Vern - have you been writing patents lately?

Hah, it's just.... a means for displaying engine sensor information on a graphical display by using predefined scalable mathematical objects, each defined by colored bands, index pointers, and arranged in vertical, horizontal or circular orientations and supplemented with textual and numerical information of specific sizes and colors as defined by certain operating conditions.

In summary, 'Gauge Widgets'.

Actually, not breaking any new ground here, just exercising my ancient math and programming skills to build a tool kit for open source avionics. I actually recalled my university math and computer graphics course material from the days of Fortran and Watfor/Watfiv. Shoutout to Dr. Geunter Schrack.
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Hey Vern,
Very slick! Did you notice the attitude display on the m5stack blog page? I am sure that you would need the "grey" version with the 9 -axis sensor to make it work but pretty small mark up for the additional functionality. I've got one on the way to play with via Amazon.

Cheers, Sean

Yup, we are working on it... but I'm not sure I would use it as a primary reference. Right now, all flight and engine data is taken from a Garmin or Dynon EFIS, hence the idea of a 'back seat display'. The M5 devices are very capable. Can turn one into an MP3 player as well....
Hah, it's just.... a means for displaying engine sensor information on a graphical display by using predefined scalable mathematical objects, each defined by colored bands, index pointers, and arranged in vertical, horizontal or circular orientations and supplemented with textual and numerical information of specific sizes and colors as defined by certain operating conditions.

In summary, 'Gauge Widgets'.

Actually, not breaking any new ground here, just exercising my ancient math and programming skills to built a tool kit for open source avionics. I actually recalled my university math and computer graphics course material from the days of Fortran and Watfor/Watfive. Shoutout to Dr. Geunter Shrack.

I was actually referring to the terminology you used... "One skilled in the art". Pretty much on every patent I've read.
I was actually referring to the terminology you used... "One skilled in the art". Pretty much on every patent I've read.

That's why I responded with a long technical run-on sentence.... you see them in patents a lot.

Reposting with more examples. I've been testing the Beta version of my GaugeWidgets library.





I'm looking for one or two Beta testers who are willing to invest some time into checking out the library on the M5Stack platform. Just send me an email.

What are the dimensions of the little gauges again?

5cm x 5cm for the circuit board inside the case. The screen is smaller, but it is very bright (equal to my Dynon EFIS). I have a separate power/data module in development and another party is making a 3D printed glareshield swivel mount, a rear-seat snap-on mount, and a 3" bezel.

The ASI is pretty small, but it may be fine for a back seat display, which is the project driving the development. The engine gauges are fine, and comparable to a SkyView or G3X display.

Right now, they depend on serial or WiFi data from an EFIS (Dynon or Garmin), but I'm looking at MGL and GRT as well for future support.

I forked off a development for the OnSpeed team as well so they (we) can have a visual display of AOA to supplement the tone-based system.

All of this will be open-sourced once flight testing is finalized.

Loving all of this and bringing up so many memories. When I read the word Fortran that's when I realized how much I've forgotten in my short life from back when I was working at Wang Laboratories !
Loving all of this and bringing up so many memories. When I read the word Fortran that's when I realized how much I've forgotten in my short life from back when I was working at Wang Laboratories !

The Boomer generation has a tremendous amount of knowledge, experience and wisdom that will vanish when we are gone. Some of the young people I mentor in the tech industry just don't know what they don't know. I met with two Intel employees yesterday who have no memory of the dotcom era!

The concept of actually building your own airplane or avionics is lost on the iPhone generation, although I do see some positive effects from the STEM focus in very young people. See for an example. [full disclosure, these girls are related to me].

My inspiration is the late, great Bob Axsom who spent countless hours and dollars advancing experimental aviation for no financial gain. Doug has wisely preserved much of this knowledge here:

My goal is to publish as much as I can before I become functionally obsolete. Most of what I will publish will be flight tested, or commercial designs from my past. I may work at a plodding pace, but it will all come eventually.

My goal is to publish as much as I can before I become functionally obsolete. Most of what I will publish will be flight tested, or commercial designs from my past. I may work at a plodding pace, but it will all come eventually.


I'm sure most of us appreciate it too.
Well, this is the day that no one has been waiting for...
Thanks to a lot of time at home lately (thanks to the Bat Virus), I have publish the first version of my Gauge Widgets library for the M5Stack, and cobbled together the beginnings of my new web site.

