Several replies back some one hit it right on the head. In a free economy we vote with our wallets. The traveling public pays way less for a ticket than they did 40 years ago when I started flying for the airlines ( its a fraction if you figure in inflation). They wanted deregulation and they got it . Fares are now cheeper than ever and international flying can be had for tiny amounts of money. The perception that its a giant hassle is just that, a perception. The airlines, all of them, do an amazing job of moving massive amounts of people safely for minimal cost.

I love my RV8 and flew it from Ohio To Austin TX to visit my Daughter in June. 6.5 hrs with one fuel stop. Faster than driving to the Airport and all the security etc. that we all face. Coming home 9 hrs, to get around weather than the airlines handled with almost no delay. So you really cannot compare them.

One last note. For years people complained about airline food. Now they charge for it. People see to like the choice. At my previous airline their entire profit can be traced for extra fees for food and bags. I guess people just like choice.