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Which conical mount do i have??

Which dynofocal mount do i have??

I just purchased an RV4 with a dynofocal mount. Its my understanding there are 2 types. How do I tell which type is on my plane? Will an engine that fits one type also fit the other type?? Does it matter?? Thanks, Tom in Ga.
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To my knowledge there is only one conical mount. There are 2 dynafocla mounts, type 1 and type 2. The type 2 is for the IO-320 from the Twin Commanche. The type 2 has a shallower angle because with the long prop extension of the Commanche, the cg of the engine is farther forward.
Thanks Mel, stupid me

Thanks for reply. I meant to write Dynafocal, but mistakedly wrote conical. Sorry to you guys. But still, how can I determine which one i have if I don't have both kinds in front of me to gage from?? I assume this mount came with the plane originally, but you know when you buy something used, you never know whats been changed. Thanks again to all that have answered all my questions here. Tom
Engine #

flybynight55 said:
I just purchased an RV4 with a dynofocal mount. Its my understanding there are 2 types. How do I tell which type is on my plane? Will an engine that fits one type also fit the other type?? Does it matter?? Thanks, Tom in Ga.
Is there a data plate on the engine? You can tell by looking, chance is its a Dynafocal I, more common. IF you have a data plate you can look up.