
Active Member
Is anyone familiar with Aveo Engineering and their Digital Flight Deck instruments. I saw their add on page 17 of the September 2007 issue of Kitplanes magazine.
I saw their display at Oshkosh. Nice looking stuff, and the radio/transponder/TIS looks like a great deal being that it's all wrapped up in a single package for $1700.

Their website is www.aveousa.com.

I just wish I knew when their stuff will be available.
AveoDigitalFlightDeck Thanks Guys!

Hey guys! Thanks for the opportunity and the invite to join your group and give you some updates on the AveoDigitalFlightDeck products. My Twin Brian, AveoUSAB1 and I are the distributors for North America, Mexico and the Carri bean. So we will provide products and support to that group. First of all We are as excited as everyone is with the introduction of our products at the recent, Airventure 2007 Oshkosh fly in. Since we have built 3 homebuilt aircraft ourselves we are no stranger to what it takes to get the job done. Like you we have been searching for years to be able to find products that are simple to use and easy to maintain, but are state of the art.

To give all of you some background as to who we are and what we are about. Strojkov (AVEO)Engineering is headquartered in Kosice, eastern Slovakia, at the base of the beautiful Tatra mountains. Our modern and newly-equipped Kosice engineering offices comprise contract design and development engineering along with commercial operations. Our daughter company, MetalProdukt s.r.o. (Strojkov ownership) is a large metal fabrication and machining facility located in Gelnica, about 40 kilometers northwest of Kosice. All of the company information can be found by going to our website aveousa.com or aveoengineering.com.

Brian and I are headed to Prague, on August 22nd thru the 30th, with a scheduled flight to the factory aboard Christian's Cessna 402. We will see the DFD and AveoAircraft at the 144,000 sq ft. factory. We plan on getting as many photos, as we are allowed to take to show everyone just what they are getting and the kind of operation that he has there.

The biggest question is when will be have available product to get to you. We are expecting to have deliverable product around the first part of September 2007. We will update you if there is any change as soon as we receive these numbers. We want to be able to support you by giving you good information right away. However, this product is brand new and we are working to ramp up production as quickly as possible to meet the demand.

For those of you that do not know about the product, very quickly we have the only Back lit, trans-flective, Led, touch screen on the market. What this means is that the more the sun hits the display the brighter the screen gets. So none of the viewing problems that we have seen from any of the other displays on the market. The screens are made for us with one addition, our resolution is 640 x 480. All of the DFD products are pilot configurable with the software that we provide you. This means that you can change any display icon's location to exactly where and how you want to see it. We will have this software available within this next month for you to be able to play with, even before you buy anything. As soon as it is ready, we will post the link here for you nice folks.

The units only require 500 milliamp' s per display, are only 2 inches deep and are all plug and play. All of the AHRS, RF radio Secitons and receivers for the AveoPilot, Navagator, Skyway (GPS) TraffiCom, Transcom are provided with the unit, nothing else to buy. Except the connect module which you will need for the Displays to talk to each other should you choose to use multiple displays.

We have combination units for those with limited panel space, (pricing to be on the website shortly) but you can also mix and match the 5.7 and 3.7 inch displays to give you the information that you want in your ship. Gone are the days of Analog Gauges for back up. Any display can act as a back up for any other in case of an Emergency. We also have The AveoUPS, that will provide an additional 4 hours of back up in case of an alternator or generator failure. Believe us when we say that your bladder will run out of space before the instruments need to power down.

Installation will be easy, with just a cutout and four screws. The Bezels and display will be splash proof, should you be flying with coke in hand during turbulence.

All of our sensors, i.e. load cells for the GLT, and Thermocouples, etc, are going through stress tests and should be available in about 3 weeks, However, you can use anyones as we will interface with any digital or analog signal input device.

The AveoDigitalFlightDeck in it's current form will become the Magnum Certified version sometime in the last quarter of this year. This will pump the price a little, However we will still be more than competitive with anyone, We will also be giving you 3D with the Magnum line. The DFD Aveo and UL lines will continue to be 2D, In additon, to the 5.7" display we will also have the 10.4" display with the Magnum. The Magnum line will allow you to fly Legal IFR in both your Experimental as well as the TSO for your Cessna or other production aircraft, by having your local A & P avionics guy fill out the proper 337 forms.

