I will try it

I would be willing to try it out and have a few x-country flights planned. I have ADS-B in/out and will be able to compare and report back.

I have emailed you with my address.

RV-8, A-36

I just got my beta unit yesterday. Today, I took it to the skies in an ADS-B equipped plane (GTN 750/GDL 88). It would show some GA traffic but I couldn't get closer than one indicator light but that distance looked accurate. So, I went and flew under the Class B shelf on the Braymer arrival for KCI and got to use SWA airlines to do a couple of tests on the unit (very legally). The best was a head-to-head with a SWA plane 1600 ft above me. I had the ADS-B page on traffic and the distances were spot on. I didn't get any false alarms.

So far, it looks like it is accurate and could be a good tool. The buzzer was audible with my noise cancelling headsets in a Bonanza but barely so. The lights were very visible. I will report more when I have some more flights with it.


First flight with the device went well. I was flying the Hudson River SFRA and was getting lights as traffic passed. Got the 3 lights and a buzzer as I was landing. The buzzer is surprisingly noticeable through my headset.

I took the unit out for a second flight yesterday. Again, it performed well with a single false alarm when on final approach on a practice ILS. The rest of the time, the distances seemed to match the ADS-B distances and presence of the aircraft. It was a busy GA day in the KC area so there was a lot of traffic to see and detect. I will continue to test it.

At and near the ground the reflections of your own Transponder are possible to be strong enough to be detected as the target.
Actually, it is a feature - it Alerts you when near some obstacle...

Thank you, guys!
Another PIREP

I received my Beta unit last week and I flew a 55 nm flight to an EAA Breakfast and returned. If I hadn't been late, I would have had more traffic to evaluate. :eek:
So far, the unit seems accurate. It's very simple to operate, and it seems to do what it's supposed to do. I plan some more flights near the nearby Class C.
Any updates / impressions about Puppy performance?

I am very happy with your alerter Boris. I keep it on on every flight and it happily barks at almost every aircraft in my proximity. It feeds on cheap batteries too. I would like to buy your Puppy it's a great situational awareness tool for steam cockpits.
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I would like to test one...

Hey I just send you an email. I would be interested in testing one of your units as well.
I am very happy with your alerter Boris. I keep it on on every flight and it happily barks at almost every aircraft in my proximity. It feeds on cheap batteries too. I would like to buy your Puppy it's a great situational awareness tool for steam cockpits.

Vlad, your comments are very appreciated - you have many hours of tests so your results are not accidental. Hope, the device brings more confidence in your flights.
Me too want one

Hi Boris I am not flying as many hours as vlad do but i'd like to get one of your boxes
please PM me conditions

budet priyatno poznakomitsa
Spasibo Ulian
Hi Boris I am not flying as many hours as vlad do but i'd like to get one of your boxes
please PM me conditions

budet priyatno poznakomitsa
Spasibo Ulian

Dear vluvelin, all our models - 10 units - are in the field at this time. When someone returns his, I let you know. Thank you.
Non-ADSB traffic in Canada

This topic might be worth resurrecting. Since Nav Canada has all but killed the requirement of ADS-B for GA (below 12,500) until at least 2023 I suspect a lot of GA traffic will remain invisible.

The Monroy starts to look more interesting again. It's inexpensive, understands MODE A/C/S. Lynx does some of this but not without significant antenna and license. Garmins 345 does some of this but not without external equipment.

There were questions several years ago that never got answered about interoperability between the Monroy and painting targets and audio.
Does anyone have experience with the monroy on G3X or GTN's?

In the meantime, in good ol? Europe, PowerFlarm works pretty good and most aircraft, including paragliders, are now equipped with.
Displays all other Flarm/mode C & S. Also warns of r/c field and parachute activities.
Can also include a power cable obstruction database, useful in the alpine valleys.
forgot about them

In the meantime, in good ol? Europe, PowerFlarm works pretty good and most aircraft, including paragliders, are now equipped with.
Displays all other Flarm/mode C & S. Also warns of r/c field and parachute activities.
Can also include a power cable obstruction database, useful in the alpine valleys.

I had seen Flarm several years ago. They normally only send to their own display but looks like you can send to Garmin protocol if a license is enabled.
Likes like it will do ADS-B in and MODE C/S if that's all you want. So for Canada you could use this and a TT22 as an example for OUT. Be curious to see more about the garmin protocol and cost.
the latest Flarm xceivers are remotely installed (mine?s the Garrecht AT-1) and WLAN themselves to popular nav programs used in EU, such as SkyDemon, AirNav Pro, etc. The protocol also covers Garmin displays, so no need (though I?m so equipped) for an additional display :)
To be brutally honest, I don't want to know if another aircraft is in close proximity; I want to know where it is and at what altitude and heading. ADS-B (in) does all that for me.