I don't get it.

bringing this thread back to the top since it's related to the article written by Van concerning possible FAA certification changes.


Read the article. As near I can tell, the situation appears analogous to a city putting up speed limit signs and finds later that some people aren't obeying the posted limits. So the city decides to put up speed limit signs with even lower limits and for good measure decides to put up "no left turn" signs at some intersections. The city didn't try hard to enforce the old rules and has no intent to expend any more resources enforcing the new rules. I don't get it, but I guess that's the way some people in government reason.

The only issue I have with Van's article is that his bear analogy is somewhat off base. I wouldn't go so far as to say the homebuilders are the bear and the FAA is the trainer, but I would say that both entities are in a position where if either one gets backed into a corner they could seriously hurt the other. But that's just my opinion - just as the bear analogy is Van's way of expressing his opinion of the situation.
As near I can tell, the situation appears analogous to a city putting up speed limit signs and finds later that some people aren't obeying the posted limits. So the city decides to put up speed limit signs with even lower limits and for good measure decides to put up "no left turn" signs at some intersections.
We're all free to interpret this as we will, but frankly I don't get your interpretation. I think the analogy is much closer to the city putting a trigger-happy cop with a radar gun and a fat ticket book right under the speed limit sign, with orders to ticket anyone going 1MPH over the limit.

'Course, maybe I don't get it 'cause I'm just a dumb cop ;)