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Virtual Hangar Threads - msg for Krash


Well Known Member
Hey Doug

How come the main page says that there are 18 threads in the virtual hangar, but when I go there, it says "showing threads 1-7 of 7"

'From the'.....

Go in the virtual hangar section and scroll to the bottom (this works in all areas of the forums). You'll see a 'Display Options' section and and 'From the...' text box that is probably showing something like 'last two weeks' or something to that effect. Change it to 'from the beginning'.

That'll fix it up for you!

You'd think that being a software guy would have let me figure that out on my own. DOH !!!:eek:

Thanks Doug
From the beginning

DeltaRomeo said:
'From the'.....

Go in the virtual hangar section and scroll to the bottom (this works in all areas of the forums). You'll see a 'Display Options' section and and 'From the...' text box that is probably showing something like 'last two weeks' or something to that effect. Change it to 'from the beginning'.

That'll fix it up for you!


Remember you've got to do this each time you visit. Apparently it's not a savable setting.

Hmmm, sure about that?

Evening, Chris (saw your RV-8 in Sport Aviation - looks sweet).

Hey, I looked in the Virtual Hangar directory with the 'from the beginning' set and exited Internet Explorer. Came back in and it was still there.

Are you logging in? Does your browser accept cookies? Curious because mine 'remembers' that setting.
