I think I started something of a civil war here ;)

Thanks Brian for bring this over from the Dynon forum.

I honestly believe they have the product demand, and I hope that as they develop the software and firmware for the next gen it will then be available in the AP76, just not sure when.

I would just like to know that Dynon are actually following this kind of course and that it will actually happen. Frankly I do not care if it is not released till the end of 2009, the AP74 will be fine until then.

Heck, if the AP76 went up $200 a unit to help cover the costs who would really care ...... well not that much anyway.

If need be I will jump on the Red Rat (its white these days) and do the trip accross the pacific to eyeball the folk in Washington and discuss it.

I think Dynon should really ask every Servo and every AP74 customer about their interest in the AP76 so they know what to expect, and then cost it accordingly. I am sure it will sell.

Keep the pressure on, Dynon do good things, just need them to find the delivery to market.

I do not think its been killed off, just more likely will be in parallel with the next gen panel.........would be nice for DS to comment on this.


Personally I don't have a problem with all this. When I bought into Dynon an AP system wasn't even mentioned as a possibility. Last summer when it was announced that servos could be added, and easily at that, I decided that I'd go with it and put a set of servos in my 7 (I was in the middle of wiring and it was good timing) I also decided that I didn't need either the AP74 or the AP76 so I made no plans for that addition. I understand the feelings of people who were looking forward to using the AP76 but In the long run and in these economic times I feel that the old saying "You may not get what you want but you get what you need" applies. As a person that bought into the Dynon brand I would rather see broken promises than chasing bad money with good and eventually having Dynon go broke over bad business decisions. At the time they released news of the "Next generation EFIS" I was a bit disappointed since it foretold the eventual decline in development effort of the system I own. However, a person needs to look at the broad picture. We are participants in a live industry, the very products we all use are, in very many cases, cutting edge if not unique to experimental aviation as a whole. To take the narrow view that this industry has to act as if on tracks begins to miss the point.
Going to lob in a call tomorrow to Nick I think

Now how many of you are actually wanting to order the AP76?

Going to lob in a call tomorrow to Nick I think

Now how many of you are actually wanting to order the AP76?


I was 100% commited to purchasing one but then this notice came along. I have also found out on the Dynon forum that they still don't have the integration with the HS34 and the SL30 worked out. (RMI pointers both locked to active and no way to select the standby etc.) Others are continuing to struggle with getting the AP solid enough to feel comfortable.

I find it strange that Dynon does not have access to an SL30 for testing??????

Not sure what the heck I am going to do at this point. I hate to think that I may scrap the work and money invested in the panel to date but the issues are building up!
I find it strange that Dynon does not have access to an SL30 for testing??????

Should not be necessary.
You can just download our Enigma or Odyssey simulator, switch on the simulated NAV radio and then select that you want to emulate a SL30 on a RS232 port. You then connect that to your EFIS.
Now you can play with the various SL30 messages much better as you can do with a real SL30 standing on the bench. You can "fake" ILS, glideslope, VOR, play with OBS and the various flags, frequencies, just like the real thing...
I have not plugged this into a Dynon of course (I don't own one) but it should work (and it's free)...

CEO MGL Avionics
Imagine that!

A direct competitor offering to allow another competitor to use his free simulator to help them debug their product!

Rainier, you are a first class person! Sez allot about MGL!
Imagine that!

A direct competitor offering to allow another competitor to use his free simulator to help them debug their product!

I don't really think we are competitors - we're certainly not enemies.
At least last time I checked...

Our respective product lines are very different and there is very little overlap.
Of course this may change in future, perhaps they will give us a hard time, perhaps we will give them a hard time, perhaps we will give each other a hard time. That is fine. Guess who wins: We all do - and that includes you !

CEO MGL Avionics

I think you will find that the vast majority of units installed are working as advertised. Not sure what the SL30 issue is, but all I can say is buy a GNS430/530W and connect that. Keep ya SL30 as a back up COM and maybe NAV.

As for AP installations the problem you have in the EXP world is a lot of folk are a little out of their depth technically speaking. So you will get a bunch of questions for what are not really product issues just installer issues. Look at the percentage of Q&A's on the Dynon site. That says it all really.

I bet Rainer has the same kind of stats on his product/customers, and while I am sure he has, he may be not to keen to voice it as the customers out here do not want to hear that.

My advice is fit the AP74, which lets face it does just about everything you will ever want it to do, and wait for the AP76.....I am reasonably sure it will come, just be patient!...........something I am not always good at.
Promises, Promises...

I have worked for a technology vendor (non-aerospace). I've also been a customer of technology companies.

If you make plans around a vendor's statements (whether they were made in public or private) about their future products, there is a good likelyhood that you will be disappointed in some way. Especially given the pace of development and changing landscape that is the avionics field today, it's no surprise they have changed their corporate development plans.

I prefer to wait until a product is released and someone has already gone through the "early adopter" phase before I buy into it.

Believing in a technology vendor's future products and making plans around it is just above believing a politician's campaign promises.

Disclaimer: I am a Dynon customer (D-10A) and really like their products. I would really like to use their next gen platform in my RV-10, but I can't count on it being there when I will need it.