she will kill me in a second.
Some days you're the dog, some you're the hydrant

The version I heard: Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug.


Aviation is a disease for which there is no known cure, so quit your b*%#^ing and just write the check! (Give this one some thoughtful consideration before springing it on your better half...;))


Flying IFR is generally safer than flying at night; most of the time you will break out of the clouds, but dark goes all the way to the ground.


An old captain to his DC-3 student: keep flying it until the hangar doors are closed.


For those of us who enjoy partaking of the cereal extract: Make sure the hangar doors are closed before the refrigerator door opens.
Favorite sayings

One from down under.
Two builders working together on a measure up:

first builder "Is that close enough?"

second builder "No its perfect"

First builder "Oh! ok thats close enough"
Decision making

It is better to be down there, wishing you were up here,
than to be up here, wishing you were down there.

(aft bulkhead of a jump plane, but I don't remember which DZ)
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." Winston Churchill

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM
A couple more....

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make all of them yourself.

It takes forty hours to learn how to fly and a lifetime to learn when to fly.
There are those who learn from the mistakes of others, and there are those who have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.

When some one looks at my full on custom whatever! and they ask where I bought it at I say "Walmart in the marine section" Thats where I buy everything:D
Modified Mine

I modified mine to include my Boy Scout days:

"What goes up must come down"


"Be prepared"
Here is one I like

"An imperfect plan implemented immediately and violently will always succeed better than waiting for a perfect plan!" - General George S. Patton (or my mom after she saw my first semester grades in college)
From my flight instructor...

...who happened to be my dad. I was a kid and he was teaching me to fly. We were practicing landings, but I was having trouble controlling my airspeed in the C-150. He said, "You know...death is always out there on the wing somewhere. When you let your airspeed get low like that, you've invited him into the cockpit and he's got his arm around your shoulder." :eek:

It worked...I didn't let that airspeed get low any more. :D

Another one from my dad: "Nothing can withstand the power of persistence."
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My favorite is from my late Grandmother when I was a teenager.

A person is never too old to learn unless he is a fool!

Looking back, I wonder if she was trying to tell me something.
No matter where you go, there you are.

My similar one to the dog and hydrant is, Some days you get the bear. Some days the bear gets you.

I think it was someone on here that said, Everyone is stupid 5 minutes a day. I try to have those minutes either in bed, when nobody is watching, or when I won't wreck something important or expensive.

At work my favorite sayings are:
When in doubt, reboot. If still in doubt, reboot again. (Yes, I'm a server administrator)
If you beat your head against a wall long enough, eventually the wall will give.
Here's one I had over my desk for many years:
"If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when will you have time to do it over?"

And, in line with this one: There is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution.

Great thread this, guys!

There's 3 sorts of people.
People who make things happen,
people who watch things happen,
and people who haven't got a clue what's happening.
There are four utterly worthless things to a pilot:
1. Altitude above you.
2. Runway behind you.

I said the same thing to a pilot friend of mine. When he tried to read it back, he said, "So, nothing is more worthless than the runway above you..."

Seems even more appropriate when you put it that way!