
Well Known Member
Today I've received a very interesting call from NavCanada. A polite lady asked me if I am the owner and operator of aircraft N666BK. Absolutely yes. Did you fly your aircraft on June 23rd from CXXX to KXXX. Sure. What's your current address Sir? It's changed here it is new. :)

We will be sending you a bill Sir we are preparing it and just wanted to verify your address and airplane info. :eek: What kind of bill? It's quarterly and you can fly as many times as you want to Canada within this quarter...

I am puzzled a bit. I am a CANPASS holder visited Canada only once in 2013 but flew in several times during 2011 and 2012.

What you say Canadian brothers? Are you billed quarterly too? If yes what for?
Anybody from recent Stanley Cruise got a call?

I will be posting updates after receiving the bill.
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We have a privatized air traffic control service, paid for by users. Resident small aircraft owners pay about $70 per year; our friends in the US pay quarterly if they come into our airspace. However, we pay about $8 per gallon of gas, with a lot of taxes that were originally earmarked to pay for the ATC system, but ended up in general revenue.

By the way, if we fly to the US, we need to buy an annual customs decal for about $25 as I recall.

Between NavCanada driving away US citizens wanting to fly to Canada, and Homeland Security driving away Canadian citizens wanting to fly to the US, it's a wonder anyone does any travelling outside our home countries anymore.
I bet it will cost them more in time than the bill we be worth. The annual $70 bill is per aircraft owned. If I own 2, I pay it twice even though I cannot fly both aircraft at the same time. Let us know how much when it comes in. Likely 20 bucks or something.
US customs doesn't discriminate againt Canadians; US citizens coming home have to pay $25 for the privelege of being searched, too.
Ignore it

Treat it like an out of Province and out of State speeding ticket, ignore it.

I seriously doubt they can do anything as the time and effort far exceeds the revenue. That's been my experience with tickets over last 40 yrs and between the Dodge Viper and the Harley, I have more than my share.
Treat it like an out of Province and out of State speeding ticket, ignore it.

I seriously doubt they can do anything as the time and effort far exceeds the revenue. That's been my experience with tickets over last 40 yrs and between the Dodge Viper and the Harley, I have more than my share.

Very bad idea. Mexico had some fees that nobody (FAA, Jeppesen, Universal, US Dept of State) knew about. We had an aircraft turned back at the border for failure to pay a three year old bill.
Typically it happens when you land at a controlled airport for customs. It does not always happen. I get a landing fee bill from Erie, KERI, wen I clear there. I do not land there anymore.
I wish that they did not charge our visitors, it seems like a bad business policy to me. As a Canadian please accept my apology for this annoying charge.

I guess Nav Canada figured no one is going to fly in here, stay at the Stanley Hilton and eat ribs and beans without them getting a piece of it somehow.

It's too bad, but it's another reason to discourage someone who may be thinking of coming up here for a visit. I hope it was still worth it for you.:)
I've flown from NY to SEA and paid $200 for flying into Canadian airspace using that as a normal shortcut everyone uses.

When I get feed up I pay $200 for the extra fuel it takes to fly that around Canadian airspace.

You can't win :mad:

I just wish the fees we paid in both Canada and the USA would stay in Aviation.
I've flown from NY to SEA and paid $200 for flying into Canadian airspace using that as a normal shortcut everyone uses.

When I get feed up I pay $200 for the extra fuel it takes to fly that around Canadian airspace.

You can't win :mad:

I just wish the fees we paid in both Canada and the USA would stay in Aviation.

I totally agree,

There is that small chunk of airspace by Toronto which US ATC covers but the second you are a little north and you are transferred to Toronto you can expect a bill.
Considering the overall cost of a trip, the 20 bucks for Nav Canada is insignificant and should not deter anyone from visiting this beautiful country. It is however an example of what will happen if user fees become a reality in the US. Write your congressman and senator if you think they are a bad idea.

Martin Sutter
Building and flying RV'since 1988
EAA Technical Councelor
Airspace charge

The last time I flew through/into into Canada was 2 years ago. The invoice was sent to my home in Michigan approx 45 days after my trip. I thought it was $15.00 or $20.00, good for 90 days.

Just checked my record and I paid $15.5 for my 2008 visit. On the same trip I was charged $5 by the City of Cleveland for landing at their airport for custom entry. As much as I hate to pay those fees, a $15.5 for the entire trip is better than $5 for a landing.
The NAV Canada bill also includes provincial tax.

Land in Alberta first and the tax is zero.....:)

I just got a tie down billing from Powell River, BC that was for tie down last July. At $3 per night I thought is was a good deal... My cousin says that the parking fee on the other side of the fence is higher.

A call to the nice lady in city hall confirmed they would take a US dollar check, so no big deal on exchange rates.

