For some reason I'm reminded of a picture I saw once of some relief tube exits on the "screwdriver blade" of the wheel pant (labeled "his" and "hers"). It would be a little more work to tie in but I think something like that for a permanent installation would almost completely prevent any chance of oil getting onto the airframe.

Reminds me of advice I got from my dad at a very young age: don't pee in the wind. ;)

I thought about this already (great minds think alike?) and decided against it since I'd have to do two new holes in the wheel pants, and it would take some creative tube bending to avoid brake lines, brakes, tires, etc. If this tube-down-the-leg idea works, I might consider the extra work later if I get bored, but for now I'll go with the simple solution for this experiment.

I'll get this done over the weekend and upload photos next week when completed.

By the way, I'm leaning towards putting the tube down the left main gear leg right now unless somebody has knowledge that the other side is better.
End result?

The suspense is killing me! I read thru 6 pages with no final install report? You can't leave me hanging like this!!! :)

I'm curious, as I'm getting close to installing inverted oil system on my rocket.

BTW...congrats on your score in the IAC competition. Very impressive!!