Great writing!!

I'm am like many, captured by your story. I keep hitting the down arrow looking and wanting more. Absolutely the best writing to ever hit these pages.

Regarding the police officer in Starbucks, I believe he was asking if you were working "undercover." In those settings, there are many officers not in uniform walking the streets and integrating into the crowds to have more eyes on what is happening. They need coffee too!!!:D
Sorry I found this thread a little too late. Would've been happy to offer a stay at our place... fairly close to your route.

Great journey.
Scott, It is stories like yours that continue to fuel my passion to finish my
PPL so that I too can take the once in a lifetime trip in my RV6A. It sits in
my hangar as it anxiously waits for me. With luck and blessings I will pass my
checkride on Sept 2nd and then transition training.

Thank you for sharing your adventures with us.
I'm am like many, captured by your story. I keep hitting the down arrow looking and wanting more. Absolutely the best writing to ever hit these pages.

Regarding the police officer in Starbucks, I believe he was asking if you were working "undercover." In those settings, there are many officers not in uniform walking the streets and integrating into the crowds to have more eyes on what is happening. They need coffee too!!!:D

My thoughts exactly, all of them. Do consider publishing in some form, this is America.
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Discovering America


If you put these into a book with all the pictures and your excellent writing skills, I think it would sell a LOT of copies. Great job. God's speed, blue skies, and tailwinds to you.
Wanting more

Like everyone following your journey, I feel like I'm reading each chapter of a book as it's being written. When I realize that's all for now, I'm left with a hunger for more. Was that your plan? Leave them wanting more. Well, it's working! Dang it! It's August 24th. You must be home now, and are probably back in the classroom teaching the nation's youth. I hope you can share: "What did you do this summer?" with those young minds.
Double that for those of us in the STL metro-east. I sure hope you ran across Ed Shafer while you were here.
The Start....


Here is how you start it.....

Ok kids "Here is what i did on my summer vacation.... ":D

What an inspiring story and amazing adventure you've shared. I grew up in central Illinois. Troy, Litchfield, and all the other small towns around there were home for so many years. We've travelled up old '66 a million times. Definitely brings back the memories. Thanks so much for sharing.

Of all the lessons I learned in that 5 weeks, none strikes such a chord as the sobering realization that most Americans have absolutely no idea what's coming. But come it will, and I am equally convinced that Americans will rise once again to the occasion to preserve and defend that freedom.

Sensational travelogue. Maybe at the end of it you can enlighten us about the somewhat cryptic comments above.
Flyng Across America

I'm sure, as are all others, that recall Charles Garault, CBS, "On the Road Again" weekly segment. You should have been his teacher.
Great read on an awesome adventure Scott! I was born in Litchfield, IL and have family there...used the airport many times. :cool:

Forgive me but Noah Forden used this in another thread and I though it would be appropriate here also. Thanks goes to Noah Forden for posting Sienfield and you for the documenting of your trip.

No, please don't. We all know where that sort of things leads on the Internet. Let's just enjoy the trip.

Sorry Bob but I beg to differ. In the very first post of his travelogue Scott Chastain said: "Of all the lessons I learnt in that 5 weeks, none strikes such a chord as the sobering realisation that most Americans have absolutely no idea what's coming. But come it will."

It is obvious from this statement that Scott had an epiphany as a result of his travels. Some may be satisfied with the superficial aspects of his journey while others may want to know what Scott deduced as a result of his experience.
Keep it coming

Keep it coming Scott. Your taking us on a trip of a lifetime. Your travelogue is giving Vlad a run for his money. I feel your soul revealing itself with each passing word.
After following the railroad tracks for about a mile, the Fisk controller made the announcement:

"Attention, all inbound arrivals to Oshkosh: If you do not have a reservation, there are no more parking or camping spots available. I repeat: If you do not have a reservation for overnight parking or camping at Oshkosh, you will be turned away upon landing and diverted to an alternate airport. The field is officially saturated."

I must have been 5 minutes behind you. I ignored the announcement and went into OSH. Plenty of parking spots in HBP and HBC.
"The Lord wanted me elsewhere"

Been thinking about that idea lately. If you're not willing to dump your own schedule/plans occasionally, how are you ever going to find God's plan? It's what the Good Samaritan did, and a key to having a great x-country trip in your RV.

A lot of people down here in South Louisiana have had their plans go out the window. It's been tough, but many new relationships have been established as people come together to help one another. I met an old friend I hadn't seen in 30 years while helping to gut a flooded house the other day. It was great to see him again. Wouldn't have happened if my wife hadn't pestered me into changing my plans to help some flood victims.
Never say never. As I understand it, this was the first year they considered HB full. However, I thought there was still room in the corners.
I believe there was some correspondence of some sort from Jerry that "we WILL find a place for you in HBC" when the reservation thing got thrown out there.

I know that my partner flying there in our Vintage aircraft declared he did in fact have a reservation (at my suggestion: "what's the worst that could happen, they tell you to take off?") after the 'reservation only' broadcast and did indeed find a place to park in Vintage Camping.

Just for future reference.

We are all blessed to be reading this, Scott. Thank you.
Not to drift, but Osh will never turn a HB away. Even if that means they have to evict a spam can to make room.
WONDERFUL Blog of your trip! I have noticed that most pilot/airport folks are generous and friendly. I plan to do something similar one of these summers. I plan to start on a smaller scale. Just a two week trip around my home state of Michigan and the U.P.

The only thing that frightens me is how many times your wrote "I was the only soul at the airport" Makes me wonder what GA will be like in 10 years.

