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Jump over to pa Vlad, these are all grass or have grass
9n7 my base
O8n the smoothest grass ever
Bermudian valley
They are all close to each other in rv speed, if you stop by 9n7 look for a blue Pitts, my name is Mark we'll take you to a nice lunch spot.

Good list. Have something to do on a weekend thanks Mark. Farmer's Pride is top priority for starving RVator :D

PA62 I couldn't do sorry.

Grimes visited recently busy busy. Mostly Pumpkin Bombers.


A few of my fave's...

Thought I would share a few of my favorites from the past few years. Several are public grass strips...

I think you need to add them to your list...well most of them anyway :)


JAARS Pilatus PC6 on final in Papua Indonesia

JAARS PC6 Papua Indonesia

MAF C-206 (my wife loading baggage pod) Amazonian Rainforest Ecuador

Same Strip from above

HR2 Big Creek Idaho U60

HR2, Marble, CO (PVT) 7800' EL PPR*

9A9 North Carolina

"RVX" C97 Indiana (GREAT grass Public Airport with an INST Approach!)

Dues Gladly paid in Iraq...
Gladly paid to DR anyway...
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Smokey Ray got me going to Idaho back in 2003, I have loved grass before his influence, but Idaho offers plenty of fun destinations.,,, no pavement needed. You might want to convert your airplane to a RV9!

, if you stop by 9n7 look for a blue Pitts, my name is Mark we'll take you to a nice lunch spot.

Stopped by 9N7 and opened 2013 Grass Season.

Was looking for blue Pitts but saw red one instead.

Grass field is in great shape you don't need the paranoya technique on landing :D

lives on grass and

my RV9 prefers it to concrete any day it hasn't rained a lot (which in south texas now is almost any day at all). we have to occasionally use concrete when travelling tho, dang it.
Ah, your buying water. That's where all your money is going. Use tap water and paint your plane!!!
I'm thinking Vlado should set up a paint booth in his apartment. Maybe in the bathroom because it's probably already got an exhaust fan. Probably do all the small stuff right in the tub.
I built this one in 1990. My 170 was down for engine overhaul at the time, so Dad let me christen it with his Stearman. Three months later I got laid off and had to move. We moved the day after I made the first landing with the 170.:( I went back to check it out about 5 years ago, and it appeared to be maintained in a usable condition, though I didn't see any airplanes or hangars on the property.,+Coffee,+Tennessee&t=h&z=17
12n and 50PA


Have you done the grass at 12N Aeroflex? Like an aircraft carrier. It's my home field for my J-3.

Also a very nice one is 50PA (Pegasus) out near Stroudsburg, very friendly EAA chapter on the field. They finished a CH-701 last year and vinyl wrapped it.

You should speak to Damian Delgazio at Andover Flight, he teaches backcountry tailwheel in his J-3 and Stearman, he knows all the grass spots in North Jersey and Lower NY.

Vlad, next time your in town I know of 1 grass we could have landed at last time (except for the winds). We flew right over top of it.

I am sure I can find 1 or two more local ones also to help you get more notches on your wing flaps.

Ah, your buying water. That's where all your money is going. Use tap water and paint your plane!!!

YES! Shipping water all over the world in little plastic bottles instead of big pipes = about the dumbest, worst thing for the planet.

You don't see EXON shipping oil in little plastic bottles do you?

The answer? STOP BUYING THEM. Get a metal or non-bisphenal plastic re-usable container and re-use it often.

OK, off my soap box now. Sorry.
Redwing 2N6

There is a grass field on the edge of McGuire airbase Class D and it looks deserted. Flew there yesterday evening to check why.

Freshly cut grass looks very nice from the air but surface is not Farmers Pride. A lot of work needed to land, stop and taxi back :D
There is a grass field on the edge of McGuire airbase Class D and it looks deserted. Flew there yesterday evening to check why.