We will have a HUDS display and AutoPilot out within the next four months, along with our own servo actuators.

We are five years ahead of anyone else with this product, because it is PILOT INTUITIVE. You will need no manuals, as every thing is touch screen and easy to figure out without them (Hey us guys hate manuals anyway) We will provide manuals of-course, but Brian and I both have never seen any and we could fly the DFD without them. One Touch and easy to fly.

Our next show will be the A.O.P.A. Show in Hartford Connecticut on October 4th thru the 7th. and we will be at the Copper state Southwest Regional fly in at the end of October in Phoenix area.

We hope this gives you some good information and insights into the product. We will be checking this site everyday to answer any additional questions that you may have. Please, e-mail or call us at 7022564600, we are in Vegas. Thanks for allowing us to ramble here. Respectfully Bruce and Brian Banks (AveoUSAB2 , AveoUSAB1)
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Thanks for the update! I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to post to the Main Discussion forum and let people know that you've posted here. Looking forward to the next round of information!
Im looking at Aveo - pilot, traffic & engineer. I hope you can have an online install manual soon so we can see whats needed to install them.
The Auto pilot, Led lights and antenna sound good also.
I hope to see more data on your products soon.
Hello All! Its great to be a part of this community,

We expect the Install manual shortly and this will provide everyone with everything you will need to install and use all of our DFD products. This will include dimensions, transmitting watts and any other technical data needed for your review. We appreciate your input and want everyone to know that we are always here to answer all of your questions If we don't have the answers right away, then we will contact the engineers in Prague and reply ASAP. We will have an e-mail address that will give you direct access to the engineers as well. We look forward to providing you with our second to none products and to providing you with the best customer support possible. Thanks
your questions on Aveo Products

We have sent these requests to our Tech guy Honza At AveoEngineering. As soon as I get a response I will post it here. Thanks Bruce and Brian AveoUSA
Have you set a warranty period yet, and will you be able to service and repair the units here in the US?
warranty period

Please don't quote me on this until you read the warranty guarantee that will come out with each boxed product. However, we do understand that it will be 24 months on all of the Digital Flight Deck products. Thanks Bruce and Brian
Warranty period

The Warranty period will be 24 months. The repair or exchange part is uncertain, as we have not received the actual warranty certificate from the factory. As soon as we get this information we will pass it on. Thanks Bruce and Brian Banks AveoUSA
Thanks guys...I think that's a pretty good warranty period! If you don't mind, can you post here when the update to the AveoUSA website is done? I'd like to get more information on the combination units and see the prices & screenshots.
warranty period and pricing

We have not received the official AveoDigitalFlightDeck Warranty. However, were are told that the warrranty will be 24 months. We do not know if this will be repair or replacement. As soon as this information is available we will post here. Also, we are receiving allot of requests for pricing, here is the link to that information. The only pricing not available are the combination units. That information we expect to be forth coming. Thanks Bruce and Brian Banks AveoUSA Pricing URL:http://www.aveoengineering.com/products/digital-flight-deck/USAretailprice/index.php
Dimensional drawing of the Digital Flight Deck, How do I post here?

We have a dimensional drawing of the larger AveoDigitalFlightDeck available. How do I post it here. So far all I see is a URL link, but it is not a link, and would prefer to post it on this site. Technical assistance Please, Thanks Bruce
If you have the means, convert it to a Jpeg or a Gif and post it as a picture to an online photo gallery or your website and hot-link it here.
You can post a photo here, but I'd suggest a "downloads" page for your website. Then you will have a place to put the installation and operating manuals as soon as you have them. That is what a lot of us want to see.
installation and operating manuals

DanH said:
You can post a photo here, but I'd suggest a "downloads" page for your website. Then you will have a place to put the installation and operating manuals as soon as you have them. That is what a lot of us want to see.
Dan, All of our web guys are working feverishly on the website and the downloads for manuals and technical data. We wanted to post something here for you guys that need information now. We will figure out another way to post those drawings and get back soon! Thanks Bruce and Brian
The dimensions....

