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Trio Autopilot Remote Disconnect


Well Known Member
In doing my final wiring in preparation to send the fuselage to the painter by Dec. 31, I've come across a question about the Trio Autopilot remote disconnect; both the pitch and roll servos. The plans call for one momentary ground disconnect switch coupled to both pitch and roll servos. In reading about the pilot controlled steering mode, I'm reading activating the switch for 3 seconds will arm the servo (EZ-1 or 2) and will reengage when the switch is released. This enables the pilot to activate the remote disconnect, set a PCS rate of climb then disengage the the switch thereby setting a pilot controlled steering rate of ascent which the unit will now hold.

Given that scenerio, what would the pros and cons be of installing two on/off switches, one for the pitch servo and one for the roll servo. Seems all you would do for PCS is activate the switch, now free your hand for power settings, trim, etc. then switch it back off (after the three second deal and setting your climb). See page 23 of the altitude constrol operations manual.

Am I thinking rediculously far off base? Pros, Cons for you Trio users.

BTW gang, the more I read about the Trio operations the more I realize these people did their homework. Nice, nice units.
Given that scenerio, what would the pros and cons be of installing two on/off switches, one for the pitch servo and one for the roll servo.

Dana, at first blush it seems your scheme should work. However, I would run this past the three amigos at Trio to get their input.

I have the remote disconnect installed and the only time I use it is to disengage the system when entering the pattern and I'm forced to start flying the plane again. ;) I just don't ever feel the need to use the PCS feature even though it works nicely.

BTW gang, the more I read about the Trio operations the more I realize these people did their homework. Nice, nice units.

I concur, and your convictions will be affirmed after you fly your autopilots. :)

I am far behind you in the build process but do have the same ? I am wiring the plane as I speak and doing the prelim. schematics. I have decided to use two momentary switches, UNLESS, someone with higher power and knowledge can give a good reason not to. I do like the idea of simplicity though and thus would like just one switch, but I can comtemplate many different flight scenarios where turning just one of the autopilots off would be helpful.

My question to add to yours is: Is the Ray Allen Trim Servo necsessay if one were to accept that the Trio servo will maintain roll trim. My quick answer is yes! Based on the notion that there will be times when I am hand flying the machine and want the ability to trim with out the auto pilot being used?

Final question: Dana, and other, are you using glass panels and if so are you connecting them to the trio's to monitor their trim positions????

TIA for your help

Frank @ SGU and SLC wiring/fiberglassing/$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I am wiring the plane as I speak and doing the prelim. schematics. I have decided to use two momentary switches

Frank, an item on my low priority, rainy day to-do-list is to replace the single pushbutton disconnect switch with a double throw momentary switch (like the one used for the electric flaps). That will allow disconnect of an individual system and still only require one switch. I guess the only downside is losing the ability to instantly disengage both systems with a single punch of the button.
Ive installed one switch to kill both. Frankly I never use it. I find myself wanting to kill one or the other at different times in the flight, especially IFR so I just kill one at a time via std interface.

I also find the the hold to a new heading feature does not get used by me either. I dial the heading I need and engage.

Just the way I use it. And you will have to pry this 2 axis AP from my dead hands. Its realy the nutts. It does so many things well, just too much to list. Very well though out and feature rich. Not to mention, IT WORKS! :D

Single kill switch


I am still a couple weeks away from flying, but I wired the Trios to a single switch. Like Kahuna, I can always dial in a heading unless I have an F-1X or C-1XX starting to fill my windscreen. THEN I want the simplicity of hitting one switch and doing some impromtu yank & bank. I may change my mind later, but I am looking at it from the safety standpoint, especially with new MOA's up here about 100 miles north of you.

Bob Kelly

P.S. We on for another Feb. fly-in? Hope to make that my first short X-C.
I am still a couple weeks away from flying, but I wired the Trios to a single switch. Like Kahuna, I can always dial in a heading unless I have an F-1X or C-1XX starting to fill my windscreen. THEN I want the simplicity of hitting one switch and doing some impromtu yank & bank. I may change my mind later, but I am looking at it from the safety standpoint, especially with new MOA's up here about 100 miles north of you.

Just so there isn't any confusion, you can easily overpower the servo clutches without disengaging the system if something big and shiny suddenly fills your windshield. I flew the EZ-Pilot for quite a few months without the remote disconnect switch and never found it to be essential, just handy.
fstringham7a said:

Final question: Dana, and other, are you using glass panels and if so are you connecting them to the trio's to monitor their trim positions????

TIA for your help

Frank @ SGU and SLC wiring/fiberglassing/$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Frank, I am using the Dynon EMS D120 engine monitor. Contrary to my desire to fly formation, I am using manual trim, I just like it better for me.

Thanks for the responses, Sam and Kahuna (knowledgeable users).

Bob Kelly says:

P.S. We on for another Feb. fly-in? Hope to make that my first short X-C.

You bet, I am starting to call vendors for door prizes, getting a roller lined up for rolling the grass on each side of the taxiways, was at Hooters yesterday, matter of fact, the girls WILL be at the flyin this year.............and WILL have "Black Magic" out of the hangar. More to follow in the flyin forum.
I do not understand the question of using glass panel to monitor the trio's trim? The AP has no trim, although the pitch AP will adjust your electrim elev trim for you.

If your asking if the glass monitors the electrim trim, then in my case, I use the ACS 3400 engine monitor to display trim position. I ditched those darn VANS LED indicators. Too many burned out and they look cheesy.


After doing the trim electrical schematic I can see where my earier ???? would raise some eye brows. Pitch/roll/flaps will be indicated on the Dynon EMS in my case. Your right........What has the Trio's got to do with it other than auto pitch trim

Thanks for all your and others insights...........I just have a Masters Degree in..........Business Administration? So what do I really know that counts! 21 years as a high school chemistry teacher helps a little!!

Frank @ SGU and SLC ......wiring/fiberglass/$$$$$$$$$$$$$