Glen...I would be interested in the stops for my BMA servos.
Let me know the status on these or maybe some pics of what they look like.
DRDT-2 Dimpler and air drill question

So, it's tool aquisision time and like a lot of newbies, I need some input.

Is the DRDT-2 dimpler a prudent investment? I'm assumming that since it's called a dimpler, I would still need a C-frame dimpler to rivet some areas?

Is a reversible air drill required...desireable...useless?
and I understand that 3600 rpm is better than 2400 rpm for drilling aluminum.



Lorne Green
RV7a T/U in the new Year
lorne green said:
So, it's tool aquisision time and like a lot of newbies, I need some input.

Is the DRDT-2 dimpler a prudent investment? I'm assumming that since it's called a dimpler, I would still need a C-frame dimpler to rivet some areas?

Is a reversible air drill required...desireable...useless?
and I understand that 3600 rpm is better than 2400 rpm for drilling aluminum.



Lorne Green
RV7a T/U in the new Year

Personal opinion on the reversible air drill is that is useless for what we're doing.

The DRDT-2 is absolutely one of the best tool investments I've made. The thing just absolutely rocks. I would sooner trade away my pnumatic squeezer, to be honest. Do yourself a favor, though, and get the pneumatic squeezer too :)

As far as needing a c-frame to rivet, unless you have one of the older kits without the premade spar, I don't think you really need the c-frame although it probably comes in handy rivetting some stuff on the fuselage (I haven't really studied the the preview plans but it looks like some of the stiffener looking thingies could be done easily with the c-frame). I'm sure someone here has the skinny on that.
Jims email

sf3543 said:
Glen...I would be interested in the stops for my BMA servos.
Let me know the status on these or maybe some pics of what they look like.
I PM'd you with Jim's email. Prod him to get this going, I think all will benefit and he enjoys working on his CNC machine..

I did eMail Jim about the stops and he said he will let me know when he gets them machined.
servo stops

one down one to go. heavy duty 1/4" alum. angle. It's not anywhere.

a shot of my aileron with around max. angle. Stops set at 60 deg.
hi josep,

beautiful pict. those bolts you have wouldn't give ME full deflection on the aileron. I had bolts in there yesterday and it sure looked like an easy fix. as long as you can get full travel from the ailerons you're fine.

(ours is laying flatter) or you know what I mean, it's not perfectly square.

and also, not that it's required-- I couldn't set the stops at 60 deg-- a number from BMA.

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mark manda said:
hi josep,

(ours is laying flatter) or you know what I mean, it's not perfectly square.

and also, not that it's required-- I couldn't set the stops at 60 deg-- a number from BMA.

Hi MArk, I see, your servo is in a diferent position, refer to the 60 degr BMA turn, this is as maximum? isn't ? because I want aileron stopping by its own stop and then the servo stops almost in the same place ( +1 or +2 deg--) by now I have checked the right wing aileron stop position and its ok with this bolt, after building fuselage and mounting wings will check the other stop in a several mounths time :eek: .
Also I checked this roll servo working with the aileron blocked by hand to see when and how the magnetic plate start slipping, as a result was easy to stop aileron with servo running and clouch slipping so, it should be very easy to stop it by the yoke when mounted. but I noticed that the servo support has to be strong to avoid any possible servo displacement, notice that this is not a standart working operation but I like to know as much as possible about AP behavior, for instance checking the elevator servo on the ground, when it engange with a selected altitude and VSI, as it has not any vertical speed indication the servo start running over 360 deg-- in this situation the servo stops may be very helpfull

Happy new 2006 and happy flights !!! :)

Josep Ma
[email protected]
Josep, that's great that you got by with the bolt.

I probably could have gotten away with it for elevators.

Why I love My Blue Mountain EFIS'S and Rocket (Long)

A long time in the planning was a trip to visit a friend in Tulsa, get some avionics work done, and a trip to New Century Aerosport in Olathe Kansas to see and fly the Radial Rocket.

Weather forecasts looked good for smooth VFR . Departure time arrived and the weather was ^%#*^%$.

Low (1100?) overcast terrible winds aloft 290 at 53 Kts and horrible surface winds at my 1st destination 230 at 23 gusting to 33 with the runway of choice being 17.

Ice was forecast in the clouds and I don?t have alt air for the engine so I had to go VFR. Luckily tops were around 5000? along the entire route and XM showed a nice sized hole 15 miles from my departure point.
CNTD from above

The hole on XM looked to be 20 miles across. When I got there it looked visually about 10 feet in diameter. In acuality the hole I found was probably about a mile in diameter. Pulled up from a cruise of 160 KTS IAS to 110 KTS at 1000? and spiraled up to cruising alt of 6500?. Can?t beat a rocket for climb performance.

Leveled off just over the Mississippi River set the Blue Mountain autopilot and enjoyed the ride.

Beautiful smooth ride over the top.
CNTD BELOW....................
CNTD from above

My flight engineer (and CEO) paying close attention to fuel management.
In spite of the winds performance over the ground was great. My landing in the crosswind sucked and am glad there were no cameras around. In spite of the dissatisfaction some have expressed with Blue Mountain my EFIS One and EFIS lite have been giving flawless performance for over 300 hrs.

I am starting to get the itch to build so took my boss to evaluate the Radial Rocket.
CNTD from above

It is a beautiful plane with a good bit more room for my more than ample body in the front office. Now if I can just get the boss to approve the purchase.
Hmmmmm??..I think the CEO may just approve the project.
Jeff and Mark were great Hosts at New Century Aerosport. The plane flys and performs like a dream. Aerobatics were effortless. They have a wealth of experience in AC design build and an immaculate well set up production facility. Anybody going up that way (KIXD) should stop in and visit.
I never worked with composites before but may well give this one a try.
Clearly I am Computer Challenged

Clearly I am Computer Challenged :eek: So let me try again. :D

Leveling off over the Mississippi River near Natchez VFR on top.

Cruise over a solid deck wondering if I need to file at my destination to get down.

Well no bigger on the screen but enlarges more when clicking on it. Hope this gets me at least a 9
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Yet another way to keep the servo arm from going over center and also to keep the arm from coming off in the event that it becomes loose on the shaft.
