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Trailing edge concerns


Well Known Member
Hi all,
I did the right elevator TE over the weekend. It's pretty straight, but a couple of things aren't quite perfect. I'm hoping these are just cosmetic issues... please have a look at the diagram... has anyone else encountered these issues? Will they affect safety, performance or reliability?

Diagram of my concerns:
The deformity between rivets is primarily cosmetic. The "offset" trailing edge will act like a trim tab.
Phil - this means your aircraft won't win Grand Champion at Oshkosh ):

I wouldn't worry too much about either of these issues from an aircraft handling point of view. Yes, the deflected elevator tip will act like a trim tab, but you will simply use the real trim tab to zero out the stick forces. There will be a bit of extra drag at high speed, when the real trim tab is deflected trailing edge up, and your elevator trailing edge is deflected trailing edge down. But, I suspect the effect of the extra drag would be too small to measure.

I think these are only cosmetic issues, and you will have to be judge of whether you are happy with them or not.
trailing edge

what you can do with that trailing edge is lay it on a flat bucking plate and use a flat set to RE-HIT the rivets in the direction you want to move that deformed trailing edge. We did this all the time in the proto shop at Vans. And do it before that proseal really takes a set, if you just did the elevator this weekend you still should be able to accomplish this. Phil D.
I just inspected the other elevator, and it's the same situation there. That deflection of the upper skin is only at the ends of the elevators (inboard and outboard) where the skins lie over the ribs... it's like the ribs are just a bit too wide towards the trailing edge and the upper skins have to deflect down to meet the lower skins correctly in those spots. Because it's not along the whole length of the trailing edge I hope the "trim-tab" effect of this will be minimized.

Now I've got another problem... see my new post about my powder-coating on my elevator horns!
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