I have no data other than what I've read, which are mostly other's opinions, but it is interesting that a certified G5 costs $2,395 and an experimental version is $1,340 (about 44% less than certified). The difference in avionics might be where the idea came from. It does seem like a high percentage, but nothing surprises me anymore.

I was once told by a lawyer that anyone can sue anyone for anything...and you have to go thru the hassle/stress/expense of defending yourself. It's a crazy system.

We need to have a law where the losing party pays both parties fees.
Lots of interesting drift. Anyone can point to a plethora of data or anecdote to support/debate the OPs original point.

Why do certified OEM's planes/parts cost so much?
Litigation protection and associated expenses, sure.
Because they can/you have no option? Absolutely. A Cessna AD related hockey stick shaped fuse long (IIRC) was over $7K last year for the part alone.

Freedoms and choices available in EAB that don't exist in cert world?
Of course.

Common approach is not the "simple" EAB aircraft from decades past? Yep.

List goes on and on and the underlying reason(s) could be a combo of all of these. I'm a technical person but I believe the main reason is more fundamental than technical. Information is shared more easily and quicker than ever before, e.g. this forum. Can anything good be kept a secret anymore; places to live, vacation spots, etc?

EAB aircraft from good manufacturers (good performance and good safety records) aren't a secret anymore. As there are more people that want to fly them versus build them, the supply/demand ratio is heavily skewed. Prices for everything from parts to completed aircraft will continue to increase. This isn't going away anytime soon.

EAB's roots were a market disrupter before the term got popularized.

Sorry. Monday mullings over. If you bothered to read this, your day can only get better.
New owners needing training and time in type as well. Not sure what the future of upcoming EAB CFIs will be with time in type for insurance requirements.