Ha Ha

Paul Tuttle said:
1:One observation was made when the tail was finished. "The wings ain't very big"

2:A lady with a nasty black eye was around one day . I asked how that happened? She said she fell in the bath tub hit her head and nearly drowned.
She then asked if I were going to fly in that thing ,it looks dangerous.
I told her ,it looks like it will be at least as safe as taking a bath ;)

3: Q: Are you afraid you might kill yourself in that thing? A:No I,m afraid of snakes and mother in laws :eek:

RV 8 fuselage

Thanks Paul,

The " laugh out loud" when reading posts, are my favourites :p
From the sublime to the ridiculous

For Winston et. al., Mensa has a program for gifted children that all should explore. http://www.mensa.com

The most absurd question:
I had used the shipping crate for the wing kit to hold the skins while I alodined them. The crate was sitting upside down in the back yard when my neighbor asked,
"Is that the wing?"
"No. That's the box it came in."
"Oh. Well you know I'm not very mechanical."

Like I always say. If you can't laugh at yourself...make fun of somebody else.
I've heard a lot of questions over the 20 years and 6 or so airplanes, but the best one was when I was aked "if it came in any other colors?" I was at a loss as how to explain it could come in any color you want. :)