218HP on 8.7:1 with parallel valves is great if true! Should blow the IO-390 out of the water for power to weight.
218HP on 8.7:1 with parallel valves is great if true! Should blow the IO-390 out of the water for power to weight.

Very true, but forget not an important detail in that comparison...the 390 has pendulum absorbers and no propeller operating limitations.
Angle valve pistons

Sure looks to be a parallel valve engine to me, makes me wonder what an angle valve engine with the same internals could do???

The XP408AC (as it is now known) will eventually have a piston kit to suit the angle valve heads as well. I cannot give a time at the moment, however as a guide line, sometime mid 2012

Kind regards

AC Aero
Crank dampers

Very true, but forget not an important detail in that comparison...the 390 has pendulum absorbers and no propeller operating limitations.

Importnat to note, is that my crank design is a clean sheet design and not a stroked "standard" crank. We have undertaken vibration analysis and the results suggest a lower peak stress than comparable standard parts. As we move into the market the engine will undergo various prop testing and hopefully due to the significant reduction in vibration of the 408 engine will allow for some of the placards to be removed. Of course we will keep you updated on these events, both here on the forum and on the company's web site, www.acaeroengines.com

Kind regards

Price for the 408.

Approximately $48,000.00 for the 408,:eek:. I am looking to upgrade my engine but I think I will have to stick with a 375 at $26,000.00, if I do it. It sure is a neat idea though.