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Fly off?

This thing gets better and better. Did a search on Mr. Heard's pilot qualifications. FAA database shows a Student Pilot/Third Class Medical issued June of 1998!

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
"...Using his RV8 number of $19500, if it takes him 2500 hours (good luck) the hourly rate is $7.80. You can't run a business an that kind of money. Now put your own hour figure in and have a laugh. Another issue is overhead. The cost of the shop, supplies, insurance, employee benefits, taxes, and utilities are not mentioned so I assume that the labor cost will cove all these expenses. These are the things that will eat your lunch in business."

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

Hey guys...the Heard's have several auto sites thru-out the southeast. It may be one of those...I made 10 million doing XYZ, but I started out with 20 million...!
I think Tracy is right

I smelt alot of funny things when I first read Bill's website. You guys already covered most of it, but I noticed also He says he got his -7 shortly after it first came out, that was 2001.....then claims 10 hrs a day sometimes 7 days a week on the build....WOW! hes got an emp and half built wings after 6 maybe 7 years of teary eyed joy! I'm a first time moron builder and did my emp in 1 month working time just jerkin around with it......this guy aint no pro....and if it really is a hoax like Tracy brought to light, its a funny one and maybe a little dangerous

192RL reserved
-7a emp done
setin up for wings
Different dude

Hey guys...the Heard's have several auto sites thru-out the southeast. It may be one of those...I made 10 million doing XYZ, but I started out with 20 million...!

See post #43 in this thread.

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
Bill from Doug

He seems to be paying attention. Perhaps we should bill him for the consulting service. :D

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

If we can get Douglas off his new ride, perhaps he should send a bill for the links that look like they were copied directly from VAF. I wonder how sponsers would feel showing up on such a website.
Not Incorporated or an LLC either

Assist Aviation does not appear on the State of Texas' business tax rolls as would any .INC, .LLC .LLP. Doesn't appear in the business name either..
You have to at least have a Tax ID to do business in TX.
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I don't care about this guy's qualifications, or his profit potential. Charles Darwin outlined rules easily applied to both.

My objection is specific: We don't need attention drawn to abuse of the 51% rule, in particular at a time when the rule is under FAA review.

If folks want to pay somebody to build an airplane for them, no problem here. I like individual freedom. If you're looking for the best turn-key "write a check" pro-builder, here's a shopping tip.....find the guy who doesn't advertise blatant disregard for the rules. He may not advertise at all; the best are booked a year or two out. They have a track record, all the word-of-mouth they need, and enough sense to keep their business details below the radar.
It's probably DR!!!!!

Our luck, it's Doug Reeves getting us back for poking fun at Tinkerbell.
still there

changed a few pages, removed pricing.. but definately still there as of 1803z 7-11-08

i wonder if he'll ever fly his less than half built plane... or get a PPL for that matter...

(in a glass house here... got sent on deployment before i finished my PPL :eek:;) no problem, there will still be thrust & drag, and lift & weight when i get home!!)
more poor financial decisions

so now he's making less than 25k/year before tax... AND he offers this..

Annual condition inspection and any additional inspection you would like performed free of charge for the first three years.

hmmm not a good solid business model..........
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Mr Heard has posted a tip

First of all, I am not defending or support a (his) build center. These are some thoughts that I have.

If the service was changed to an "assist center" instead of a "build center", then I suspect the tone of these post would be a lot less aggessive.

Perhaps in all fairness to Mr Heard, I think he needs to present his story and intentions. I suspect the Mr Heard is probably fuming right now and rightly so since what was done was most likely with best of intentions. Unfortunately, the road to h&ll is paved with good intentions.

Also, in fairness to someone that "has a passion for airplanes", perhaps this group is doing him a grand favor of examining what has been proposed, what is correct/legal, and what will cause him to lose his shirt (and everything else).

Therefore, I propose the following - Mr Heard be given the floor and educate us as to his building experience, previous planes build, business expectations, etc...

I for one do not want to ever shoot down a budding business man. I do think we can provide for him a forum for suggestions, potential pitfalls, etc.... In the long run, everybody might just benefit from this.

Mr Heard, if you read this, please enlighten us.
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A little slack .........please.

I know Bill Heard. He is really a very nice, likeable guy, does meticulous work on what he has completed to date. Would I hire him to build an airplane for me under the current scenario....No. Not because it wouldn't be a good plane, but because it would be against the spirit of building experimental aircraft under the current reg.s, etc.

I think Bill in his exuburance in a new found hobby may have under estimated the current feeling, reg.s and tenious situation concerning the 51% rule with the FAA and all the hard work that has gone before to maintain this privilege.

