Thanks Dan and all the sponsors for another great chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones!

The event was awesome as usual!

I managed to get the e-scooter back to Camp Scholler and only got yelled at once by a security person that was about 16 years old on a road that does not belong to the EAA. :p

I am sure someone took some pictures. I forgot! Sorry! :D
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Good party! Might add another keg next year. The 4:00 start time looks like a keeper too.

Walked one fella to the dorm bus. Good natured driver promised to get him there.

I have someone's eyeglasses. If this sentence is kinda fuzzy, contact me...I know the cure!


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Thanks Dan.
It was great getting to see everyone again at one location.
Oh, and thanks for the pouring tip.
I can’t wait to try it again next year.
Had a great time as usual. Thanks to dan and all of the gracious sponsors. Also very happy for the lower alcohol content beer. Pretty rough surviving Sundays beer swap event. I am not one of those dutch guys that can keep going until the keg is empty

Thanks to Dan for coordinating and a big thanks to our sponsors!!

The social is an event not to be missed, and this year was no exception.
All----Wheile Steve and I didnt make the LONGGGGGGGG trek to the social, we appreciate all of those of you that did, and we hope you had a great time and got back to whereever you were going safely.

Tom and Steve
A big 'ole BTW...

This year's "No man left behind" award goes to Sid Mayeux. I'm told our man Scroll, in old school fighter pilot fashion, detected the need for guidance and gave one of the brethren a wingman GCI to his threshold.

Good on ya brother.
Had a great time

First time attending. Met up with lots of folks I only know through build sites. Looking forward to next year ( the Spotted Cow was tasty too!)