Just renewed my 3rd class medical here in Western Michigan and talked with my AME about Basic Med and he went off saying there is no chance he or any of his partners will be doing them basically because of liability through their provider network and feels that most of the primary care physicians in the area will not be either. Sounds like once again its the insurance company making the rules. Time to start applying pressure through the legal channels in their direction.

I had just the opposite reaction from my primary care physician. He had no issues with signing the form. Now I just have to get the form to him. :D
Well I heard back from my PCM at the Military Health Clinic we go to and the answer was a big fat no--they have no plans to participate in BasicMed. :( If any of you military retirees out there get a different answer from your PCM, I'd like to hear about it.
My PCM at NAS Jacksonville said they had no problem with it. He just requested I bring the checklist with me when I come in for the appointment.

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Doug needs to create a new "basic med " section where we can list primary care providers in different cities that will sign the basic med form.
Doug needs to create a new "basic med " section where we can list primary care providers in different cities that will sign the basic med form.

yes please.

Different doctors have very different attitudes towards this. I know my primary care physician won't sign it (and no he is not an AME). My local AME actually told me at my last 3rd class med that he would provide Basic Med when available. So I could go to him every 4 years but I rather switch my primary care physician to somebody that would sign the form. Anybody know somebody like that in my area (Randolph NJ)?

Basic med doc

My PC is doing his research. Hopefully he will get on board soon. Be alreaady gave me two pbysicals this year. DOT and wellness.
I agree this will play out in the coming months
forms filled out

Headed to my cardiologist on 5/9 for routine check. called ahed to notify them of my basic med paperwork. As Doc Gary M. has had no issues with a fit to fly letter this hopefully will go off without a hitch. that's the plan anyhow

I have not been paying real close attention until this weekend. My third class medical expired yesterday and so I started looking in to the requirements.

I read the information and took the online test this morning. The test took about 20 minutes.

After that I called my AME to ask if he does BasicMed exams. He said yes, would you like to come in this afternoon. I said yes.

This differences from past physicals I have taken from him were that no height, weight, and urinalysis was done. BP was taken but not recorded. Otherwise he did what he normally does.

$50 (the normal airman's exam price) and I was out the door.

I mentioned the exam to my personal physician and I think she would have done it but I just feel more comfortable with my regular guy.

I'm very happy about this long overdue change and I'm happy with how easy the process was.
...$50 (the normal airman's exam price) and I was out the door....

My last Class 3 was in 2014 and it was $110 IIRC. I have a BasicMed scheduled for Friday and they are charging me the DOT CDL fee of $125.

I need to move to NM!!! :D
It's probably answered somewhere in the string, or on the FAA web page, but let me just ask straight out: can you still get a 3rd class medical or has BasicMed killed it? I don't need the BS of finding a doc who will sign a fit to fly form or taking an online course. BasicMed is a good thing for those who would otherwise be medically grounded, but not for the rest of us. If the 3rd class is dead do you know if I renew my 2nd class will it still convert to a 3rd class after one year?
It's probably answered somewhere in the string, or on the FAA web page, but let me just ask straight out: can you still get a 3rd class medical or has BasicMed killed it? I don't need the BS of finding a doc who will sign a fit to fly form or taking an online course. BasicMed is a good thing for those who would otherwise be medically grounded, but not for the rest of us. If the 3rd class is dead do you know if I renew my 2nd class will it still convert to a 3rd class after one year?

Class III is alive and well, is not impacted by BasicMed, and is still a good deal for healthy sub-40-year-olds.
You don't need to be an unhealthy individual to find a good use for the BasicMed... So, easy with the "not for the rest of us".

Next, you'll be telling me I have to become an expert on NDB approaches. :p

It's probably answered somewhere in the string, or on the FAA web page, but let me just ask straight out: can you still get a 3rd class medical or has BasicMed killed it? I don't need the BS of finding a doc who will sign a fit to fly form or taking an online course. BasicMed is a good thing for those who would otherwise be medically grounded, but not for the rest of us. If the 3rd class is dead do you know if I renew my 2nd class will it still convert to a 3rd class after one year?
Same as Jerry

I did the same as Jerry and went to my cardiologist to get the checklist signed off. Sure beats the $6000 - $8000 nuclear stress test I would have to pay out of my pocket the FAA would want me to take for a third class medical special issuance which I had to provide the documentation for in the previous ones and wait 2 - 4 months for an approval. My AME won't do the BasicMed test and my PCP is booked past June. I booked my annual physical last year for this August with my PCP so I will inquire then if he wants to get involved with them or not. Mark me down as one who benefits from the new ruling.
I did the same as Jerry and went to my cardiologist to get the checklist signed off. Sure beats the $6000 - $8000 nuclear stress test I would have to pay out of my pocket the FAA would want me to take for a third class medical special issuance which I had to provide the documentation for in the previous ones and wait 2 - 4 months for an approval. My AME won't do the BasicMed test and my PCP is booked past June. I booked my annual physical last year for this August with my PCP so I will inquire then if he wants to get involved with them or not. Mark me down as one who benefits from the new ruling.

