What's in a name?

I'm going to name my -9A "Callipygian" That will also be the requirement to get a ride. I'll weed out a lot of undesireables that way. :)
I could not have done this without my wife's tacit approval and economic assistance. She also became more enthusiastic about helping me pay for the paint job when I told her my -9 would bear her name!

Aluminum Overdraft!

KiloWhiskey1 said:
After busting my budget wide open I am considering "Aluminum Overdraft".


I love it! Aluminum Overdraft!! Hilarious.

"Smokey" is my eventual moniker for N8RV. He'll be painted gray, and because in the cold winter months, my shop is the only place my wife will let me enjoy a cee-gar, I'm sure there will be vestiges of cigar stench somewhere in his inner recesses.