AveoUSAB2 said:
Dan, All of our web guys are working feverishly on the website and the downloads for manuals and technical data. We wanted to post something here for you guys that need information now. We will figure out another way to post those drawings and get back soon! Thanks Bruce and Brian
To help Bruce out, I hosted his picture on my website.... you need your metric to US calculator though... :)

http://home.earthlink.net/~gilalex/DFD/DFD Dimenstions 2.jpg

gil A.
Warrenty and repair

You stated there will be a two year warranty will the repair station be in the U.S. or will the product have to be sent back over seas to be fixed. Are these
units in their final testing period and if so what was the test aircraft they were mounted in and what have been the results.

Ken Boyd
RV9A Finish kit
(N57KB) reserved
Overall size

vlittle said:
Not enough dimensions on this to determine instrument size or vertical hole spacing.

Vern... the 181 mm == 7.15 inches.... scale it on your printer to 100%

The approx. overall size of the instrument is 7.5 x 4.5 inches (+/- 0.1").. good enough to scale, print a screen shot from the web site and paste it on your panel... the cheap "panel planner" option.... :)

gil A
Cheap Panel Planner

:) Gil I tried your cheap panel planner with the Aveopilot on the left and the Aveoengineer on the right with my Avmap in the middle sweeeeet.

Ken Boyd
RV9A finish kit
(N57KB) Reserved.
Digital Flight Deck Dimensions

The Dimensions are now posted on the aveoengineering.com website. Hope this helps. Thanks Bruce
New pictures...

I hope it's OK with the Aveo guys that I'm posting the pictures they sent me. Apparently, the units at Oshkosh were not the final form factor...I like the new one better, actually. I hope I get to see what the Combo units look like before too long. :D


New Photos

Those are much nicer looking. I like the look of the second example to the first. Thanks for posting them.
kboyd59 said:
Those are much nicer looking. I like the look of the second example to the first. Thanks for posting them.

I can't really tell if they're the same unit or not...could be the angle and the lighting. But the lower picture looks like it's gray, and the upper one seems more black. Also, the backlighting is on in the upper pic.
Back Lighting

lostpilot28 said:
I can't really tell if they're the same unit or not...could be the angle and the lighting. But the lower picture looks like it's gray, and the upper one seems more black. Also, the backlighting is on in the upper pic.
Top pic taken in the dark to show back lighting?
Check out the + and - symbols on the right....

gil A
kboyd59 said:
Also knobs in the top photo have white in the groves and the bottom doesn't

Actually, if you look at the bottom pic, they aren't grooves. The look like raised, clear plastic grips...no doubt clear to allow the backlighting to light the knobs. At least that's my guess! Sure looks perty. ;)
new AveoDFD Look

We just Returned from the Aveo Factory in Glenica, Slovakia and the AveoEngineering faclity in Kocise, Slovakia. We now have an excellent picture of how sound and advanced the engineering is that went into the design of the AveoDigitalFlgithDeck products. What you are seeing above is the final production version 3D model of the Digital Flight Deck, which somehow leaked out. The software, and product infrastructure, including support, is being put in place now and until all of this is completed the product will not be available. We expect this to occur before the end of 2007. We are not in a rush to put the product out there until we can support it properly. At the AveoUSA AOPA display demonstration in Hartford, Connecticut, October 4th thru the 6th, Where we will have working models of the product. In particular we will have the AveoGLT with a set of load cells that you will be able to stand on and demonstrate, dynamically, the weight and balance indication for this panel. We will also have all of the other DFD in an animated form. This will enable you to view the displays as they will perform in the Real World. We will also be at the Copper state EAA fly in in Phoenix, Arizona at the end of October with similar demonstrations. Also continue to watch our web site for animations and dimensional drawings as well as links to other sites that will soon be supporting the AveoDigitalFlightDeck Avionics. Contact us at [email protected] for any questions you may have. Thanks Respectively, Bruce and Brian Banks AveoUSA Distributors
I'm very impressed overall what I've seen but there are some questions still like in case I've AveoTraffiCom and I'll encounter "single-fault" and lose my display. In practice I'll lose radio (if I wasn't on right channel) so how to engage transponder code 7600 then? Combining things has pros and cons.
dependability and reliablility of the AveoDigitalFlightDeck