I have seen our own airport activity steadily decrease year after year.
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Well, doesn't it just figure that when you finally drop into an unfriendly, unwelcoming, rude place, it's Minnesota, the home of "Minnesota Nice." Cripes.

There's nothing in the AFS about needing to call. It notes fuel is available 24 hours a day. And that the FBO opens at 8am. The airport is owned by the state of Minnesota.

I feel like organizing a massive unannounced fly-in to 48Y to protect our right to fly there without bowing to these people.

I'm sorry you had such a rude introduction to my state. It's cold up here sometimes. And the weather is often chilly, too.
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Imagine joining ICE with visions of fighting terrorism at the hot spot borders of our great nation...then being sent to an isolated spot on a two lane road to Canada, probably for being a jerk.
Yeah, but...

... doesn't the organization bear some responsibility for telling its people that they don't need to be 'jackboots' all the time? My taxes are paying his salary. Wish I could write a couple of lines into his annual performance review. And when you fly along the northern border you see just how porous it really is. What makes him think that an interloper is actually going to land at a border airport and be counted?? Somebody isn't seeing the big picture.

Imagine joining ICE with visions of fighting terrorism at the hot spot borders of our great nation...then being sent to an isolated spot on a two lane road to Canada, probably for being a jerk.
Well, doesn't it just figure that when you finally drop into an unfriendly, unwelcoming, rude place, it's Minnesota, the home of "Minnesota Nice." Cripes.

There's nothing in the AFS about needing to call. It notes fuel is available 24 hours a day. And that the FBO opens at 8am. The airport is owned by the state of Minnesota.

I feel like organizing a massive unannounced fly-in to 48Y to protect our right to fly there without bowing to these people.

I'm sorry you had such a rude introduction to my state. It's cold up here sometimes. And the weather is often chilly, too.

IF I am available, I will join in on your massive unannounced fly-in to 48Y.
Piney Pinecrick

Flew into Piney Pinecreek on the way home from Swan River in my 6 a few years ago. Pretty uneventful, but I do remember the Customs Officer seemed pretty cranky. When I told him I had been north bowhunting bears his deadpan response was 'we have bears in Minnesota'. Must not be a preferred duty station for these guys.
Tough experience

What you found with officer Miller was that deadly combination of "low IQ and high authority". I have found that customs and immigration is full of folks with that problem. I even was threatened with confiscation of my airplane. Just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

I don't watch TV very often or get stuck on a sitcom, but reading this thread is like being held out for the next weeks episode to air. I keep hitting the new posts hoping an update has happened.

Great story and thank you for the effort to share it with all of us.
I don't watch TV very often or get stuck on a sitcom, but reading this thread is like being held out for the next weeks episode to air. I keep hitting the new posts hoping an update has happened.

Great story and thank you for the effort to share it with all of us.

You know he's just toying with us now....C'mon- just finish the story!! I have work to do!!!:p:p
Well, doesn't it just figure that when you finally drop into an unfriendly, unwelcoming, rude place, it's Minnesota, the home of "Minnesota Nice." Cripes.

There's nothing in the AFS about needing to call. It notes fuel is available 24 hours a day. And that the FBO opens at 8am. The airport is owned by the state of Minnesota.

I feel like organizing a massive unannounced fly-in to 48Y to protect our right to fly there without bowing to these people.

I'm sorry you had such a rude introduction to my state. It's cold up here sometimes. And the weather is often chilly, too.

Planned arrival time 8:59 am.
What you found with officer Miller was that deadly combination of "low IQ and high authority". I have found that customs and immigration is full of folks with that problem. I even was threatened with confiscation of my airplane. Just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.


Give some people a small kingdom, and they will rule it as a dictator.....
I did a little more research on this airport where Scott had trouble and I noticed two entries in the AFS. (1) it is NOT an entry point airport and (2) It is a "landing rights airport."

That's a term I've never heard of before, but here are the major provisions of a landing rights airport. It does not seem to make a distinction from those crossing a border to those simply exercising their freedom to fly in their own country.

Has anyone ever heard of this?

(2) Private aircraft. The pilots of private aircraft are required to secure permission to land from CBP following transmission of the advance notice of arrival via an electronic data interchange system approved by CBP, pursuant to § 122.22. Prior to departure as defined in § 122.22(a), from a foreign port or place, the pilot of a private aircraft must receive a message from CBP that landing rights have been granted for that aircraft at a particular airport.

(3) Other aircraft. Following advance notice of arrival pursuant to § 122.31, all other aircraft may be allowed to land at a landing rights airport by the director of the port of entry or station nearest the first place of landing.

(4) Denial or withdrawal of landing rights. Permission to land at a landing rights airport may be denied or permanently or temporarily withdrawn for any of the following reasons:

(i) Appropriate and/or sufficient Federal Government personnel are not available;

(ii) Proper inspectional facilities or equipment are not available at, or maintained by, the requested airport;

(iii) The entity requesting the landing rights has a history of failing to abide by appropriate instructions given by a CBP officer;

(iv) Reasonable grounds exist to believe that applicable Federal rules and regulations pertaining to safety, including cargo safety and security, CBP, or other inspectional activities may not be adhered to; or

(v) CBP has deemed it necessary to deny landing rights to an aircraft.

I'm awaiting a response from MNDOT, which owns the joint.

[edit] From the looks of this video, there's NOTHING at this airport. No hangars. Nothing. Other than the novelty, I'm not sure why anyone would land here. Seems like the border patrol could go a long time without seeing a human. Ron Lee landed here in 2008.
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