This is my first time generating an Arduino library, so keep your expectations low, but enjoy! About 2600 lines of code written in C/C++. Or, as my daughter so aptly put... "welcome to the 70's, Dad!"

Examples in the library include an ASI, a Heading Indicator and an Attitude Indicator, plus a bunch of engine gauges. I will be releasing the OnSpeed AOA display software later on.

Here's the site link:
Here's the direct link to GaugeWidgets:

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I have a 3D printer , Rv6a, and familiar with Arduino ide. If you need
Some help send me an email [email protected] would love to test or help out.

Thanks. I've designed a power supply board. A fellow VAFFER is printing a case&swivel mount, plus instrument bezels and a rear-seat clip. It's all going to be posted as well, but everyone has different needs, so I expect customization.

Hopefully that will provide a starting point. The PSU is needed to condition the 12V electrical system and protect against load dumps and reverse polarity. Plus it provides stereo audio output, serial and I2C for expansion in a robust manner.

I will post as much stuff as I can as I wrap up the details.

Very nice

I just send to you a animate demo for fuel (2 or 4 tanks) and Air speed indicator with VNE alarm by mail because I can't attacht file here.

Cheers, Eric
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Here's some more information for those who are interested:

In addition to the [URL=""]GaugeWidgets [/URL]library posted on my new site,
I have also posted the PolarText library on the same page that lets you revolve, rotate, scale, and place arbitrary text on the screen.
As promised: In addition to a glareshield pivot mount being developed for the OnSpeed project, another VAF member is developing 2" and 3" bezel mounts for instrument panels. Also, the pivot mount can be used as a rail (tube) mount for the roll bar or the seat back for the back seat (?)



And finally, a power supply/serial data board has been sent for production. This has been design for 12V automotive/marine/aviation applications and features protection up to +/- 100V.

I've had a lot of time in front of a computer for the last six weeks... it's starting to pay off.

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Thanks, Justin. I see your skillset might be applicable to this project. My library page is linked below.

Here's a summary of where we stand:

First an acknowledgment of the folks, who have adopted me as one of their own as a contributor to their impressive project. Thank-you! It has brought focus to my own efforts. Here's what we (myself and RP, who is a fellow VAFFER) doing:

-coding for the OnSpeed AOA/energy display: complete.
-design of a robust power/data board for the M5Stack: complete.
-design of a 3d printable back shell for the M5Stack (RP): complete.
-design of a 3d printable glare-shield pivot mount (also serves as a rail mount) (RP): complete.

In process:
- design of a 3d printable 3” instrument bezel (RP): protos.
- design of a 3d printable 2” instrument bezel (RP): protos.

So we are nearing completion of a comprehensive platform for DIY instrument gauges. We are also in development of some interesting new flight safety devices based on this platform (mostly software).

For those who want to investigate this further:

And just to be clear: my intent is to make all of this stuff open source, my legacy project.

EDIT: Rob Prior (aka Snowflake) gave me permission to post his name as the 'RP' I reference.
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Vern, I think you should change that winter home from Chandler, AZ to East an small private airpark maybe....just saying. :D

Vern: have you considered this form factor for the arduino based power control module?
I building an RV-12iS as an EAB and was considering using this for stuff like flaps, fuel flow etc.
Digging thru your code is going to make this process so much easier, and for that I am very appreciative.
Vern: have you considered this form factor for the arduino based power control module?
I building an RV-12iS as an EAB and was considering using this for stuff like flaps, fuel flow etc.
Digging thru your code is going to make this process so much easier, and for that I am very appreciative.

Well, I've developed a custom power/data board for the M5Stack platform. This is the board that was developed for the OnSpeed energy/aoa display, and it works with all of the custom bezels/mounts that Rob Prior developed. I will be developing a number of new boards like this in the future, for various applications (engine sensors, CAN bus, trim motor control, etc.) All will use the M5Stack display.


I'm still organizing getting these boards into inventory at OnSpeed. My first batch is 18 boards.

I also have a link to the Shapeways 3D print library for Rob's stuff. Email me or Rob FMI.
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24 VDC???

