Brantel, I last reviewed this thread about a month ago when I thought your unit was fixed. Later posts suggest even worse problems.

My recollection is not perfect so my statement that this never happened before I changed my 430 into a 430W may not be correct. But that is my best recollection.

I just sent the Loss of Lock checklist to my dealer.

A 30 second loss right after take-off may be acceptable in most cases. I just recall thinking that I could not get my IFR rating with the unit dropping out like it used to during later periods.

Stein and Garmin sent me a new antenna and I installed it a few flights before my trip to Osh and back.

So far about 10 hrs and there have been no issues. This antenna seems to have a little better signal strength than the old one.
Lordy I hope not....Alex you may have jinxed me...:p

Oh wait! I just flew about an hour so it won't be that flight!
See, I could say mine fixes itself for, oh, about 4 to 20 hours at a time! Ok, I've got my eyes closed now, and am willing mine to fix itself permanently.
Anyone flying with cell phones turned on and in the airplane? When I owned a Bonanza I had an UPSAT 480 (later acquired by Garmin and called the GNS 480). I had a problem once upon a time after I flew from VA to OK. When I took off from the OK airport at about 5000' agl the 480 would immediately lose reception. I'd land, and all was well. Take off again and at 5000 I'd lose coverage. Very repeatable. I even called Flight Service and asked if there were GPS issues in the area as I had flown the airplane hundreds of hours with no problems with the GPS. Frustrated, I called my avionics Tech back in VA and asked him if he had any ideas. His first question was 'do you have a cell phone with you and turned on?'. When I answered yes his answer was 'TURN IT OFF!!!!!!'. Apparently at 5000' the cell phone would go to high power mode trying to find a cell tower and swamp the 480.

Even though my issue was with a 480, the tech had a similar issue with a 430 installed a Mooney. I think some cell phones are worse than others. YMMV