Gentleman, During our recent (we just returned)visit to the AveoEngineering facility in Kosice, Slovakia, we saw first hand, the tremendous amount of Engineering, safety and redundancy that has gone into the design of the DFD products. Chosen by the US NAVY for their Helicopter revamp program the DFD has been engineered from the beginning to US Military standards. Every DFD module has the capability, under emergency conditions, to become a backup for any other DFD module. This is done by the pilot (owner) during the configuration of the displays that you purchase. All DFD displays have both hardwired and touch screen buttons, as well as, their, dual buss system, All DFD units, because of the AveoConnect module will continue to talk with each other during a display failure of one unit, you will simply switch that function to one of the other display units in your panel. Keep in mind that with a standard analog instrument failure you would have to just fly seat of the pants until you land or in the case of the standard radio failure, you would use a hand held backup VHF transceiver. No other avionics package available offers these features. Since the AveoDFD Displays are PowerPC processor based, the end user has the most stable and reliable avionics platform available anywhere. All of this will be proven over time, as the product becomes tried and true. Thanks for your continued interest. Respectively, Bruce and Brian AveoUSA Distributor
<<What you are seeing above is the final production version 3D model of the Digital Flight Deck, which somehow leaked out.>>

Well, leak more as soon as possible <g>
Noticed the Aveousa website has been updated slightly.

Yep, sure would be nice to see those manuals...or more pictures...or actual screenshots...maybe some type of detailed description of the "Combo" units. :p

I'm just hoping they'll be shipping by the end of the year. That goes for MGL, with the Voyager, too! I have a feeling I'll be leaning in the direction of one of these 2 companies and I'd like to see more.

Can you estimate the price for a full package of the certified version (Magnum)?

Experimental version is 12.999,00, ok?

Thanks in advance
Aveo usa

Emailed Bruce at Aveo USA and expressed frustration at the lack of information on their USA website, I explained if their was more information
on the web site We would not have to constantly email him for information.
Bruce stated the information on the website is the information they have received from the engineering group and factory staff. He also said he would update the FAQ section to cover some of the questions that have been generated on his email.

Ken Boyd
Good timing...I e-mailed them last week, too. The lack of information is pushing me to start considering other alternatives. As much as I like the looks of their products, there simply isn't enough technical information on them to make an informed decision...it's all "looks" at this point.

The information for the MGL & Dynon products are very comprehensive and shows everything their products can do. I'd like something similar from Aveo...my ETA for purchasing is in the next couple of months, maybe very early 2008.
Something I've said a bunch of times, but worth repeating...

When it comes to purchasing a product, especially avionics - don't even consider that a product even exists until it actually does!

That means if you stop by a booth at any airshow and see some flashy presentation...don't ask nor listen to "what it's going to do"...ask them WHAT DOES IT DO NOW?

I'm constantly amazed at how easily people become intrigued by what someone is "going to do" - having NEVER seen an actual production product - never flown behind it - never heard a report form ANYONE who's seen or flown behimnd it, etc... This goes for engines (lately having read posts in other places on this forum about what a certain new engine is "going" to do), Avionics, EFIS's, etc..

Why would anyone even consider a product that doesn't exist outisde of photos and demo/dumb boxes at an airshow? It shouldn't even be called a product until it's an actual product. It's like seeing a raccoon fixated on a shiny object :)

This whole business is getting carried away with people "introducing" things months or even years before the 1st single production unit even ships. I could rattle of a bunch of them, but suffice to say that I'm not a fan of people showing things and claiming things before they even exist. Not saying this is 100% the case with this particluar product, but until I can hold one in my hand I don't even consider it - period! Sure, everyone always claims their newfangled widget will be the next thing since sliced cheese - cheaper, faster, brighter, better, burns less gas, does more for you, yada, yada, yada!

No flames intended here with this post because this very well may be the next best thing...but until it actually is a thing of any sort - why waste your time?!?!?!?

You can't build a reputation or product on what you're "going" to do......

Just my 2 cents as usual!

I'm constantly amazed at how easily people become intrigued by what someone is "going to do" - having NEVER seen an actual production product - never flown behind it - never heard a report form ANYONE who's seen or flown behimnd it, etc... This goes for engines (lately having read posts in other places on this forum about what a certain new engine is "going" to do), Avionics, EFIS's, etc..

