AveoFlash Lights and Digital Flight Deck

We have not posted anything new here on your site. Mainly because there is no news to post. Certainly none of the World Wide distributors for Aveo expected that the engineering and production for these great products would take this amount of time. We received word that they are close to shipping the AveoFlash aircraft lights to us. We will open our website (aveousa.net) when we receive the first shipment! We are expecting 50 sets with the first order! A ship date has not been given to us as yet! Pricing as well as wiring diagrams and dimensional drawings are posted on our website.

The Digital Flight Deck is still in development, with final software and beta testing in progress now. We expect to hear shortly as to when we can expect to have this product available. Remember, these are all brand new products and anyone that has produced anything from scratch knows how long it takes to get from concept, thru R and D and then getting production lines going.

We as builders ourselves (two Kitfox aircraft) believe these products will not only be the best on the market, but will change the way avionics and lighting are designed in the future! Please look for any updated news on our website. Thanks for your continued patients. Respectively Bruce and Brian - Aveousa Distributor...:):)
Digital Flight Deck

Just wondering if there is any more updates about the Digital Flight Deck?
Just wondering if there is any more updates about the Digital Flight Deck?

They had their booth two steps down from ours at last Osh.
They where showing their lights and some switches.
I asked them about the instruments and was told "still in development".

Looks like uptake on the lights was somewhat less than enthusiastic and the booth was closed at times.

Just goes to show: Things aren't always what they seem...

I know they pumped a lot of money into this so perhaps they will still pop up someday. Who knows ?

CEO MGL Avionics
(Supplier to Aveo at some stage but we had to stop due to "difference of interests" - 'nuf said)