Freshly cut grass looks very nice from the air but surface is not Farmers Pride. A lot of work needed to land, stop and taxi back :D

Yup. For those who fantasize having their own grass strip, it's a lot of work to just keep it "OK" and those fareway quality grass strips costs money!
Gorham 2G8

Scored one more. This grass strip is in New Hampshire. To find it you have to drive the valley

then turn left following the creek

till you see a picturesque town. Strip is right there in the center.

Runway is not smooth like 53VG but no ruts Redwing style either.

Couple of corporate hangars. Looks like Teterboro.

The surrounding area is beautiful. Take a river tour and hunt for cheaper fuel.

Please be careful in your hunt and drive safe.

There is a grass field on the edge of McGuire airbase Class D and it looks deserted. Flew there yesterday evening to check why.

Freshly cut grass looks very nice from the air but surface is not Farmers Pride. A lot of work needed to land, stop and taxi back :D

I'm sorry I missed you, there is a little fly in picnic this Saturday Vlad c'mon back to the pride 9n7, starts around noon. Don't forget Kelley's bros in your search of grass, it makes farmers pride feel like a mine field! :^)
14N Belzville

Airport has very unique tilted runway. Next day after pouring rain it was dry.

There are two RVs on the field and I've seen one. It will be up for sale soon :)
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First grass strip in an RV

I have landed at several grass strips in my Cherokee over the past 14 years but yesterday marked my first grass strip in my 9A, Merlin Aerodrome, 2VA3. In part I picked it because it's long, well kept, and Vlad hadn't been there.

One grass strip in the 9A doesn't make me an expert but it was a non-event (but still more fun than asphalt, imo). More grass strips to add to the collection.
Don that field beyond my reach. You probably know somebody there :)

Mark thanks for the lead. I went there today and it's very picturesque place. Lots of other kind RVs there. State of the grass 7 :D

Who has third wheelie in wrong place come trained or buy antisplat there are couple low and soft spots may dig in. :D
Do not try to land at an aerodrome like this one. Unless you are Smokey Ray, Jay Pratt or Michael Robinson :D

Out of published 2400' only one third is useable not enough for average mortal :)
Two more to the collection

Today I went to a house warming party.

Wait a second it's a thread about grass so it goes. Before the house warming party I went north in search of grass. Old Rhineback Aerodrome didn't return calls for permission and I found two large yellow X on both ends of runway when I showed up :)

I went farther and in deep upstate NY jungle I found this "gem". They call it Air Haven but I would call it completely opposite.

There is no way for touch and go unless you have really strong headwind. You have to land and depart another way. I almost fell to the ravine when taxiing :D

Second strip was heavily advertised Green Acres 1A1. Somebody told me I could walk across the field to a diner :eek:

There is no diner within 10NM. According to AFD this is good grass.

Make sure you don't use brakes on spots like this. This rock is hard and sharp could slash your tires in a second.

I would assess field quality as 4 :)

And after that I went to a house warming party.

Aren't RV amazing? From the Arctic of NY I went to the Carribean of PA. Keep pounding those rivets and don't worry about third wheel placement...
Dover Maine Field Report

V-Man, there is a balloon festival in Dover Foxcroft Maine May 31- Jun 2 at 44B, Charles A. Chase Jr. Memorial Field Airport I am thinking about attending.

Given your unlimited avgas budget, how about a recon trip and field report?:D

Or if anybody else has been there recently and can comment, that would be awesome!
Vlad collecting Grass Strips? I think he meant bugs. His cowling reminds me of a CHIA PET. :eek: We need to come up with a "VAF to Help the Commie Bas***d paint his plane" Fund. Just to get some clear coat on the thing!:D

Back to Grass...Two good ones: Grimes ( ), west of Rt 61 and off to the northern side of Route 78 (to the sportsman here, its about 20 miles west of Cabela's in Hamburg PA) and BMW, just a stones throw west of the same Cabelas. The former has a great little aircraft museum and several fly-ins each season, and the later, while a private strip, is certianly plenty smooth for Dash "A" type RVs. You definitely do not need a TD to fly into grass. Just work on technique. These things really can go just about anywhere!