Why would anyone even consider a product that doesn't exist outisde of photos and demo/dumb boxes at an airshow? It shouldn't even be called a product until it's an actual product. It's like seeing a raccoon fixated on a shiny object

I guess I tend to be more of an optomist. I will consider any product on a forward-thinking basis simply because I'm not ready to buy yet...and when I am, maybe these products will be ready. If not, I'll look elsewhere.

As for vendors drumming up business for an upcoming product, what's wrong with that? I think that's part of being a developer and manufacturer of just about anything. Interesting how lots of people buy things when none (or hardley any) exist...kind of like the first RV kits. Or maybe the first Dynon EFIS...or maybe the first Trio Autopilot. No one used these products prior to the first one being sold, except the manufacturer who made all the claims.

Or maybe I'm just someone who gets "easily intruiged" by shiny objects. :rolleyes:
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Well, as a manufacturer, my 2 cents.
We never used to even mention a product until is was available - but I do admit that we slipped a bit. In part this is to do with pressure applied by both our distributors as well as customers.
It usualy goes like this - "I like the current product but I need one that can make coffee". Usualy (considering that we have nearly 50 new products in active development), we have something that will do coffee (or at least a strong tea), so you reveal a little about what you are doing.
One thing we have noticed, aviation, and in particular experimental aviation which is where we fit in, is a very small and closed community, World wide. You give out any information - it spreads like a wild fire.
The second platform is of course exibitions, we are new to this having done "word of mouth" kind of thing in the past (actually I have never been to an exibition displaying our products - but our distributors tend to take large interest in this).
Well, exibitions are good "sounding boards". Display what you have (or at least some semi-fuctional mock-up), and see what response you get. You get a lot of interested potential customers or just interested people (who will never buy your gadget but offer valuable feedback).
This kind of thing is important for a manufacturer (or shall I rather say: designer). If the product in question is in development, you might change direction based on the customers input, now it is a good time to do so.
Or perhaps you got some good advice that you had not thought about before.

So, all of this is valuable.

Planning your panel around "vapour ware" can work out, but most likely will not. The reason is simple. Even with the best of intentions, it takes 90% of development time to finish the last 10% of your development. The designer may absolutely believe that he is 2 months away from completing his design.
Unless it is a simple one, chances are that it will take a lot longer.
Ask me about that one - I have 35 years of electronics design experience in various universities and companies (and now my own company as well), this simple (but annoying) rule of advanced electronics design does not want to go away...

Oh yes, I better mention this before anybody gets the wrong idea:
The first batch of our new Odyssey EFIS is in production, on time, on schedule. We expect to start shipping in 3 weeks max.
Second batch is in component procurement stage.

CEO MGL Avionics
Sonny et al -

I was completely intrigued by the digital flight deck system - attraction being cosmetics and interesting features/developments. I'll keep this post short to protect those that I communicated with but the essence is this:

After about 6 very long email exchanges with Aveo and their associated parties (particularly one of the owners of the business) I came to the conclusion that what they are attempting to do is genuinely worth keeping an eye on. I believe their intentions are good and that if their products perform the way they say they will (and at the price they are offering) I am sure the products will be a huge success.

That said I have just committed to purchasing a GRT Horizon HS dual screen EFIS with all the predictable add-ons.

I did this because the track record of the company and their follow up service is clearly proven. I also wanted a system that would provide vertical GPS steering for my Trutrak AP. GRT's assistance in informing me in relation to my proposed purchase was also exceptional and completely unbiased. This can not be said for one member (unnamed) of the Aveo who shot me down in flames in relation to my decision quickly ripping into criticism about GRT which was (IMHO) unjustifiable.

Ultimately I want to invest in a system that is proven and available. Sure I'll probably pay a bit more but if I wanted to save money I probably wouldn't be building an RV in the first place and I certainly don't cut costs when it comes to safety...?! Having now made a decision to commit to a proven product I can tell you that I feel very comfortable with my decision.

AVEO are definitely worth watching out for and if you're not in a hurry to purchase your panel components then why not wait until the product is flying and feedback starts flowing through. Given a chance I am sure the product will probably prove itself in time and the fact that they intend to release certified products says a lot about their vision.

If you need to commit now however I would strongly suggest supporting a proven product in the interests of safety alone.

My 2 cents worth.


