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The Truth About RV's and Dogs


Well Known Member
I have two Golden Retrievers, and neither have ever been in an airplane. I'm not sure we are going to tackle this little adventure, but does anybody fly with a 65 pound dog or two in an RV? I know people do it all the time in spam cans, but never really heard of anyone doing this in an RV.

Just wondering...as I sit here board at work... :rolleyes:
My golden and I have been on many trips in my RV-6. If im solo, I take the pax seatback out so she can go back and forth from bagagge to seat. She was only enthusuastic when taxiing. On takeoff, she would plop down and Id not see much of her except for the occasional look up at me. I did keep a water bottle I could squirt in her mouth for decents so keep her ears clear. She never showd signs of discomfort eather with air pressure or noise. SHe is pretty impervios to plane noise having spent so much time at the airport and helping me build 2 planes. Riveting does not even raise an ear.

She is always enthusiastic when I pulled the plane out. She knew we were going somewhere cool.

I have not taken her anywhere in the 8 yet. Id also pull the seat back out so she could wonder around a bit.


cjensen said:
I have two Golden Retrievers, and neither have ever been in an airplane. I'm not sure we are going to tackle this little adventure, but does anybody fly with a 65 pound dog or two in an RV? I know people do it all the time in spam cans, but never really heard of anyone doing this in an RV.

Just wondering...as I sit here board at work... :rolleyes:
talk about a slow day ..man this seems crazy to me but whatever. aint like your gonna slam on brakes and send her to the floor pan..my dogs insist on being in my lap when i drive i couldnt imagine them in a small plane. i would have to crate them. :(
Head out the window...

Chad, have you wind tested Wiley's cheeks at 170 kts yet? :D Maybe some doggles would be in order as well.

Did you put something over the baggage compartment floor? I was thinking I would like to take Torque, my 54 lb Bull Dog, flying with me but that floor is so thin I would be afraid he would dent it.
I'm building a special crate for my three goldens to travel with us (gotta do something with all the sheet metal skills I'm learning):) They are lap dogs at home but I don't think I want that when I'm flying.

Kahuna was that your golden I saw at the EAA 690 meeting this past Saturday?
I am planning a false floor in the baggage area of my -7. It will elevate my 60 lb. dog and provide about 6" of storage underneath his fuzzy little butt!

:) CJ
This thread spooks me. One could only imagine how dangerous it would be to have a 65+ pound dog freak on take-off or landing and having Sparky pin the controls as he tries to hide on the floor.

I have to relate this one story about a very serious, talented older flight instructor I once had and I'LL NEVER POST ANYTHING MORE ABOUT ANIMALS TO THIS FORUM. Wilbur and his wife decided to take their nice kittykat flying with them to visit their daughter in Redding, California. On the climbout, in rain and turbulence and while transitioning to instruments, the cat freaked out and attached itself to Wilbur's head....firmly. He said his wife tried and tried to get the cat off his head, but the cat had all twenty fishhooks in and was growling and would not let go. Finally, with blood running down his face Will decided to turn back and made an instrument approach with the cat still stuck to the top of his head. After landing, the cat calmed down and they all drove home, bandaged Will up, got their cat transport box, went back to the airport and flew to Redding with the very same cat (who amazingly was still alive). Will's advice to me was never to fly with a cat...ever. "It just isn't worth it." Ahh, the memories in this flying game...
You taught me well Will Haley...thanks.
N941WR said:

Did you put something over the baggage compartment floor? I was thinking I would like to take Torque, my 54 lb Bull Dog, flying with me but that floor is so thin I would be afraid he would dent it.

Just a comforter to keep the dog hair off the carpet. I would not stick a whacked out rat dogg or anything back there. But my extremely laid back and well behaved golden (55lbs) was a pleasure to have around on my trips. She particularly liked the Florida trips to my dads who lives on the beach. In decents she would perk up with the smell of salt water. She knew soon we would be on the ground thrashing on the beach with a frisbee. Yipee!! :D

Oh man she loved those Florida trips in the RV.
I dog-sat my daughter's Boston Terrier for a week once and returned him to her via RV (she lives in San Antonio).

I was worried about the noise -- I know I can't stand it without headphones and a dog's ears are much more sensitive than ours. I bought a pair of cheap noise protectors and removed the earcups, then duct-taped them back together to make him a little headset. He also has a harness with a strap that she uses to strap him into her car. It worked fine to keep him from wandering around. You can get these at any pet shop.

He was calm most of the way, but he wouldn't sit up and look out, which was odd because he usually gets real excited about looking out the window when he rides in the car. He didn't seem scared, but he just wasn't his usual rambunctious self. When we got to Santone, it got pretty bumpy as I was descending. He didn't whine or anything, but he started drooling a bunch. Apparently dogs do that when they're sick at their stomach because a couple of minutes later, he puked big-time. I had put a rug down, but naturally he managed to miss the rug and get it all over the carpet. No harm done, though -- I threw some paper towels on it to keep it from soaking in and it cleaned up fine later.

So "Poncho Villa" got his wings, but I think he would have preferred the drive.