I have already secured the Commissioner of Corrections post. I think he wants someone on the inside if he winds up in jail. I could see that they get a cushy job like the laundry or stamping license plates!;)
Alton Bay is closed for the season. I made it up for the last day on Saturday. Apparently you get a certificate if you make the last day.

Here's my video of another trip up earlier this year. I saw one other RV who left before I could say hi.
Getting closer to opening bell ... :D

he airport manager for the Alton Ice airport reported that the ice on the bay ranged from 5-8 inches. They need 12 inches or more to open the runway.

Maybe next weekend...

We were at SFM today for lunch, the rumour mill has it that Alton Bay may open next weekend. Temps were well below zero a couple of nights last week in NH.
Officially open

The Alton Bay is open message from airport manager.

Hi everyone!! We are all plowed and ready. Runway is 100'wide x 3000' long with taxiway and parking snow banks are 3to 4 ' high. If you need any assistance while you are in Alton bay call 603 455 7817. Also don't forget to stop at any of the fallowing establishments: Old Bay Diner, JPChina,Shibleys by the pier. Restaurants. And Facet Jewelers and get your free certificate for landing in Alton Bay Runway. And winnipesaukee cigar shop.and Irwin Marine..

Massive attack on Feb 7/8?
Nice job guys! Vlad, I've flown to your airport a few times this winter just to mix it up a bit. Your plane is never there!!:D
It's a bit windy here too. I guess I am grounded for couple days till sun comes out.

I got a mod for my prop. Craig Catto do you see this? 10 kts gain :D

My APRS antenna...

PS; Before the storm I taped and covered all seams except static ports completely forgot about them :)
Two Nor'easters?


That's the result of two Nor'easters. Living in New England, in spite of the ice runway, is hazardous to flying this time of year. Come to Florida; fine flying this time of year; ask Jesse!

Seriously! Come to Texas, there must be a job for you here somewhere? This is a big State. Come have a look? :)
Seldom see ice
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So I see you are finally getting around to painting that aircraft. Check your spray nozzle, I think the clear coat is a little to heavy in spots.:D
Last night I briefly debated planning the trip. While I could easily get out of 53VG, I wouldn't be able to land at the end of the day :(
Went for the first time this year. And at least got to meet Vlad for two minutes before he took off and did amazing low pass. That w?s awesome ..:)
Looks like I just missed meeting the infamous Vlad. I thought I recognized that tail number on the ramp at 6B6! I was doing pattern work in a Champ.

I hope you enjoyed lunch - it's top notch.
Looks like I just missed meeting the infamous Vlad. I thought I recognized that tail number on the ramp at 6B6! I was doing pattern work in a Champ.

I hope you enjoyed lunch - it's top notch.

that might have been me in my 7?

I saw your champ.

:confused: CJ
Hi John,

This was on Saturday - a "bare metal" -A model (with what I'm pretty sure was Vlad's tail number) and a painted taildragger RV (maybe a 7?). Perhaps I'm wrong.

The champ is a rental at Stow.

It turns out that he was there with Machineman right after me. Machineman flies the red and white -7 that was parked next to him.

;). CJ

It turns out that he was there with Machineman right after me. Machineman flies the red and white -7 that was parked next to him.

;). CJ

Good stuff. I often see RV's parked out there. If anyone wants to give a ride to a prospective RV builder/buyer lunch is on me. :)
Alton Bay is closed for the season

Message from Alton Bay airport manager;

Good morning everyone! We want to thank you all for a great season. Towns people and pilots. A little information: we opened January 23, 2015 and closed March 11, 2015 . We were open a total of 22 days in that time. A lot of snow plowing days in that time. We had approximately 366 planes land on the ice runway. Not to bad !!!
January 2016 status

It's a lot of open water on the lake. I did a recon today the ice is very thin at the end of January.

Mooselookmeguntic/Bald Mountain Camp fly in in Rangeley is scheduled for February 6, 2016.

Rangeley is 8B0. I plan on being there at 12 for lunch.

Go there instead!

;) CJ
Alton Bay's Facebook page now shows 5-6" thick ice on the lake. Its only a matter of time...
Second recon mission on Alton Bay. Not promising. Runway clearly marked with yellow cones but not groomed. Got on the radio with Paul the airport manager (you can see him by the runway) and he said it's only 8" he wants ice thickness at least a foot to open the airport.

But I scored four ice landings on other places. :D
Lots of warm weather up here recently.
Not looking too good.

Not good at all. I do see some colder weather coming in the next two weeks. I was hoping that the runway would be open in time for the winter carnival. Kind of sucks - I was planning on going.
Builder Help

Hi from an RV9 builder in Southern NH. I'd like to connect up with some local builders to review progress and discuss areas where the plans leave you kind of hanging to figure out the best way to move forward. I'm currently at the point where I've got completed wings, empennage, and a partially completed QB fuselage. Sometimes we need a second pair of hands to do a task or just a second set of eyes on the task before we drill.

I'm looking for someone I can help as well as someone who can help me. I'm retired with have a CFII, and A&P rating and live in Concord, NH. If you live in my area and are interested in connecting please send me a note. Thanks, Steve
Several New England RVators are planning Alton Bay B18 tomorrow. Ice runway is open and is in great shape. Come support local economy. :)
I just got back from my first ice landing. Runway is in great condition, however braking action is nil😏 What time is everyone going up?