Although I do not support his current endeavor and I have shared this with him. I think your feedback (hopefully) has been crucial in making him rethink this issue.

I just want to be careful that as a group we do not "burn down/out" his spirit and enthusiam for building his own plane. Bill will be a good member of the Van's Community, will have much to contribute in the future. Just not in his current proposed venue. At one time or another all of us have misjudged/misunderstood situations. Let us be critical and clear in our feelings on the issue, but not demeaning.

And this too, will pass.

"Shields up Scotty"
I hope that came through last post

I know Bill Heard. He is really a very nice, likeable guy, does meticulous work on what he has completed to date. Would I hire him to build an airplane for me under the current scenario....No. Not because it wouldn't be a good plane, but because it would be against the spirit of building experimental aircraft under the current reg.s, etc.

I think Bill in his exuburance in a new found hobby may have under estimated the current feeling, reg.s and tenious situation concerning the 51% rule with the FAA and all the hard work that has gone before to maintain this privilege.

Although I do not support his current endeavor and I have shared this with him. I think your feedback (hopefully) has been crucial in making him rethink this issue.

I just want to be careful that as a group we do not "burn down/out" his spirit and enthusiam for building his own plane. Bill will be a good member of the Van's Community, will have much to contribute in the future. Just not in his current proposed venue. At one time or another all of us have misjudged/misunderstood situations. Let us be critical and clear in our feelings on the issue, but not demeaning.

And this too, will pass.

"Shields up Scotty"

I hope my message wasn't preceived as negative. I do think that he deserves the floor and I applaud his desire to venture out on a new business.

He probably has one of the best audiences available to ask questions and get serious answers.

Best of all, there is enough of the brain trust to head him in a successful direction and EVERYBODY is a winner.

I offer appology if offense was taken. Perhaps the best thing to say is ....

Mr Heard, tell us about your new venture and how can we help you succeed.
Although I do not support his current endeavor and I have shared this with him. I think your feedback (hopefully) has been crucial in making him rethink this issue.

I just want to be careful that as a group we do not "burn down/out" his spirit and enthusiam for building his own plane. Bill will be a good member of the Van's Community, will have much to contribute in the future. Just not in his current proposed venue. At one time or another all of us have misjudged/misunderstood situations. Let us be critical and clear in our feelings on the issue, but not demeaning.

THIS................... +1
Lasciate che tutti noi fare la pace-(Let's all make peace)

Non battere un uomo per avere una grande idea.
(Do not beat a man for having a big idea)

Anche se ? stato uno stupido idea
(Although it was a dumb idea)

Perch? hanno un idea muti
(Because having a dumb idea)

? meglio che non idea a tutti i.
(Is better than no idea at all).

Sognare ? il modo migliore di viaggiare!!
(Dreaming is the best way to travel!!)
I agree that bashing a guy's business idea does no good; however, when his idea, and implementation of that idea, threatens my good time, I get concerned. I have a theory about what is going on here.

For those who have built, remember how optimistic your completion estimates were right after you finished the tail? I remember thinking something like "Okay, that took 300 hours, and there are only three more kits, so another 900 hours should do it. And, since I'm now much faster than when I started, it'll probably be even less. And, since the finish kit is just a cowl and spinner, I'll be done in no time." Well, here I am many (too many) years later and still working on it. This could lead a fellow to think that 20 grand for labor is good pay. Now, while it is true that a second plane could be built a lot faster than a first, I think the custom element will take back any time saved. Imagine all the time burned up designing a custom panel/electrical.

I do wish him the best of luck in his business, and would like to think that he just didn't understand the particulars of the regs, but his own website uses language like "to avoid FAA scrutiny". Well, the best way to avoid this scrutiny is to not have a website announcing to the world that you plan on trying to get around the spirit of the law.
Closing Time.....

Folks, this has now gone on for 8 pages, and while I agree 100% that this fellow is mis-guided, I have also gotten some private information that tells me that he really is no longer much of a threat, and has probably gotten the message. I am VERY much against folks who flaunt the law and threaten our privileges, but I think this particular one is under control, and I haven't seen anything new in the past few pages of posts - I really think that anything more is just going to be piling on....and much more is just going to get mean-spirited, so before that happens, I am going to pull moderator privilege and close it.

This was a good thread, brought out lots of points, but we are talking about one guy who is going to have to convince customers that his plan is sound (and the Houston FSDO has NO sense of humor - believe me)!

PM me if you think I closed it unfairly, and you have something new to contribute!

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