Hey Vern - Any chance your power supply board is 24VDC compatible for us industrial controls types? If you are looking for thoughts on future boards... How about a POE version? Let me know if I am getting carried away ;)

Cheers, Sean
Hey Vern - Any chance your power supply board is 24VDC compatible for us industrial controls types? If you are looking for thoughts on future boards... How about a POE version? Let me know if I am getting carried away ;)

Cheers, Sean

Right now, I am only focusing on aircraft/automotive/marine at 12V. It will easily withstand much higher voltage pulses, but not continuously. M5Stack has a PLC base for 24V, but it isn't protected. It also has a bizarre form of RS485 that is not 485, Not CAN, but somewhwere in between (uncanny). Most of the components on my pcb are for protection. It cost more for me to make this board than the M5Stack cost.

I'm avoiding mission creap here because I don't have enough real time for all of my projects as it is (arduino graphics libraries, OnSpeed design work, hardware design, fixing my boat, marketing the development, building another airplane and working on a military helicopter simulator program). They call it 'retirement'.


It only means you don't have too work! I hope to join you some day.:)

Cheers, Sean
I just finished building my OnSpeed harness and that rolled up wire close to the DB15 connector is wired for "future use" AKA your display when ready. Zoom into the picture and you'll see a tape that says Vern's Display !!

I connected it and no smoke, that's always good, and WiFi connects and communicates quickly !

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Vern: have you considered this form factor for the arduino based power control module?
I building an RV-12iS as an EAB and was considering using this for stuff like flaps, fuel flow etc.
Digging thru your code is going to make this process so much easier, and for that I am very appreciative.

Sorry if I didn't properly response to this suggestion previously. If you go all the way back in this thread, you will see the original Arduino (ATMega or Teensy) design that I have release as open source. It was tuned for aircraft applications and I fly behind one programmed as an auto-trim and flaps controller. It fits into a standard off-the-shelf Hammond case. It uses all through-hole devices so it can easily be built or modified.

Then I developed a surface mount version and switched to the awesome ESP-32 controller. Again it fits into a standard Hammond case.

Finally, I used the off-the-shelf M5Stack display module, which contains the ESP-32, common interfaces, an optional IMU and a bright 320x240 TFT Color display in a compact package.... with a retail price less than my cost to build my other boards. My focus now is to develop custom 'shields' (such as the power/data board).

For those monitoring this thread, the next shield will be for 24 volt applications. Design is done, waiting to gauge demand.

We've finalized the M5Stack panel mounts, and in my next aircraft I will be mounting six or eight of them on the panel as programmable instruments and copilot displays running my graphical widgets library.

In the meantime, I will be installing my OnSpeed brain box in my Harmon Rocket and tweaking my back-seat EFIS display, building my RV-15 clone, and getting ready to move to my new hangar at

I'm always looking for new applications to code or for hardware development, so I welcome suggestions. I am doing this entirely for non-commercial (translation: I do whatever I want, whenever I have time) purposes to further the advancement of our industry. Everything will be released as open source, and posted at, but only after complete flight testing.

Finally, I want to give a shout-out to Rob Prior for the 3d printed parts and has contributed his time and expenses to this project. As we electrical folks say, “the electrical design is easy, it's the mechanical stuff that's hard’”. Funny, though I've never heard the opposite said by an ME (mechanical engineer).

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Oh, and one more thing....


This shows the backseat display wirelessly linked to the OnSpeed display, showing more air data and a legacy AOA display. Just give it 12V or mount the M5Stack battery backplate and there it is. This whole program began when the GIB took the stick and complained he couldn't see the instruments. There is nothing a little technology can't solve!
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Oh, and one more thing....


This shows the backseat display wirelessly linked to the OnSpeed display, showing more air data and a legacy AOA display. Just give it 12V or mount the M5Stack battery backplate and there it is. This whole program began when the GIB took the stick and complained he couldn't see the instruments. There is nothing a little technology can't solve!

Wait, what? I have a wire coming out of the harness I prepared for my OnSpeed waiting to connect to your display but you’re connecting wireless? And you’re getting all of that info displayed (airspeed, altitude, AOA, yaw, VSI) directly from OnSpeed wireless? Via Bluetooth or wifi?

Can I connect 2 displays so I have one in front as backup to my Dynon and another display in the back so the rear seater can fly without having to stretch to look over my shoulder?
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Not so simple.

