
In the early days, responses could be as long as 3 to 5 days. Recently, the response has been less than a day with commentary.
[...] The tool (aka ADS-B Compliance Monitor) is still under development & likely two years from being fully operational. In the interim, I'm considering posting a daily list of tail numbers with system faults (Red). If your tail number isn't on the list for a given day you can assume you were good (green), but if it is on the list you'd still need to email me & request a report for specific faults. Not ideal, but would at least let you know if troubleshooting were successful without an email exchange.

Any update on this?

In any case, how often can we request reports without becoming bothersome to you / your office? I'm still trying to sort out some things & verify compliance and it would be helpful to be able to get multiple reports along the way.

Thanks in advance, and especially for reaching out to the VAF forum on this.
Yay! My system passed! GTX 23ES + GPS 20A.

Submitted to the FAA at 10:42EDT, and got the results @ 12:05EDT. Awesomely fast - good job FAA.

Thank you.
I passed on my second try. On the original install of my Garmin 480 there was noting assigned to serial output pin #3. Now the updated Garmin installation instructions identify this pin as the ADSB output. After moving the wire to my Trig TT 31 from Pin #22 to #3, and software updates to both units, things appear in order.

Thanks to jdm117 for his assistance. The reports came back quickly.