NAV Canada took a credit card over the phone for their meager billing.

I might be old fashioned, but I've always thought if you don't pay a bill it will come back and bite you sometime. An experience with the Kern County tax collector in CA proved that once....:eek:

Don't let the fees deter you from a trip into Canada.
Got this in the mail today....:eek:

I was relieved to see the bill is less than $20. I tried to visit the website to pay but it isn't very user friendly. I'll try calling tomorrow...
I just flew from buffalo to st Claire. What will that cost? Saved me a lot of time and $$$ though. Fir, talkin the whole way. I think I got my money's worth, eh.
Turbo, they'll charge you the $20 plus tax for the whole quarter....

I just flew from buffalo to st Claire. What will that cost? Saved me a lot of time and $$$ though. Fir, talkin the whole way. I think I got my money's worth, eh.
I'm getting bills

From St John's airport in Canada for my last airplane which I sold back in 2006.. As the format of the address is exactly as per the FAA database (but also clearly says the registration has been discontinued oor some such) I assume they lookedit up on there.

twice they have sent me a bill.... once I emailed 'em back.. second time I sent the bill back... I have never flown out of US airspace!

Canada, Mexico, information

AOPA, Aircraft Owners, and Pilots Association has this information available to members. Including flights to Alaska, that use Canadian airspace. Lots more information for other flights also. I the membership to be cheap compared to not knowing. It is nice to get information from this site VAF, but there is a lot available for a small fee. Just like this site for helping builders, and flyers. Good flying.
I called NAVCAN and they took my credit card info over the phone so that saved me the international postage of mailing a check.
I called NAVCAN and they took my credit card info over the phone so that saved me the international postage of mailing a check.

But I bet the credit card company will charge you 2-3% exchange fee.:mad:

Still not an excessive cost in the big scheme of things. It is, however, a bit irritating that if you fly into Canada on June 30 and back out on July 1, they will bill you for two quarters.:eek:

Sneaky Canadians!!!

They finally got me too!

Even tracked me down after my move from the East Coast to the West Coast......

Those sneaky Canadians, they tempt you with $1 rocking chairs, smoked ribs, cold brews and the Stanley Hilton, then hit you for Services provided! haha

I guess that makes the F-101 Voodoo ride $19.34!!!!

Well worth it. Great time had by all and looking forward to coming back. Hope everyone at the Stanley Fly-In this weekend is having a blast. Paul, when your ready to stretch your legs in the 8, we will see you on the west coast!

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private information

<off topic mode>I would recommend not posting personal information like your full name and postal address on the Internet. I'm sure someone can find it if they really want to, but considering how many cases of identity theft there are, it can only make you a more appealing target. I've seen some horror stories.</off topic mode>
Hmm still no bill for me :confused: Either the fee went to the other BK (N174BK) or they are still crunching ### for all my visits :D

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Vlad, I think your bill is so big that they are sending it ground freight, so it will eventually arrive.....:D
4 months later still nothing :confused: I am a bit worried should I call them? I am planning a winter visit to Canada and don't want any unpleasantries.
Vlad, If you have any problems, just explain that you thought you programmed the GPS for Tortuga and not Toronto. I'm sure they will understand.
4 months later still nothing :confused: I am a bit worried should I call them? I am planning a winter visit to Canada and don't want any unpleasantries.

A Massachusetts State Police Trooper once told me, "It is better to beg forgiveness than to ask for permission".

I totally concur!

;) CJ

Just send the money to me (cash is preferred) Then when you land here in Canada, tell em you already paid me and everything will be fine.:D

Hey V-Man,
Weren't you the only one of us with a CANPASS? Could that have something to do with it? Maybe they have your money that way.

Just a thought.

Hey V-Man,
Weren't you the only one of us with a CANPASS? Could that have something to do with it? Maybe they have your money that way.

Just a thought.


Thought about that. If memory serves Turbo also has CANPASS and still got a bill.
still no bill since osh. maybe they didnt know i was there? hidden in the clouds.
I'm a Canadian living is the U.S.A. and I have made that trip to Canada 8 times. The bill is for the quarter in which you were using the Nav Canada resources. Now what constitutes a resource is the real question. I have used Flight Service and landed at non-towered airports and you will never get a bill. Then one year I did the same but then flew into one towered airport and I got a bill that year. Then I got my IFR ticket and now file IFR into Canada and now I get the bill every year. So it really depends on what services you use while in Canada.


Ray Doerr
N519RV (40250)
I have CANPASS; I got a bill from NavCanada a few weeks after my trip to up to Stanley...
CANPASS has nothing to do with the bill you will get from NAV CANADA. CANPASS only allows you to fly into some more interior airports that are not Airport of Entry airports by simply calling them and giving a list of all the Canadian's onboard and each person on board must have CANPASS.