This uses the OnSpeed display, but it's not yet using the OnSpeed brain box. Instead, it is directly connected to the Dynon EFIS serial stream (front) with a power/data cable. This is the same cable that will connect to the OnSpeed box.

The front seat display sends all of the incoming serial stream EFIS info to the back seat display using WIFI.

I have requested an update to the OnSpeed box to relay all of the EFIS serial data (plus the recomputed AOA/energy info) to the primary display so it can be transmitted to the back seat. I am in the process of installing my OnSpeed box now, so I will keep folks posted. This is a bit of sausage making, but it's all coming together now.

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Not so simple.

This uses the OnSpeed display, but it's not yet using the OnSpeed brain box. Instead, it is directly connected to the Dynon EFIS serial stream (front) with a power/data cable.

The front seat display sends all of the EFIS info to the back seat display using WIFI.

I have requested an update to the OnSpeed box to relay all of the EFIS data (except the recomputed AOA) to the primary display so it can be transmitted to the back. I am in the process of installing my OnSpeed box now, but this will take some time to wire up.


Ok so it wouldn?t be a backup for now if I lose the Dynon EFIS but during normal operations at least the GIB will have all the needed info. Lenny has a computer brain so I?m sure in the future it?ll be in an update.
Ok so it wouldn?t be a backup for now if I lose the Dynon EFIS but during normal operations at least the GIB will have all the needed info. Lenny has a computer brain so I?m sure in the future it?ll be in an update.

I am hoping that the OnSpeed box will mature to the point of being a backup ADAHRS for my aircraft so that I can display all air data from it, thus making my displays truly independent of the EFIS, at least for air data. Mission creep for right now, though.

Not so simple.

This uses the OnSpeed display, but it's not yet using the OnSpeed brain box. Instead, it is directly connected to the Dynon EFIS serial stream (front) with a power/data cable. This is the same cable that will connect to the OnSpeed box.

Even better news! I haven?t built it yet and am still ordering the bits so I?ll hold of. I have a robust AOA calculation solution with my D180, just want a better way of displaying it up front.

Can?t wait for the screen and software to come out. Thanks for your hard work.
A question to anyone that has completed building the onspeed aoa..
Approximately how long did it take to build ?
And where will you mount it in your RV?
Once you have everything you can build it in a day. I installed it in the avionics bay attached to the removable front access panel in the baggage compartment, it'll depend on which plane you have.
Even better news! I haven’t built it yet and am still ordering the bits so I’ll hold of. I have a robust AOA calculation solution with my D180, just want a better way of displaying it up front.

Can’t wait for the screen and software to come out. Thanks for your hard work.

I have a D180 also but it doesn’t compare with the OnSpeed, that’s why I installed mine.

The D180 gives you the most conservative AOA solution no matter what flap position you have set while the OnSpeed will give you the best AOA solution for each flap setting you program into it.

Also OnSpeed gives you the 3D audio for yaw, I’m sure you’ve seen the video.

Finally the D180 won’t grow anymore but the OnSpeed being a stand alone box can continue to grow just by software updates. Of course software updates means hours and hours of brain numbing coding by great minds but you won’t get anything new from the D180.
Thanks for the replies and info Carlos.
Our plane is a 7A and we also have a D180 and know what you mean about it’s aoa compared to the onspeed.
I have been running the gen 1 for a few years now. Thinking about upgrading to the gen 2. Sounds like a big improvement.
Thanks again,

I have been beavering away and now have a mini-EFIS display in my instrument suite. It required me to write a new library for polar-coordinate graphics, but it's ready for flight testing now.

My intent is to have multiple 'pages' in each instrument (OnSpeed display, ASI, HDG, EFIS/AI, plus engine instruments of various types. These will be selectable and persistent between power cycles.

The plan is that these pages will be included in the OnSpeed display software, so that the same device (or multiple devices) can be deployed on the main panel as back-up displays or in the back seat for the GIB. The pandemic has slowed me down, but it's all coming together.

The OnSpeed box will also provide critical information in the event of an EFIS failure, so these instruments will provide 'limp home' capability as well.

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I've spent several months optimizing my GaugeWidgets library and designing a new, high-brightness universal instrument.

