Dan Langhout

Well Known Member
Ok, I now have documented proof that my RV-7 is the fastest one on the planet . . . . .

Take a look at the Flightaware plot from my Pilots N Paws flight down to Lake City, FL on Saturday.


See that little spike in the speed plot circled in red? That's where I briefly engaged the plasma warp drive mod I made back when I built the plane.


933 Kts - not bad! Of course I have to use it sparingly to keep from melting down the Dilithium crystal.

Seriously, I wonder what sort of ADS-B glitch would have caused this?
Call you Otto

I am going to call you "Otto".

your hand flying is amazing, almost as if you had a passenger name Otto riding along, or is it "George"?
probably caused by a temporary wormhole. we will see that more often due to climate change and stuff. don't worry, your ADSB is good to go.
1.21 gigawatts

1.21 gigawatts? 1.21 gigawatts? At what station is the flux capacitor in the plane so the inrush of electrons has no affect on aft gc limits?
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You got me beat by a bit. I had an 847 knot GS reading one day when I forgot to flip the hinged antenna over on my Skymap GPS. I was fairly certain I didn't have a 700 knot tailwind. ;)
Typically, a momentary loss of GPS coverage

Technically, usually a millisecond cycle slip by the GPS receiver...1 ms is 300,000m. Saw it many times when developing GPS hardware...sudden jumps of 300km in horizontal position, then back in the next ms cycle.
All the smart people with their knowledgeable intelligent answers. The turbo flux capacitator getting too many quantum giggawatts at 88 miles per hour sounds more fun. Let us have fun with our answers derrived from bovine scatological science. :D
There's no place like home

According to the logs, my new GPS 175 has now made 5 - 1115 NM return trips to a residential location in Bonner Springs, Kansas with each leg taking 1/4 of a second. Clearly the only reason it doesn't calculate my ground speed properly is that it can't handle a number that big. Mach 24000, 16 megaknots. Maybe more impressive is that it only needs 2.5 seconds to recharge for the return leg and burns no AVGAS. I don't even need to click my heels together.
It's been so many years and forgot the exact speed. But I flew my RV4 for from Seattle to Phoenix. Somewhere over Siskiyou mountains in Northern California I was doing approx 280 mph aross the ground for real. My altitude was in the high teens. Needless to say I had a incredible tailwind. There was a high pressure system off the coast... I have seen +700 kts GS in jets..:D but your RV7 +900kts has me beat.
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