Great plans and service

In 1990 I got 63 pages of plans, three boxes of metal of various sizes, some pieces cut to rough size, Not a hole in anything, a few welded pieces, and the knowledge that if I couldn't figure it out I better reread and figure it out.
No internet, groups, or forums, very few people to ask.
It was locate, mark, drill, cut, etc etc etc.
Today you are in great hands with all the information out there.
I wish it all existed then, But, Hey I made an RV-6 plane out of all those pieces. The plans were actually real good then. And light years ahead now.
I was/am a home builder by profession so I understood blueprints already!
Oh ya that's with a C- high school diploma too.
Go for it Art
The plans were actually real good then. And light years ahead now.

Go for it Art

Didn't you also get a few pages of instructions?

Honestly, I thought those RV-6 blueprints made me think a lot more about next steps and potential traps than the current plans do. I've been surprised a couple of times on the -10 when I built myself into a corner I didn't see coming.