Th M5Stack-based version works well for many applications under the glareshield, but as the OnSpeed guys have found, on the glareshield the glare isn't shielded. I set out to fix the problem, which kind of morphed into the development of a family of 2" and 3" programmable displays.

Right now, I am in Beta with the new design, which wraps a user interface (UI) around a set of flight instruments. The 3" version is shown below. For 2", I think the M5 based version is adequate, but we have a 2" fascia mount bright screen version that works well... except is 2.75" square which means it won't fit that well if you've already got holes punched too close together.

I am in the process of documentation and getting this stuff into the open-source community. Should have an initial release by March, 2021, along with the STL files for the cases (thanks to Rob Prior).

I will admit that this stuff may not appeal to your average RV builder who likes to convert $$ into fancy panels. However, it started out as a backseat display for my Rocket and had to be cheap. So several thousand dollars later and about 1000 hours of design and coding, I can save a few hundred dollars :).

But to the true DIY crowd, it provides an open-source instrument for custom avionics development. The basic board provides two RS-232 serial ports, a CAN bus port, two relay drivers, stereo audio and two general purpose sensor inputs. The libraries will provide complete, flight tested instrument displays as a starting point for customization. Supports WiFi and Bluetooth as well.

My legal retirement officially starts in March. My goal was always to have this completed as a legacy project before I faded away into obscurity. I will probably be 'cancelled' before fading away, but it was still a goal line to cross.

Stay tuned...

(This is what I call the Aerobatics display):
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That looks spectacular. Looking forward to seeing the details.

Cheers, Sean
Just one more thing.... Dynon announced yesterday that it has opened up WiFi streaming of it's data. My devices are designed to support this, I just have to complete testing over the next few days.

Just add power, connect the device to your EFIS via WiFi and you are good to go. Makes backseat installation easy.

For the one or two folks who are following this thread:
A new software release is available for the M5Stack (and future hardware that I am developing).

This what I call Beta 2 software: A complete set of flight instruments (Airspeed, Altitude/VSI, Attitude, Heading and AOA) with programmable fields, units and ranges.

The big news is that I support the Dynon SkyView UDP streaming protocol over WiFi, just released in SV16 from Dynon. Now, with just power to the unit, you can receive all of the air data, system data and engine data wirelessly.

Beta 2 should migrate to Release 1 after completion of flight testing and any bug fixes required. By then, the brightscreen hardware should be available.

Cheers, Vern
I guarantee there are way more than two still following. Even injured and bedridden I follow this thread because eventually I'll be up and running (I'll settle for walking) and I'll buy my next plane and will install one of these in addition to my OnSpeed !!
Well, time to unleash the dragon on the unwilling population of VAF.

I have now posted an updated gauge library (Beta 3) on my site. What's new about this is that it has been refined and tested (mostly ground tests for now), and now supports the Dynon SkyView WiFi streaming, plus the normal serial connection for Garmin G3X and Dynon SkyView serial streaming.

I also managed to partially slay the multiple device support dragon with a single set of libraries (supporting both M5Stack and my forthcoming huVVer-AVI bright-screen instrument).

My objective, starting 5 years ago, was inspired by the late Bob Axom's magnum opus on drag reduction, published on this forum. I set out to create and publish hardware reference designs and open-source Arduino libraries capable of creating any kind of instrument gauge. This 'release' is the first flyable version of these libraries, initially focused on flight instruments. Engine instruments will come later.

The breakthrough was the introduction of the M5Stack display modules that contained a powerful microprocessor, peripherals, a color TFT display and three buttons in a compact, low cost form factor. This gave me a platform to develop 2" form factor avionic displays, such as the OnSpeed energy display.

Mission creep and the introduction of a new TFT display from NewHaven in April 2020 gave me access to a much brighter and larger display in a compact form factor. What's one to do during COVID isolation... so I developed a 3" form factor display. Rob Prior (B43D) stepped in with his industrial design/mechanical engineer/aerospace engineering background and has been producing the mechanicals needed, plus contributing to the software effort.

The first of these 3-inch displays has gone out to developers and I will be eventually getting everything up on github, but in the meantime, my website is the place to go.

I have several developers/users using versions of this software and hardware and I thank them for the ongoing feedback.

Thanks, Vern. Ready to officially reach 'old age' this week.
