For better or not, here is mine.

Man it is hard to find any of those pictures of me that belong in public view.

test test test

Ok it worked. I saved this pic because it was sooo coool. I *think* it came from this site, but I don't remember. I don;t have my own rv and I would shut the server down with a self portorate, so, Hope noone is offended by me using it..... Doug??
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I do not have any good photos of me. Wondering if this avatar shows up. I do not see it in the preview. If it does not show up in the post, I would like one of the moderators to delete this message if I am unable to delete it. I may try the Avatar again tomorrow. It looked like the file got uploaded to my profile.

I got several thumbnail sketches/photos to pick from...and I seem to want to change the image from time to time. I am currently using this. It is aviation related.
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It's Me

Found a picture of my last BFR. My instructor loves to snap pictures while I'm flying. Guess it's his way of distracting me. :rolleyes: Anywho this is a recent shot that fits.
I got a free portrait from the RV Police; the charge was "disorderly assembly"
So why you might ask is that homely guy in the shop with the good looking gal???

Well, he is the one who is addicted to this site, and she supports his airplane activities.---------besides would you really want this photo instead??????

Even with my gorgeous daughter in it??

Another test

Should show more of the P-51 I'm standing by and less of me but let's see if this works!

Very cool addition Doug. With the new homey feel, maybe I'll finally keep my promise of checking in more often.


PS The pic is from the best day of the project--right after I flew her for the first time. I have 65 hours on her now.
Vern's RV-6A

Thanks Doug! Now- a requested feature: allow a collection of pix like on the home page for variety and a peek into member's worlds.
Avatar Text?

So, can only moderators put "fancy title" next to the picture? I can't find a menu option for it.
Pretty sure----when Doug made me a moderator, that is one of the things he mentioned that I could do now.
My Last Vice.....

My avitar shows me and my last vice.....smoking cigars! (oh wait....I forgot about my other vice.....building airplanes in my garage!)
So, can only moderators put "fancy title" next to the picture? I can't find a menu option for it.

Pretty sure----when Doug made me a moderator, that is one of the things he mentioned that I could do now.

I sent him a PM one day asking about that. He told me where to go to add something to that field but I didn't have the option. Sooo.... I just gave up. :(At least it lets us know who the moderators are.
ok, i jumped on the wagon (or is it off) and simpsonized myself. I look like a bum tho! I do wear a white t-shirt and black hat on a very regular basis however.
Avatar test

I don't have a good one of me but I'll embarass my wife by displaying my nose art as the avatar.