Finally, if you remember Homer Kolb, of UltraLite fame, the Kolb family still maintains a grass strip near phoenixville PA. Very, Very long, smooth, and they want pilots to use it, both in memory of their father and to let the neighbors know its still an active runway.
Vlad collecting Grass Strips? I think he meant bugs. His cowling reminds me of a CHIA PET. :eek: We need to come up with a "VAF to Help the Commie Bas***d paint his plane" Fund. Just to get some clear coat on the thing!:D

Back to Grass...Two good ones: Grimes ( ), west of Rt 61 and off to the northern side of Route 78 (to the sportsman here, its about 20 miles west of Cabela's in Hamburg PA) and BMW, just a stones throw west of the same Cabelas. The former has a great little aircraft museum and several fly-ins each season, and the later, while a private strip, is certianly plenty smooth for Dash "A" type RVs. You definitely do not need a TD to fly into grass. Just work on technique. These things really can go just about anywhere!

Finally, if you remember Homer Kolb, of UltraLite fame, the Kolb family still maintains a grass strip near phoenixville PA. Very, Very long, smooth, and they want pilots to use it, both in memory of their father and to let the neighbors know its still an active runway.

Grimes conquered last year and properly logged in Book #2 Scott.
Since you survived my shot can you show me the Kolb's strip sometime this weekend?

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Since you survived my shot can you show me the Kolb's strip sometime this weekend?

Sure. If we cannot find a time to meet up, you can find it easily enough by Flying due south of KPTW to Royersford. Once over the river, keep following that southward to the electrical plant. Can't miss it. Has two tall thin stacks and sits right on the edge of the river. Kolbs is to the west and only a short distance from the river. Beware that the east end is on a slope so you want to land a bit long over the pond. From the west end, there is an old white church off the end of the runway. Also hard to miss as its spire is fairly tall.
But hold off on going till we can go together. I love flying in there.
I'm interested in Kolb field. I'll be heading to Carlisle PA in the foreseeable future. I'll look for Kolb and add it to the flight plan!
Three more

3W3 Kentmorr Airpark, MD

Jim's place in WV.

.... snip....

if you remember Homer Kolb, of UltraLite fame, the Kolb family still maintains a grass strip near phoenixville PA. Very, Very long, smooth, and they want pilots to use it, both in memory of their father and to let the neighbors know its still an active runway.

43PA Kolb, PA thanks for lead Scott.

Deer crossing.

Landed. Smooth as silk and long as SLF.

Yes I do collect grass

After ANOTHER week of low clouds and rain - I was able to sneak away from work early on Friday for a grass-strip fix.

Sleepy Eye Y58 and Stanton, KSYN - 2 Minnesota grass lost-in-time fields worth a stop.

I fount this putting the plane away - I have been smiling about it all weekend.

Aurora's first grass strip....66S Cavanaugh Bay June 8 2013

It's a smooth RV friendly manicured strip.

My landing Saturday morning

The line up of friends.

Scott and Kimala lifting off

Stephen and Melissa heading home

Sunday morning dew made for an easy bug wipe down.

Kris and Jeanie soaking up the morning before we leave for home.
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Feels good Brian, doesn't it? :) Grass is addictive when I fly a distance I start looking for a public grass strip. I do a low pass assessing surface condition and land if satisfied. If there are high trees or obstructions on both sides I usually do two passes just to see if I can do a go around safely. There were several occasions I didn't land.

Cape Cod 2B1 this time. There is an RC field too and it's smoother then their turf for planes.

Salty Approach on North Captiva



I have landed my 6A at several grass strips, but my favorite is Salty Approach on North Captiva.
Blast from the past KSYN

On the national register of historic places and has a coke machine with bottles!

Home of the Minnesota Soaring Club and Stanton Sport Aviation, it is an RV friendly destination for one of those true time-machine experiences.


Very nice. When the second plane pulled up I almost expected to see an unpainted 9A.
Tom, you're right. I forgot about belts and just saw it in the video. Well, I've been writing the checklist.

Oh' we'll, I guess that proves your human. :). By the way, I loved the video and I may just go ahead and steal your paint scheme. :cool: Very very nice Alex.
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