The FAA wanted me to do the same stress test, an EKG, Echocardiogram, and a CT with contrast. My cardiologist laughed when he saw the list of what the FAA wanted for the special issuance. I will also greatly benefit from BasicMed.
My primary care physician (PCP) completed the checklist and signed off.

I completed the AOPA quiz and printed the certificate. Looks like I'm good to go for the next 4 years unless I have a med issue that requires a one time SI via AME.

My overall experience with Basic Med was good. I hope yours is as well should you decide to do it.
Basic Med Twist

Here's another question for all the VAF experts (so I won't have to go get the forms from my plane):

My EAA Chapter Secretary posted on our Facebook page and in an email to chapter members yesterday welcoming everybody to Basic Med. She listed requirements that were quoted from the AC released in January 2017 that once you get the paperwork filled out by a state licensed physician (not a PA) and you pass the AOPA online program and print out your certificate, you then must send a copy of everything to the FAA along with your physician's license number.
I didn't read that in the finalized approved course guidelines so I put everything in my plane in the pouch with my pilot's license. Even AOPA didn't mention to be sure and forward everything to the FAA.
''you then must send a copy of everything to the FAA along with your physician's license number."


You don't send anything to FAA and neither does the physician. You are required to put the physician's checklist and the completion certificate with your log book, whatever that means. These items can also be in a digital form, which is also a little vague.

The items can be demanded by FAA.
These items can also be in a digital form, which is also a little vague.

The items can be demanded by FAA.
That simply means you can present a digital copy of it instead of the actual paper. In my case, I've scanned them to PDF and saved them to "the cloud" so it can be accessed via phone or computer from anywhere.
Safety pilots !!

, you then must send a copy of everything to the FAA along with your physician's license number.

That's not what the AC says. It says the course provider (AOPA if that's who you used) is supposed to send the FAA a copy of some of the stuff. Not you.

BUT: In reading the circular I see that the FAA is determined to get their pound of flesh. They have specifically refused to allow a pilot to act as a safety pilot (for a pilot under the hood) with a Basic Med physical unless said pilot is also acting as PIC. The latter may well be an issue with insurance companies, not to mention lacking common sense in many cases.
.... you then must send a copy of everything to the FAA along with your physician's license number.... Even AOPA didn't mention to be sure and forward everything to the FAA.

The required information is transmitted electronically when the participant completes the online Basic Med course.

Reference FAA Advisory Circular (AC 68-1) Alternative Pilot Physical Examination and Education Requirements


6.3 Documents the Course Must Provide to the Individual and Transmit to the FAA. In accordance with ? 68.3(b), upon successful completion of the course, the medical education course must electronically provide to the individual and transmit to the FAA:

1. A certification of completion of the medical education course.

2. A release authorizing single access to the National Driver Register (NDR)
through a designated state Department of Motor Vehicles to furnish to the
FAA information pertaining to the individual?s driving record.

3. A certification by the individual that the individual is under the care and
treatment of a physician if the individual has been diagnosed with any medical condition that may impact the ability of the individual to fly.

4. Information provided by the pilot about the physician and the comprehensive medical examination, including:

? The pilot?s name, address, telephone number, and airman certificate number;

? The name, address, telephone number, and state medical license number of the physician performing the comprehensive medical examination;
1/9/17 AC 68-1 6-2

? The date of the comprehensive medical examination; and

? A certification by the individual that the checklist described in ? 68.7 was followed and signed by the physician in the comprehensive medical examination.

5. A statement certifying that the individual understands the existing prohibition on operations during medical deficiency. In accordance with ? 68.3(b)(5), the person must attest that ?I understand that I cannot act as pilot in command, or any other capacity as a required flightcrew member, if I know or have reason to know of any medical condition that would make me unable to operate the aircraft in a safe manner.? This statement shall be electronically provided to the individual and transmitted to the FAA upon successful completion of the course.
Basic Med Response

Thanks guys! Sounds like we all agree that the individual doesn't send anything to the FAA. Looks like I need to tell my chapter secretary that she is putting out false information. She's young and isn't planning on using Basic Med or she would be better informed!
I got mine done today. Went to a local Dr specializing in DOT physicals. $90 and no muss, no fuss. He didn't question anything and it seemed routine for him. Did the course/test and now good for four years. I'm a happy guy. I saved a couple of hundred dollars in un-necssary tests that the FAA has required.

