I have enjoyed your travel log,as you progress with the Lord's guidense ! It gives us all hope in overall good of ma kind ! To
Scott, thanks for going to the trouble and the time to write and post this chronicle of your trip. Much appreciated!

My home field 9G3

Scott - glad you got to meet all of the great people at 9G3. Its where I soloed 20 yrs ago, and its where I hangar my RV-6. There are eight RV's at Akron.......Saw you parked out on the tarmac when we arrived back from Oshkosh....very pretty bird!


While your stories are very interesting and pictures are fascinating, I question the constant trespassing into peoples homes and personal belongings.

Someone's abandoned home and personal document is still "their" home and their belongings. If you come to North Carolina, I will welcome you into my home, if I am not there, please do not come into my home, hangar without an invitation.
I keep hoping for a Lee Child/Jack Reacher storyline to break out. The upset FBO gal was right in line with half the books.

While your stories are very interesting and pictures are fascinating, I question the constant trespassing into peoples homes and personal belongings.

Someone's abandoned home and personal document is still "their" home and their belongings. If you come to North Carolina, I will welcome you into my home, if I am not there, please do not come into my home, hangar without an invitation.

Steve, I am in total agreement regarding the constant trespassing. Although Scott?s story, his transience of America, is captivating, I question the legality of some of his actions. I am glad he came away unscathed. There were times during his transience, that I expected to here ?Police Stop! Let me see your Hands!!!

Getting close to the end, thanks Scott for sharing.
Union Pacific

That Union Pacific sign about "professionalism" was ironic, considering that my father was killed in a train wreck not far from Rock Springs when the train he was traveling in was rear-ended by another train whose engineer blew past a red signal in a snow storm.
That was Rock Springs, WY? Who knew? I actually kinda lived there for a whopping 10 months back in '93-94 as a Beech 1900 copilot for Mesa Airlines. We had a cruddy crashpad apartment on the SE edge of town; apparently we didn't get in much time exploring around town, as those pics are completely foreign to me... I realize now that I never actually made it to the "downtown" area.

Holbrook looks about the same as when I lived there for six months in 1980 while helping to build the Cholla Unit #4 power plant in Joseph City. I lived in a rented single wide not far from I-40. Yup, I was a transient, too.
I know that airport.

I love that little airport! Spanish Peaks (aka Walsenburg) has always been a favorite. It brought feelings of joy to see your pictures.

I have enjoyed reading about your odyssey.
Thank you

I'm confident I'm just one of many readers who have been reading your story, day by day, as you post it. Great work, thank you! Interesting to read about the variety of reactions to your sharing your faith, like reading the stories of Paul's travels in the New Testament.

Like yourself and many others I've flown x-country trips and slept on couches or recliners in terminals, been locked out, and made impromptu stops while traveling along in the sky. Many times the airports are virtually empty, and I wonder how long they will last. Maybe a few FBO/terminal managers will read your story and consider making changes. Courtesy cars are great, and a recliner chair in a comfortable room is perfect when you are just moving along, solo in the sky.

Thanks again.

Sounds like when my plane is finished and I'm flying around the country I'll pass on Catalina. I'll just circle the island then fly away happily!! Great job on keeping your temper in check.
Thanks for sharing your adventure of discovery with us Scott. I enjoyed your story, your writing style, and your pictures very much.

Thanks for sharing your story, Glad you made it out of Catalina! I for one will never land there.
Your adventure provides encouragement for me to finish the mistress. Engine and avionics to go. Although some airports and towns seem deserted and worn down, something can always be gained from the experience, as Scott shows and describes. I've enjoyed following your travels.
Ten Commandments

It appears our good friend Scott needs to review #8 of the 10 Commandments. The people that run that airport on Catalina Island are operating a business and I doubt they take kindly to people trying to run off without paying their bill. I'm sure they have seen it before and obviously knew what they had to do to stop a thief. Any admonishments Scott received were well deserved.
Love Catalina, hate airport

I would be hanging out at Catalina much more if the runway was any good. No sure if this is a conspiracy to keep people away or not. Sure wish the runway was better, then I would gladly pay the landing fee.
?With a nice plane like that, you should be able to afford it,? said Justin.

I suppose that stigma will never go away that if you fly an airplane ,you must be independently wealthy. Thanks again Scott for taking us along on your travels, it never gets old .

Wait a minute! I was eagerly awaiting the details of armageddon that you kept alluding to! When? How? :D

I enjoyed reading your posts. Thanks!
Hoping for series renewal

Wait a minute! I was eagerly awaiting the details of armageddon that you kept alluding to! When? How? :D

He's not home yet ! I expect another final episode on Monday. Although he could leave us with another cliffhanger since this is his second season and I'm hoping he does a third season again next summer. That is if Armageddon doesn't happen.:eek: Actually going to miss his daily posts. He's gives a very good insight on what a tour to small airports in the USA would be like and the varied receptions he received. :) And his photography is outstanding. ;)
He's not home yet ! I expect another final episode on Monday. Although he could leave us with another cliffhanger since this is his second season and I'm hoping he does a third season again next summer. That is if Armageddon doesn't happen.:eek: Actually going to miss his daily posts. He's gives a very good insight on what a tour to small airports in the USA would be like and the varied receptions he received. :) And his photography is outstanding. ;)

The season finale! I'm on the edge!
I flew to Catalina several times in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s. Last time I was there was probably 2002. Runway used to be in much better shape, and it was always a fun trip. Justin and his clan should be ashamed of the trashy facility they lord over now. I'll probably never return.
It appears our good friend Scott needs to review #8 of the 10 Commandments. The people that run that airport on Catalina Island are operating a business and I doubt they take kindly to people trying to run off without paying their bill. I'm sure they have seen it before and obviously knew what they had to do to stop a thief. Any admonishments Scott received were well deserved.

Really? It's Scott's story and I for one appreciate all the detail, pictures and time he took to write about his big adventure for others to enjoy and even to learn from. According to my understanding of his story, he was concerned about the aircraft, became angry, walked it off, made a mistake, contained his anger, apologized, paid his tab, and confessed it all here publicly on VAF. Any further admonishment here is totally undeserved as he has already been forgiven by those who he'd allegedly sinned against. Therefore your comment here is nothing more than a blemish, a cheap shot at the end of HIS fantastic story. I challenge you to apologize, and post on VAF a better story about a bigger adventure, sins and all.

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I'm still wondering if he made it home ok to Merced. In the last episode he was flying in the dark over what looked like Alamitos bay heading toward Los Angles and he made the statement "I saw it coming". Hope it wasn't a 747 out of LAX. :eek:
I'm still wondering if he made it home ok to Merced. In the last episode he was flying in the dark over what looked like Alamitos bay heading toward Los Angles and he made the statement "I saw it coming". Hope it wasn't a 747 out of LAX. :eek:

Extra dramatic cliff hanger until next years adventures! Roll with it.
Is there going to be a conclusion to this trip across the USA, which has been interesting so far, or are we just waiting for the end of everything? I don't mind which it is, but I'd just like to know.
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