I am worried that Dynon will be the victim of the 'Osborne Effect'. For those who missed the computer revolution, Adam Osborne produced the first portable computer. He then announce a new improved version, which immediately dried up sales of his existing system. Since he he announced his new system before it was ready to ship and there were delays, he ran out of cash and the company failed.

There is a lot of competitive pressure to announce new whizbang hardware before it is ready, but it's tricky. Dynon did reduce the SV pricing, so there is hope that helps keep sales rolling.
I would like to respectfully disagree with the last 2 posts. First, how many of us have Apple iOS devices? Apple always announces software and hardware upgrades with a target delivery date. Granted, they do always hit their targets, but they are one of the biggest companies out there. Announcing what is coming up is very common in this industry. It keeps people who have their equipment happy with their decision, those who are planning to use it more eager, and those on the fence possibly off the fence.

Regarding the "Osborne Effect", of a $20,000 Dynon system, well under half is the screen. The whole system can be wired and installed and ready to go except the screen. Also, I have 5 Dynon screen upgrades in the works. 2 are waiting for the HDX and 3 are happy with the Skyview classic. Also, the rebate on D series equipment keeps Skyview classic moving. How much the HDX affects the sales of the Skyview classic, only Dynon knows. For big announcements like this, Oshkosh is the place, or maybe Sun-N-Fun. I'm sure they were hoping to be about ready to ship by Oshkosh, but it didn't happen. They said fall, and we are all of 3-4 weeks into fall. I think they will likely hit the fall goal still. They have units in the field doing beta testing, and I have it on good authority that they are very close on the software, and the hardware is doing very well also.

The HDX is a completely new system of both ergonomics and menu structure, and that doesn't come easy. I think it will be worth it, though. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but I think Dynon did this right.
2 plus months before Fall ends

I have to agree with Jesse on this one. At OSK I was told they were shooting for a fall delivery on both HW and SW. Hoping they hit the date but stuff happens.

We did it!

It took some long hours from some great team members even after Murphy showed up but Dynon is now shipping the HDX and you're going to love it!
If you had the 6 holes, the bottom two are used for a gap filler plate that comes with it, it is folded a few degrees forward at the top, two top holes mount the screen in the same place, only need to drill two lower mounting holes for nut plates, looks nice, no gaps at all. it dose sit proud about 3/8"ish compared to the classic version?
If you had the 6 holes, the bottom two are used for a gap filler plate that comes with it, it is folded a few degrees forward at the top, two top holes mount the screen in the same place, only need to drill two lower mounting holes for nut plates, looks nice, no gaps at all. it dose sit proud about 3/8"ish compared to the classic version?

Any chance of a picture, either here, or emailed to me?
Kitplanes has a great video of HDX from Oshkosh. Those screens shown there were dropped in to a panel designed for a classic SkyView in less than 20 minutes.

Around 2:40 there's some great side shots.


It's designed to just drop right in. Here's another nice side shot:

I am worried that Dynon will be the victim of the 'Osborne Effect'. For those who missed the computer revolution, Adam Osborne produced the first portable computer. He then announce a new improved version, which immediately dried up sales of his existing system. Since he he announced his new system before it was ready to ship and there were delays, he ran out of cash and the company failed.

OMG, I had an Osborne "portable" computer back in the early 80's. Calling it "portable" was a stretch since it was about the size of a large sewing machine and weighed a ton! Luckily I sold it before the company tanked.

