Coming along nicely!

Your build looks great Ken! I am working on my hangar at KBTF so moved the RV10 to 36U. I'll move it back when I get home from a work trip and call you. I would love to stop by and see the build if it's possible with your schedule.
How many hours did it take to paint the three colors on your rv-14

The actual spraying doesn't take long, maybe hours. All the taping and prep is the time consuming part. I would estimate I have about 200 hours in painting so far.
Almost Done with Wiring

Transponder and ADS-B installed. Just need to crimp a few BNC connectors.


Defog fans, Dynon 2020 GPS, and LED rope lighting installed.


If I could only figure out where all these wires go. :eek:

Almost Done with Panel

Ready to install the Skyview panels.


And ready to permanently install rear window.

Almost Done with the Seats

I have been working on the upholstery for the seats. Learning lots of new skills.


This is one task I do not plan to learn, I farmed it out and am expecting delivery in March some time. Abby at Flightline did a fine job on our RV-10 and I'm expecting the same for the 14. Installing the snorkel today ( engine air intake). At first I thought it would not fit but I'm thinking it will work after trimming.
design prints?

Would you be able to tell me where you got the design printouts for the cutouts you have made?

Your bird is looking awsome. I hope to paint mine as well using a compound paint called Endura, a little toxic to apply but having used it before it is a very durable and high lustre finish.

Thanks for your reply on the seat cutouts.
Looking very nice!

Sorry if this has been asked already, but what is the large yellow pull knob for in the middle of the panel?
Would you be able to tell me where you got the design printouts for the cutouts you have made?

I designed the seat pattern. I knew I wanted to wrap the seat frame with the upholstery material so I bought some foam and started playing with it. I looked a lots of pictures of seats to come up with the design.
Looking very nice!

Sorry if this has been asked already, but what is the large yellow pull knob for in the middle of the panel?

It is the canopy release handle. I will have it either engraved or have a permanent placard put on it. Currently I just have a masking tape label.

I took a piece of tube that was extra from one of the other kits and threaded the end to accept a piece of threaded rod to screw the handle to. I also bent the rod a little so I didn't have to have it in the center of the panel.
It is the canopy release handle. I will have it either engraved or have a permanent placard put on it. Currently I just have a masking tape label.

I took a piece of tube that was extra from one of the other kits and threaded the end to accept a piece of threaded rod to screw the handle to. I also bent the rod a little so I didn't have to have it in the center of the panel.

Ah, That makes sense. For some reason, in my mind, I was thinking that the release would be at the rear of the canopy.
It's not the opening release handle, that one is at the pilots left hand location. This one is actually the canopy jettison handle, as in abandon ship.
Almost Done with the Seats

Finished sewing the seats this weekend.


The shadows make the cushions look funky.

The whole padded room theme is appropriate since I'm going crazy trying to get this plane done.
Almost Done with Panel

Here's a look behind the panel. The red box to the right is the VP-x electronic circuit breakers.




I plan on ordering the 10" Skyview displays in a couple of weeks.
All of the wiring is done, just need to plug them in.

Nice job Ken. Here's a suggestion that was given to me by my close friend and AP. We are just about finished with our panel also and when he inspected the work suggested that we cover all of the spade connectors with shrink wrap. I know it seems like a lot of extra work but I see the validity in that we live in a very humid environment and there is always a certain amount of vibration. So, tomorrow I am going to buy some high temp shrink wrap and start cutting. Just sayin'.
Hi Ken Your self contained breather caught my attention. Can you tell me more about it?


It's made by 3M, I bought it used on Ebay. I use the HEPA filters, I found that I could still smell fumes with a carbon filter. The unit blows filtered air into the helmet and keeps the bad air out by maintaining positive pressure.
It's made by 3M, I bought it used on Ebay. I use the HEPA filters, I found that I could still smell fumes with a carbon filter. The unit blows filtered air into the helmet and keeps the bad air out by maintaining positive pressure.

Nice. I've got the hobby air and the hose can be a bit problematic at times.


It's made by 3M, I bought it used on Ebay. I use the HEPA filters, I found that I could still smell fumes with a carbon filter. The unit blows filtered air into the helmet and keeps the bad air out by maintaining positive pressure.

But a HEPA filter doesn't completely keep out isocyanates, right? I don't think there is any available filter that can remove them, hence the need for fresh air breathing system with the air supply located outside of the booth...
But a HEPA filter doesn't completely keep out isocyanates, right? I don't think there is any available filter that can remove them, hence the need for fresh air breathing system with the air supply located outside of the booth...

The problem with that is that your airport buddies can come over after beer call and break wind near your air inlet while you are painting! :mad:
Nice job Ken. Here's a suggestion that was given to me by my close friend and AP. We are just about finished with our panel also and when he inspected the work suggested that we cover all of the spade connectors with shrink wrap. I know it seems like a lot of extra work but I see the validity in that we live in a very humid environment and there is always a certain amount of vibration. So, tomorrow I am going to buy some high temp shrink wrap and start cutting. Just sayin'.

Just an addition to this posting.

Make sure you get the more expensive 3:1 shrink ratio heatshrink for this job. The usual standard 2:1 stuff probably wont grip the wire crimp end well.
Many many congratulations

A beautiful airplane. Three years, first kit to first flight. That is awesome.

Clear skies and a smooth, safe and productive Phase 1.