I bought 3 off eBay yesterday. Two for gifts for A&P buddies. I had posted a link to the eBay page but apparently I ran afoul of the rules because my post disappeared. Either that or I forgot to hit "Submit Reply"!

Search eBay for "Adel 560 Tool" and you should be able to find it.
Was looking around on the net for adel tools (I'll be doing this soon enough) and saw these on the ATS website. I have no experience with them but another option at least.

Here's the company site https://www.handeeclamp.com/

Clever tools. I used a piece of 3/16 tubing, pinched the end and looped a .032 safety wire around a nut for the inner spar. This is a nice tool concept. Sad it seems the most clever and useful tools are so low in cost that they are not worth the investment of tooling and marketing. Profit is just too low.
I bought 3 off eBay yesterday. Two for gifts for A&P buddies. I had posted a link to the eBay page but apparently I ran afoul of the rules because my post disappeared. Either that or I forgot to hit "Submit Reply"!

Search eBay for "Adel 560 Tool" and you should be able to find it.

I posted a link to a cheaper source; it also disappeared. I feel so much safer with Big Brother protecting me...
The Tool

Looks like a cool tool, but how does it handle the case where you have two adel clamps together like in my photo with the hemostats?
Looks like a cool tool, but how does it handle the case where you have two adel clamps together like in my photo with the hemostats?

Mickey, I'm with you. Putting one clamp on is usually no big deal, and I don't feel the need for a tool for that. Two or more stacked is a different story. Often there isn't room for a hemostat, either. I use the small tie wraps. I push them out of the way from the bolts, and leave them on. They come in handy next time one has to dis-assemble.
Drift pin

I always find that when I use the hemostats the clamp holes don't line up. So now I use a 3/16" drift pin through the clamps first then clamp them.

And +1 for safety wire. Although I usually cut it loose after the bolt is tightened. Otherwise those tails will find skin:eek:
Just received the Adel tool. From the looks of it, these are "new old stock" which suggests when he runs out that will be it.

The one I ordered from eBay was the "561" tool. This is probably one size larger (wider jaw) from the "560" discussed earlier in this thread. The 561 holds most of the smaller adel clamps I have but just barely.

Looks like a worthy tool!
Just received the Adel tool. From the looks of it, these are "new old stock" which suggests when he runs out that will be it.

The one I ordered from eBay was the "561" tool. This is probably one size larger (wider jaw) from the "560" discussed earlier in this thread. The 561 holds most of the smaller adel clamps I have but just barely.

Looks like a worthy tool!

Same here, already cut it for TIG practice. That frame is really STRONG. I looked up the patent (US2409784 A ) for that tool. Filed 1943, issued '46, expired in '63.

Fair game to be remade.

Edit: Funny - what a bunch of brainiac's were are - 84 sales, BUILDERS, and no one asked what the difference was between 560 and 561 tools. I'm OK with my purchase, still maybe salvageable.
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ordered one

Great post Pete!
After I watched the video, I ordered one too.

Frank Huber
building an RV-7A
Even though the 561 'hooks' are a little farther apart than desired, I found that just one hook is strong enough to hold an Adel clamp closed. Pretty cool tool and one I had never seen before.
I couldn't resist....I bought one too. If it helps with the installation of one clamp, it will be worth it.
I couldn't resist....I bought one too. If it helps with the installation of one clamp, it will be worth it.

I'm with blueflyer. I ordered just because. If it helps even once, it is wort it. I also appreciate the video. I didn't order until after I found and watched it. Thanks for the input all.