Just had a 1st class medical today with my AME.

He said he won't touch the BasicMed's due to liability.

Originally, he had thought it would be nice to give BasicMed's without the FAA process of the 3rd class.

But soon realized that the FAA protects him when using the 8500 form, but on a BasicMed he would have to buy more liability insurance.

My take is if he doesn't want the liability, how long until your regular doctor figues out he is liable?

Could this be a new problem on the horizon? Just thinking out loud...
Just had a 1st class medical today with my AME.

He said he won't touch the BasicMed's due to liability.

Originally, he had thought it would be nice to give BasicMed's without the FAA process of the 3rd class.

But soon realized that the FAA protects him when using the 8500 form, but on a BasicMed he would have to buy more liability insurance.

My take is if he doesn't want the liability, how long until your regular doctor figues out he is liable?

Could this be a new problem on the horizon? Just thinking out loud...

Your regular doctor is already insured for whatever risks he assumes....can you imagine the coverage he/she must have if treating children?
Your regular doctor is already insured for whatever risks he assumes....can you imagine the coverage he/she must have if treating children?

But what happens if a BasicMed pilot runs into an A380 full of Passengers?

I'm just relaying what my AME's concens were...

Everything is a "risk" in life, just have to manage it as best as we can.

I hope what I bring up doesnt grow to the regular doc's who are signing off on pilots.

I do think it is a very good program to enrich aviation! We surely need support!
But what happens if a BasicMed pilot runs into an A380 full of Passengers?

I'm just relaying what my AME's concens were...

Everything is a "risk" in life, just have to manage it as best as we can.

I hope what I bring up doesnt grow to the regular doc's who are signing off on pilots.

I do think it is a very good program to enrich aviation! We surely need support!

A local AME told us that they don't have to carry their own policy on FAA medicals because the FAA covers their liability. Your AME may not want to purchase coverage for anything related to aviation.

It is interesting that nearly all the adverse opinions we have seen have been via AME's........wonder if they see their Class III business being drastically reduced....
It's in the book (Log Book). My Primary Care had no issue at all.

Great news Pat! My PCP had no concerns, he sees me at least every six months plus he gives me a full physical annually. Now all we have to do is take the online course two years from now and AOPA will send me a reminder so I don't forget it!
Great news Pat! My PCP had no concerns, he sees me at least every six months plus he gives me a full physical annually. Now all we have to do is take the online course two years from now and AOPA will send me a reminder so I don't forget it!

Just remember, you can't act as safety pilot if the PIC is under the hood.
I think this is (1) stupid and (2) at least for me, a pain in the ... , since in the past I have had pilot friends act as safety pilot for me, but if they go Basic Med that will be out.
Just remember, you can't act as safety pilot if the PIC is under the hood.
I think this is (1) stupid and (2) at least for me, a pain in the ... , since in the past I have had pilot friends act as safety pilot for me, but if they go Basic Med that will be out.

You can decide ahead of time that the safety pilot is acting as PIC for the flight, if that's agreeable to both people.
You can decide ahead of time that the safety pilot is acting as PIC for the flight, if that's agreeable to both people.

That's why I said, "If the PIC is under the hood."
Think about this. Do you really want to relinquish PIC responsibilities to your friend? If something goes wrong, what will your insurance company say when they hear that the PIC is not listed as an approved pilot?
It's an absurd rule. The safety pilot is competent to be PIC but not 'other required crew member'?? Where is AOPA on this?
went fine for me

My 3rd expires in November. I had a routine physical scheduled for today, so I tried the BasicMed, despite misgivings about PCP balking because they are not set up to do vision and hearing tests, for example, as well as potential liability issues.

Yesterday I went to my eye doctor and asked for their report from my last eye exam. I gave that to my PCP along with the form. He said he had not heard of Basic Med yet, but he had no problem filling out the form. For the vision part, he noted "see attached". For the hearing part, apparently he was satisfied enough that I didn't say "what?" "to everything he said, so he checked that off along with everything else. I got my certificate and scanned it and the forms the PCP and I filled out, so I have PDF copies on my iPad, as well as the paper copy saved with my log books.