Nav Canada Bill

There was an interesting surprise in the mail today - a bill from Nav Canada, presumably for a trip last June.

It says the "Trans. Date" was 18 July 13 (it was 6/22 - 6/23 when we were up there) and the "Due Date" is 18 July 13 but the billing date is 19 Feb 14. $17.85 seems a tad steep to open a flight plan, eh?

But to preserve international relations (and to avoid any hiccups when I visit Grand Manan Island with the Wife) I'll drop them a check in the mail.

At this late date I figured I wasn't going to get a bill, but like Dudley Do-Right and his RCMP's, I suppose Nav Canada "Always gets their man."...or airplane, as the case may be.
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I guess I may be due soon. My flight was from last years Oshkosh. Haven't heard anything yet.
Canada Post

I suspect most of that delay was with Canada Post. I think 90% of the postage charges are to cover storage costs :D.
Don't feel too bad, we have to pay over $70 per year to Nav Canada for the use of ATC even though we live in Canada.

Also, we have to pay about $25 per year for a US Customs sticker per aircraft or boat when we visit the US (which is very rare now that EAPIS is in place).
Don't feel too bad, we have to pay over $70 per year to Nav Canada for the use of ATC even though we live in Canada.

Also, we have to pay about $25 per year for a US Customs sticker per aircraft or boat when we visit the US (which is very rare now that EAPIS is in place).

I think my eAPIS "transponder" decal renewal was 27.50 but while it seems really pointless, the ability to visit Canada and share the beauty of the land and the people makes it more than worth it.
I flew down last September from Alaska and getting ready to fly back up in April. Everyone has to pay the $25.00 sticker. I think it is a way for the u.s. to just collect money and believe you me it is the first thing they look for on your plane. If I understand it and some Canadian's can set this straight but I believe all flights in canada have to be filed and that is where they get you. September it was $25.00. And it will be another $25.00 next month and I didn't even land at a towerd aitport. It can be blue blue sky and you still have to file.

So set us right on the flight plan cause I would rather not file but to cross the boarder you have to be on one.
You may be right that Nav Canada caught me based on the international flight plans I filed into and out of Canada. My comment was simply that my only radio call in Canada, beside self announcing at non towered airports, was to open a flight plan with Halifax radio.

As for the US checking that sticker upon return, I can say with some certainty they didn't check mine. It's on the pilots side of the plane. The customs agent approached from the PAX side, asked to see our passports, asked if we were bringing anything back, and said hava nice day. From what I hear, US BCP varies a lot. Some are decent folk and some have Barney Fife syndrome.
I flew down last September from Alaska and getting ready to fly back up in April. Everyone has to pay the $25.00 sticker. I think it is a way for the u.s. to just collect money and believe you me it is the first thing they look for on your plane. If I understand it and some Canadian's can set this straight but I believe all flights in canada have to be filed and that is where they get you. September it was $25.00. And it will be another $25.00 next month and I didn't even land at a towerd aitport. It can be blue blue sky and you still have to file.

So set us right on the flight plan cause I would rather not file but to cross the boarder you have to be on one.

You have to be on a flight plan to cross the border. You do not have to be on a flight plan to fly within Canada. I don't remember the exact wording, but it is something to the effect that "someone will know where you are starting from and going to." That is, if you tell a partner you are going to fly from Smithers to Prince George at approximately this time, that info is (apparently) sufficient for a cross-country trip in Canada. You can, of course, file a flight plan within the country as well. If this is wrong or has changed, perhaps the Canadians on here can correct me.

You have to be on a flight plan to cross the border. You do not have to be on a flight plan to fly within Canada. I don't remember the exact wording, but it is something to the effect that "someone will know where you are starting from and going to." That is, if you tell a partner you are going to fly from Smithers to Prince George at approximately this time, that info is (apparently) sufficient for a cross-country trip in Canada. You can, of course, file a flight plan within the country as well. If this is wrong or has changed, perhaps the Canadians on here can correct me.


Here's what the regs say.

Filing of a Flight Plan or a Flight Itinerary

602.75 (1) A flight plan shall be filed with an air traffic control unit, a flight service station or a community aerodrome radio station.

(2) A flight itinerary shall be filed with a responsible person, an air traffic control unit, a flight service station or a community aerodrome radio station.

(3) A flight plan or flight itinerary shall be filed by

(a) sending, delivering or otherwise communicating the flight plan or flight itinerary or the information contained therein; and

(b) receiving acknowledgement that the flight plan or flight itinerary or the information contained therein has been received.
In addition, a flight plan or itinerary must be filed if flying more than 25 nautical miles from your point of departure.