First off, my Lancair 235 with an O-235 gets 34-36 mpg at 14,500 dalt at 197 mph TAS. How's that for efficiency! I can even get 50 mpg at 150 mph TAS, but who the **** wants to fly slowly? But I don't even come close to Klaus Savier who gets 50 mpg at over 200 mph in his Vari-EZ. I'm very glad there are those who are interested in the environment and keeping carbon use low so that those of us who don't give a **** can use all we want! Thanks!
I personally used to work as a scientist and not only researched tree rings going back more than 1,000 years in Washington and BC, I also drilled, processed and analyzed ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica. My team analyzed oxygen isotopes that are a proxy for temperature, and guess what??? The data shows in those locations as well as thousands of other locations that the climate is warming. Of course some of the change is attributed to the fact that we're still warming from the last ice age, so yes the debate over how much and how fast the human activity is contributing is still being investigated.

Bravo, Mwilker. It's always good to see experience preside over nonsense repeated from talk radio hosts whose primary goal is to sell soap between rants.

Suffice to say, does anyone actually believe that the brown skies over Phoenix or LA are good for humans or the other species who occasionally inhale?

Does anyone actually like the idea that raw sewage comes up from Mexico and pollutes the beaches along San Diego?

Does anyone applaud the mining companies that pollute streams such as Pinto Creek, AZ?

Sure, other countries may inflict as much harm (or more harm) than we do, but does anyone tell their kids to steal cause the neighbor's kids get away with it? Is it OK to beat up your wife cause she doesn't call the cops?

We are conspicuously careful with our airplanes. We are VERY careful with the welfare of our families. Is it too much to suggest we tread as lightly as possible with our planet?

Got em going now

A couple of comments in reply and then I have to go make a living so I can afford another tank of gas.
I really like that new French president, hope he can stay alive over there with all the Islamo-facists they have let into the country.
I am all for a clean environment as long as the greenies don't go too far and hurt the economy that BTW benifits the entire world. (The EPA is out of control).
Your fooling yoursef if you think that those countries and peoples that want to destroy our way of life want it because we have wronged them, you are mistaken (or brainwashed). They loath us for a number of reasons like jealousy, religious fanaticism or greed.

So...... flame away, but it won't do any good because I will not read this thread anymore. (I doubt any of us have changed any opinions) History will prove us all right or wrong.
Suggested reading - Michael Crichton's "State of Fear." Fun reading with verifiable data sources and a different perspective.

... We just can't get ahead until we get our country back. Just to many greedy crooks.
Totally agree. I'm not sure about you guys, but I work for the people that pay my salary. I suspect it is the same for politicians. Have a look at where they get their money, and you'll understand who they are working for. I'll give you a hint, it's not "we the people".

As you can see in my signature, there is still "Hope for America!" :)