Hi Jon,
You hit the nail on the head...that's all I was saying. I'm not ready to buy, so why not keep my options open? :)
Well done at the Rugby World Cup

We were all gathered at the beautifull Stellenbosch flying club and watching the final on the big screen, one of the members had just done his helicopter licence and picked up the tab for free drinks and free food (lamb on the spit) so the festivities where well oiled.
Still, nail biting stuff this. Too much for my old heart...

Oh well, back to work....

CEO MGL Avionics

P.S: a good number of well built RVs at the club. The RVs are proving most popular in South Africa.
Planning your panel around "vapour ware" can work out, but most likely will not. The reason is simple. Even with the best of intentions, it takes 90% of development time to finish the last 10% of your development. The designer may absolutely believe that he is 2 months away from completing his design.
Unless it is a simple one, chances are that it will take a lot longer.
Ask me about that one - I have 35 years of electronics design experience in various universities and companies (and now my own company as well), this simple (but annoying) rule of advanced electronics design does not want to go away...

I too work in electronics design and see it from both fronts... Customers want product delivery dates set in stone before I even generate a schematic, but the nature of my work (R&D) basically dictates that product schedules aren't realistic until I actually build something and have an idea how long it will take. The other side is that I may be waiting on some gee whiz product from a supplier that has been promised but might never come to be. I've watched, on more than one occasion, where a semiconductor supplier announces the product of my dreams, generates real datasheets, then a couple of months later, drops the product with the old "we can't get the yield up" excuse. This is the danger of being cutting edge. If you don't take some risks in development, you aren't really advancing the industry.

As for vendors drumming up business for an upcoming product, what's wrong with that? I think that's part of being a developer and manufacturer of just about anything.

I see nothing wrong with that, but for some reason people get really torqued when they believe the company is promising them something and then doesn't deliver. We, as a community, need to realize that manufacturers don't owe us a thing unless you sign a contract (even then...been there, done that, ALWAYS have a plan B). We wouldn't be able to dream about their product if they didn't announce it to us in the first place. The company's failure to deliver a product that was merely previewed and impacting your flying date is not their problem. (Nor their distributers').

I can see the lawsuit now... "I got attached to your 3D EFIS/Autoland/Beverage Dispenser" that when you announced it, I saved all the money I could by eating cardboard boxes instead of food. Now that you didn't deliver, I am suing you for the cardboard **** I had to deal with" :D

The way I see it is that I will plan for what's available, and hope that the next generation will be available & ready for flight. Either way, I'll have something I'm happy with.
AveoDigitalFlightDeck Thanks Guys!

Allot of folks saw the AveoDigitalFlightDeck at Oshkosh 2007 at which time it was being introduced. Many builders are frustrated that the product is not available and are wondering what the heck is going on with the availablility of the Aveo Avionics, LED Lights, and the AveoPhantom LSA aircraft. Of-course going from Engineering and then tooling up for the manufacturing process is an arduous task. Not to mention software and the infrastructure to put these products on the market. As the USA distributors for AveoEngineering, we are anxiously awaiting word, as to when these products will be available to us, for resale to everyone in our territory. USA, Canada, Mexico and the Carribean.

One thing we can tell you is that AveoEngineering will NOT be distributing any product that is not FULLY TESTED and has the infrastructure in place to be FULLY SUPPORTED. As soon as we have anything positive to report to you great folks we will post it here and on our USA website.

We were at the Copperstate Regional Flyin in Casa Grande AZ. at the end of October with the AveoFlash LED Lites demo and this will probably be the first product that we will have available. The AveoEngineering and manufacturing group tells us that this will occur sometime before the end of this year. We are optimistic! and in support of that effort daily.

As pilots and previous Experimental Aircraft builders ourselves, we await these new products with open arms and look forward to supporting the customers that wish to put these technically advanced products in their aircraft.

All we can tell you is that we have visited the factory and the Engineering group and are impressed with the products and believe that they are going to revolutionize the industry as soon as, they are available. Until that time we will update our website (aveousa.net) as quickly as,we receive any new information.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Brian or myself at [email protected] (or [email protected], [email protected]) or call us in Las Vegas at 702-256-4600. Thanks for your continued patients! It will be worth the wait. Respectively, Bruce and Brian Banks, AveoUSA Distributors.