I did not know this. I'll change my numbers.

(With MGL Hat off - just me in my private capacity - it's Friday morning and I have not touched a screw driver yet).

While your chart may be valuable - it is equaly missleading. Your intentions are very good - and if kept to yourself will serve you. But if put into the public - it can result in confusion as we can see from some of the posts here.
Our modern EFIS's are very difficult to compare. Even if you do - tomorrow your comparison is out of the window as they have changed.

You see, some time ago you would buy an Altimeter from company XYZ after cafeful consideriation and comparisons - and years later you reasoning would still be just perfect - nothing changed.

Now however, trouble is brewing. Our EFIS's (all of them) are getting "soft". Ever increasing processing power, less and less differences between displays and the manufacturers capability to completely change functionality or add features on the drop of a hat merely by giving you a free software download - how can you compare ? What criteria do you use ? You might not like a particular product today - but tomorrow it happens to add your much desired back-scratcher, and then what ?

I do not envy anybody that is now in the sticky situation of having to decide on a particular EFIS. It's easy to argue in favour and against any of the current players - with perfect validity.

(Whew, luckily I know a place where I can get an EFIS cheap...)
...Using the same software left the area at the bottom of the screen. Had to fill it with something.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.

Works for me. Excellent use of the additional space.

The chart was shared so others could input their numbers, not use mine.

My desires for the airplanes mission and feature list change often. The desires of the EFIS/EMS system change equally as often.

In my mind this chart is much like one posted a while back of feature-per-dollar of NAV/COM's. His weight of particular features did not match mine but his chart was still useful to me.
I have never flown a GRT. I have flown the G1000, Proline21, and One of Jim Younkin's EFIS prototypes.

I have an F-1 EVO with a D100 w/HS34, G-430W & TT Digiflight II VSG soon to be VSGV. My engine instruments are steam gauges and I have a A/S Alt & T&B backups.

For this discussion, all I can comment on is the Dynon. I fly what is generally refered to as hard IFR. I have flown actual ILS approaches to minimums, and even missed one once.

I have over 500 hours behind a Dynon D-10, D-10A and D-100 with lots of actual IFR and I am very happy with it.

My back up plan for a Dynon failure is to engage the TT and steer it to an airport.

I have a word of caution for the EFIS makers. There is a feature race and most of these boxes already have too many features in them. More is not always better.

I wish the Dynon heading and Alt bugs awould drive the TT DII VSVG, but that is not a deal breaker.

With regard to failures, whether you fly IFR or VFR, pilots need to be more concerned about their ability to fly with a failure because all of them will fail sooner or later.

Doug Rozendaal