I cut a 1.5" piece of rivet tape and fold about a quarter inch of it back on itself, stick it to the rivets on the skin, the folded part makes it easy to pull off and apply to the next rivet.

I alodined the exterior but I plan to vinyl and it's basically weightless protection.
Make sure you've thoroughly rinsed both the Alumiprep and Alodine and please capture all liquids.
This is a good time to have a Tech Counselor take a look.
Soft Hands


from a quick scan the previous advice provides all the necessary help. One tip that may have been missed is: relax the hand holding the bar - soft hands take catches - cricket or baseball.

Perhaps OWT, witchcraft, but, if your hand and bar are almost in the position normal to the shop head, then a soft hand may allow the bar to settle into the normal position as the gun rattles the factory head.



from a quick scan the previous advice provides all the necessary help. One tip that may have been missed is: relax the hand holding the bar - soft hands take catches - cricket or baseball.

Perhaps OWT, witchcraft, but, if your hand and bar are almost in the position normal to the shop head, then a soft hand may allow the bar to settle into the normal position as the gun rattles the factory head.



A tip I got from someone was to move my hand closer to the rivet head when holding the bucking bar. Putting it right against the part to hold the layers together and provide more feedback. That worked really well for me.
Every Rivet Is Unique

When I get in the 'production mode' of bashing rivets, that's when I make mistakes. Consider each rivet as unique, don't get in a hurry and pay attention to keeping the bucking bar long axis parallel to the rivet long axis. If you start to hurry, stop. Just my $0.02. It works for me.
When I get in the 'production mode' of bashing rivets, that's when I make mistakes. Consider each rivet as unique, don't get in a hurry and pay attention to keeping the bucking bar long axis parallel to the rivet long axis. If you start to hurry, stop. Just my $0.02. It works for me.

Oh yeah. I’m very good at naturally maximizing efficiency, which quickly leads to mistakes. I have to force myself to do one rivet at a time. I tend to think about the next step and that’s when I screw up. My wife is a good governor, she tells me to slow down when she sees me rushing.
When I get in the 'production mode' of bashing rivets, that's when I make mistakes. Consider each rivet as unique, don't get in a hurry and pay attention to keeping the bucking bar long axis parallel to the rivet long axis. If you start to hurry, stop. Just my $0.02. It works for me.

Exactly what I found, and why I misdimpled a hole on my skin, got into a rhythm and bang, a hole next to a hole.