So at the least I saved whatever the difference is between the $250 or so I pay for 3rd Class, with no insurance coverage, and what, if any, cost for PCP visit today after insurance pays whatever they will pay for a routine physical. Plus it's good for 4 years instead of 2. Presumably when i retake the course in 2 years, I will just look up the form the PCP signed today and put that info in after taking the course test.

I'm not sure why "anus" is listed as a checkpoint on the doctor form; perhaps the FAA just wants to make sure I have a "target zone" ;-)
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I have to admit that I was a bit of a doubter about the program when it was unveiled but I'm delighted with it today. Got my BasicMed completed by my PCP at my annual physical today. Piece of cake.

He also utilized my report from my eye doctor for that portion of the form. He said that signing forms like this was routine for him and many other doctors and he doubted many doctors would be unwilling to sign.

Nice job AOPA and EAA for working so hard to push this through. Not a doubter anymore.
Completed my BasicMed physical today from my PCP. My Dr required me to get an independent eye test, which I did, as it was due anyway.

The annual wellness exam was covered by my insurance plan, so there was no charge. Gotta love that.:D

This was the 2nd exam she did this week and joked that the AMEs are not going to like BasicMed.:)

I completed the AOPA portion & printed the certificate.
Good to go.
If I knew how I would do it...

Someone should do a "Poll" on what RV'er's are getting these days.

1st, 2nd, 3rd, or BasicMed

Seems like a lot of pilots here are doing the "MiniMed"!

Well, I didn't fair as well as Dan. I contacted my PCP this morning and he is not participating in BasicMed " because it is not a part of or coverd by Kaiser insurance".

So I called my AME, at "Aviation and Occupational Medicine" here in Denver where I have been getting my flight physicals for over 25 years...no dice. They are not participating in BasicMed.

I am surprised they are not participating. They do tons of DOT and Aviation physicals.

I contacted AOPA and they didn't have any answers other than to try to find another doctor.

Does anyone else in the Denver area have a suggestion as to where to look for a source to get a BasicMed exam?
A poll at this point wouldn't be conclusive as many of us have a current 3rd Class that won't expire for a while. Check back in about 1.5-2 years.

We could just add "plan to get a "MiniMed" once my 3rd class expires :D
Another data point - Just went through the process yesterday. Was extremely straight forward, and the physician had no problems signing off on the form. To locate a participating physician, I used the search option on the DOT FMCSA website below to find one in my city, and then filtered it 'Medical Doctor' only.. When scheduling the exam, I explained the new program and they were more than willing to participate.

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Got mine today, no problems at all. I found a local doc that was listed as providing CDL exams. He had no issue signing the form.
It appears one aspect of BasicMed is not holding true. It seams like many are not getting their sign-off from their regular doctor who knows them best. Going to a CDL doctor who has never seen me before is Still better then AME that sees me once a year (I am on special issuance) and an FAA doctor in OK city having final say without seeing me in person at all.

Hoping by November when my medical comes due the AMEs and GPs will come around and not fear the BasicMed.
It appears one aspect of BasicMed is not holding true. It seams like many are not getting their sign-off from their regular doctor who knows them best. Going to a CDL doctor who has never seen me before is Still better then AME that sees me once a year (I am on special issuance) and an FAA doctor in OK city having final say without seeing me in person at all.

Hoping by November when my medical comes due the AMEs and GPs will come around and not fear the BasicMed.

Not sure why you think that using your PCP is expected under BasicMed. I see nothing in the FAA documents that mentions anything other than the requirement for a state licensed physician.


Can you direct me and others to a reference that supports your belief that those using a non-PCP physician is somehow a convolution of the intent of BasicMed?

Just curious what I am missing.

Not sure why you think that using your PCP is expected under BasicMed. .

He doesn't say he thinks it is expected by FAA, he's only observing that in his opinion it seems more logical to go to regular PCP who knows you best
He doesn't say he thinks it is expected by FAA, he's only observing that in his opinion it seems more logical to go to regular PCP who knows you best

OK, I see what you mean. When he stated that a part of BasicMed was not holding true, I just interpreted it that he thought it was somehow expected by the FAA that one would go to one's PCP.

My bad...
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Got mine today!!

Went to my PCP, no problem, Yesterday filled out the form and delivered it to the PCP office. Today went in for my scheduled annual Medicare wellness exam and explained new rules and that I wanted to do both at the same time. Not a problem for the PCP. Left with a completed and signed form and better yet with my Medicare supplemental policy the cost was $0.00. Such a deal. Don't have to do it again for 4 years. Yippeee